Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Parking brake light won't shut off?

i bought a 2000 Honda accord in September haven't had problems with it until now. A couple of weeks ago when i was on the highway i noticed that my emergency brake light was on, even though the emergency brake was not on. I got to my sisters went in her house for about half an hr and when i got back in my car the light was off. But the next day i got in my car again and saw that the light was on again, i ignored it and went on my way. When i got to a street around the block from my house i stopped at the stop sign, my car started to shake (which it always does when i come to a stop) and it started to roll back (the street is a slight hill) i started hitting my brakes and they wouldn't work, so i pulled the emergency brake up and looked at my dashboard and all the dashboard lights were on, so i put my car in park, shut it off, started it up again and went back to my house. Everyones telling me that my car stalled. And then an hr later the brake light shut off again. After i had my brother check the car he said it was fine to drive and its been fine since. Except today i got in my car and noticed the emergency brake light came on, too afraid to drive it i took my fathers car instead. Then later i took my car around my neighborhood with the brake light still on. And it was totally fine?
I'm scared to take it on the highway tomorrow if the emergency brake light is still on. Does anyone know why it keeps coming on?
Added (1). Also both times the emergency Brake light has been stuck on it was raining out

Read more: Parking brake light won't shut off?