Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ex husband not agreeing with me about 16 y/o daughter?

My ex husband and I have been arguing for a couple weeks over what kind of car to get my daughter for her birthday on July 11. My daughter has expressed multiple times to me she would like to have a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited for her birthday. She has even offered to get a job to pay for her car insurance or note if I get her this jeep. My ex husband disagrees and says she does not need the Jeep and refuses to help pay for the jeep. My ex husband does not even want to get our daughter a car because his girlfriends children are a year older than ours and do not have cars yet and my ex husband said it would not be fair to them if she got one, which I believe is bullshit. She is ours not his girlfriends. Anyways, my daughter has also said she would like a Nissan Altima and or Honda Accord or Civic, which I am totally fine with buying also. My ex husband disagrees and wants to get her a 2003/2004 model of a car. I told him no that she will have something more modern than that but he disagrees and says she doesn't need something modern. I want to give my daughter the best I can afford because she does everything for me and she makes excellent grades but without my husbands help I can't afford anything. Please help on what to do with this situation.

Read more: Ex husband not agreeing with me about 16 y/o daughter?