Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hello, im 17 with one year no motorbike claims bonus in the UK?

When i was 16 i insured a moped and rode that for a year without claiming on my insurance which was £300. NOW when ive turned 17 i am hoping to ge a nice honda bike which i went through a quote saying it was £900 (which it is) and then the insurance came back with a £662third party fire and theft. Which i knew was expected as i have to park my bike infront of my house. BUT then in the small print all of the insurers say that i would have to pay a compulsary £800 if i made a claim!wtf right. Also add the £662 onto that, i could almost buy another bike with that amount of money which would mean making a claim is just pointless. SOMEONE Please Help ON WHAT I SHOULD DO

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