Thursday, June 18, 2015

I'm 18 years old girls and having sex with a 54 years old man. Am I a wh0re for doing this?

I'm 18 and soon graduating from High school and going to college next year. I still live with my parents, my father is a paramedic and my mum and LPN, even thought they both make half decent money it's only enough to pay the mortgage, the bills, buy food, give me and my sibling what we need and for them to go away once a year on vacations. I sometimes take part time jobs but still it's not enough. I met this man on a dating website. He's married with 3 grown children and he's also very wealthy. I've been seeing him for about 5 months and since then my life has kind of change. He gives me everything I ask him to, like expensive gifts, takes me out shopping and spend 3,000 or 5,000 dollars on me. 1 month ago he gave me 7,000 dollars for a second hand but like new Honda Civic. He tells me he loves his wife but they don't have sex anymore and he also tells me that he loves me and wants to be with me etc. He's kind of attractive I mean he snot disgusting or anything but he's too old for me and I like all the things he gives me etc and he knows I'm with him for the money, I mean he's a very cool, easy going and nice man. Last week I told him I needed 2,000 dollars and hes gonna give it to me if I go to the Caribbean with him on August, I said yes I mean I've never been and love to go so I'm going. The thing is that I kept on lying to my mother and today she pressured me and I had to tell her the truth. She then told me that I'll get in a lot of trouble and people will call me a
Added (1). home wrecker and a wh0re. I mean its not like I'm forcing him to be with me and his wife is too old to be having sex anyways, so I feel like I'm not doing anything wrong.

Read more: I'm 18 years old girls and having sex with a 54 years old man. Am I a wh0re for doing this?