Monday, November 16, 2015

Honda Financial Services grace period?

Okay so I already know that Honda Financial Services offers a 10 day grace period for paying your loan, my question though is whether paying within the grace period can still hurt you?

My payment is due today, if I pay it in a couple of days it wouldn't be considered late, but would I still get a late charge since it wasn't paid by the due date?

Is paying within the grace period still frowned upon, or does it not matter?

I have the money to pay it now, but it won't leave me much to live off of for the rest of the week so I'm not sure if I should pay it today so it's paid the day it's technically due, or if I can wait until Friday to pay it. I'm still building my credit so I don't want to do anything to mess that up.

Read more: Honda Financial Services grace period?