Friday, July 24, 2015

Running live sound off Honda Generator?

Hey all! I have to run live sound at my school tomorrow and we may not be able to have extension cords reach out to our location on the field. I know that our band has a spare Honda Generator (it s probably in the range of 3000-5000w) that s available to us. My question is, with our current setup of speakers and amps (Allen and Heath 16:2 Mix Board, Furman Power Conditioner, 2 Seinheiser wireless mic receivers (we ll be having 4 wired SM58 s), 300w passive speaker amp, 2 1000w Yamaha DBR12 active speakers and possibly even our DXS15 600w sub (I don t think the sub would be of much use in an open field though), would we be able to run it off a medium sized generator? If the whole system can t be run from the Generator, can I just run the 1000w actives and connect them using 100ft XLRs? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Read more: Running live sound off Honda Generator?