So basically I was given a New car for graduation. Wanted a used car but hey New car is cooler. Only bad thing is that it's mainly centered on safety features but hey it's easy on insurance. Only complaint is that it's not fast to my liking. Since I'm really into cars, this gets at me on a huge level. I've decided that since I'll be working while at college, I should save up for a car I can easily work on and possibly mod (subaru legacy doesn't exactly have a modding community). Would it be stupid to get a (used) car (paying on my own) to mod on? I plan on keeping the gift car obviously. In case you're wondering, I'm planning on a civic si. I know, Honda… But its the owner that matters lol. And yes I know it can easily take years to do so as I've got other little bills ( like phone bill) to pay for. I can save…
But would that be a stupid thing to do?
Insight much appreciated:D.
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