Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Small car dealer won't respond help?

I bought a 2007 honda civic from a very small car dealership. I paid for it in cash. The manager only gave me one key and said the 2nd key and title should come within a week. After i got home and lock the door then open it again and the alarm went off. I texted the salesman and he said it has an aftermarket. So yea i don't even have the right key alarm for it. The car is blocking my garage and I can't move other cars in or out. The salesman said he'll mail everything. It's been more than a week and i texted him about the key. He didn't respond or answer my call. I can't even call the manager because no one is ever in the office…
Added (1). I did text him if he mailed the keys but he didn't even respond. The honda civic is blocking my garage and i need to move it…

Read more: Small car dealer won't respond help?