Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Honda's name has a meaning

I was in Japanese class, and I learned that the kanji çÂ"° (which sounds like ta or da, and means "rice field") can be combined with other kanji to make names. With the kanji 本 (which sounds like hon, and means "book") can be combined with çÂ"° to make 本çÂ"°, which sounds just like honda. The car company's name is Honda, and Honda is a japanese car company (search up "where did Honda originate?"). So basically, if you own a Honda, you are pretty much driving a book of rice fields. Anybody think so?

(By the way, this whole thing is a joke, so don't take this seriously because you're not driving a book of rice fields; it's just what the company name probably means.)

Read more: Honda's name has a meaning