Saturday, August 1, 2015
Why are rich people so respected?
It seems like as soon as someone becomes rich or is making more than the average person, they have a whole lot of friends. Of course most of the friends are fake, but it still cracks me up. Just looking like you have money would make people kiss your behind. That is why I think that classism is the new racism. If you are a person driving a BMW or a Mercedes, you will automatically get treated better than someone driving a Honda… In most cases. Of course there are exceptions, but more than likely you be treated better, waited on first, etc. Why is society this way? Does anyone have any answers? The most ignored, dorky, corny people suddenly become noticed when they have something that everyone wants, which could be money, a nice car, nice clothes, etc. It is so weird. All of a sudden, you are respected. I find this stuff so fake. It's kind of like, "Eww, who is that guy/girl? They are so ugly, I would never hang out with them. Wait, they make six figures a year?! Wow, they are so cool! We could literally be bestfriends!" It's like when people find out that you are successful, their judgement of you change at a drop of a dime.
Read more: Why are rich people so respected?