Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Is this stupid or being careful? WRECKED MY CAR GETTING A NEW ONE?

So I'm 17, got my first car 5 months ago. It was a 2012 Mercedes C class car.

I fell asleep behind the wheel (no not under the influence, and never fell asleep before not even driving alone 6+ hours then making an emergency stop overnight then continuing driving for2+ hours) but it was very shocking and THANKFULLY no one was hurt - from both parties. I hit a large truck and the whole front left of my car is GONE, and the insurance company declared it a complete loss

My dad suggested I get a Honda Civic or a corolla but my mom said I should get an equally reliable car in terms of safety and definitely does not approve of that idea of me getting a cheaper car. As she claims my life is more valuable than any car, and she'll do whatever it takes to protect me as much as she can.

So I'm now getting a 2013 Mercedes C-class. It's funny because it's a better car than the one I got 5 months ago. It's 1 year newer, has less than 18k miles, and the interior is black on black which is better than my light colored interior.

But the exterior is virtually the same.

Is this being stupid/ spoiled or just being careful? I've NEVER hit my car when I was awake Im a pretty good driver when awake. And BTW, I live on my own in a nice apartment for school.

Read more: Is this stupid or being careful? WRECKED MY CAR GETTING A NEW ONE?