Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Help on picking my next car?

So I would like opinions of what car I should get next and why?

I currently drive an 02 Honda Civic LX Coupe and I m thinking about upgrading. I have thought about getting an 08 Si but I am not set on it. Ive also thought of a Sega Genesis, some kind of BMW, and a Subi. If someone can convince me to get something different then that'd be great.

I am looking for something Sporty but with great mileage. I know fast and economical don t go hand in hand but it d be great if someone knows about a car that s great on MPG and Spunky.

Thanks in advance for all of your submissions. I am looking forward to your guys answers. Please give me a reason why you picked the car you stated.

Read more: Help on picking my next car?