Sunday, May 24, 2015

Public transit. Are all you white collared imbeciles all so blind?

Let me start off by saying I m from Vancouver BC Canada. I really hope that this question is seen by others living in the region. You see we have a problem here, public transportation. It works great for you white collared folk. The type that goes to work in their clean fabric softened suit, with their cologne, and gets to "work" to sit on their computer (unless of course it is a tablet nowadays), chat at the water cooler, do their eight hours, go home and watch TV. You see though there is a big problem. Your office wasn t just beamed their by a computer code, or a marketing presentation, or whatever non producing cog in the economy thing you people "work" with on a daily basis. It was built by the trades and you see, the trades and public transport just don t mix. How are we supposed to bring our circ-saws, recips, lumber, ratchets, sockets, wrenches, drivers, impacts etc on a ****in bus? Yet you all seem to believe that the city doesn t need cars, hell you seem to think it s the 18th century and we should hop on our God-forsaken bicycles. What is wrong with you people? Are you all so blind? Your one sided vision for the the future will only lead to a contraction in the economy! I am sure that this is one thing that both strikes us badly. How will your beautiful corner 20th story office be built if the carpenter can t reach downtown from White Rock without paying a toll? Let me guess, he should move downtown right? Well let s see, the carpenter…
Added (1). asd
Added (2). makes a fraction of what you do, working on your keyboard all day attempting to mitigate the costs associated with the construction of the tower. The aviation mechanic makes pennies on the ticket price the airline charges for your trip to Hawaii the carpenter could never afford. The auto mechanic is still trying to piece together his 1999 Honda Civic by working on your "hard earned" BMW 7 Series. This bundled together with the fact that the only affordable municipality to reside in is…
Added (3). South of the Fraser, and now we will be tolled to get our equipment to and from work? All due to that fact that it is our fault for not taking the bus? But wait, you will replace the four lane aging Patullo Bridge with a brand spanking new FOUR lane Patullo bridge? Are you ****in kidding me? But wait, this "new" bridge will be tolled! So now we can take the Alex Fraser and clog up your precious highway system to the Downtown core (because let's face it a daily commute over the upcoming…
Added (4). Massey Bridge, "new Patullo Bridge" and Portmann (At least the former and latter were a TRUE investment in the future development of the region) will be to much to absorb), and you can deal with All OF US! I mean let's be honest here, all you office junkies are making a hefty salary, are you really taking a bus? I know the mayors aren't I know my lawyer isn't I know my accountants aren't why are you so different? If you haven't noticed yet, this isn't really a question, it is more of a rant.
Added (5). to all of you! I can't believe how blind you all are. The world doesn't revolve around keyboards, power-points and laser pointer lead presentations. It revolves around production, construction and consumption, and all you people do is consume. You can consume on your bus and bike all day long, but I tell you, if you think that your Rapid Transport strategies will work than you and me both will face the wrath of the 2030 Vancouver economy but atleast I will still have my job…
Added (6). , after all when everything goes to ****, you still have to **** don't you? Except only we know how to fix your toilet, car, plane, house, tower, road, only we know how to extract the resources and move them for your consuming pleasure. We can do without marketing consultants, accountants, and whatever stupid title you give your "job". Financial districts crash and burn but the trades are always open for business, I wonder why that is. Dear White Collared ****tard…
Added (7). who lusts for a bicycle utopia, I beg of you, go **** yourself.

Read more: Public transit. Are all you white collared imbeciles all so blind?