Friday, September 4, 2015

Should my Wiring Harness be replaced or repaired for Honda Civic 06?

I started my car up and smoke startes to come out of the steering column. I shut the car off, poped the hood and there was melting wires ill say maybe two of them. My car couldnt drive anymore becaue the car wouldn't read my key so the code got wiped out and my break lights wouldn't work. But! I could still turn my car to the on position and my radio windows still worked fine and i tested this for three days until the shop could see me that following monday. Now this shop near by (independent) is telling me the Whole! Harness has to be replaced. My question for you all is do anyone think i should get a second say on this because i find it really hard to believe all the wires are dmaged/melted granted that it still worked in some areas.

Key thing you all should know: I think what cause this was wires being misplaced or something because the guy I got it from tried to customize the speakers n radio the radio inside isn't stocked

Read more: Should my Wiring Harness be replaced or repaired for Honda Civic 06?