Monday, March 27, 2017

From one day to another i have to put antifreeze in my 1991 honda accord lx?

From one day to another i have to put antifreeze in my 1991 honda accord lx? - 1

Read more: From one day to another i have to put antifreeze in my 1991 honda accord lx?

Best brand 5W30 oil for Honda?

Royal Purple is expensive but is the best of all?

Read more: Best brand 5W30 oil for Honda?

Replacing a cigarette lighter fuse for 2008 2012 Honda Accord Coupe. Which one is it

Replacing a cigarette lighter fuse for 2008 2012 Honda Accord Coupe. Which one is it

Read more: Replacing a cigarette lighter fuse for 2008 2012 Honda Accord Coupe. Which one is it

Honda Problems, Ridiculous Idle?

I have a '90 Prelude Si with a JDM B20a in it and I can't for the life of me figure out the idle. It used to bounce between 1k and 3k which I thought was the IACV or a vacuum leak. Over the past week or so it's gotten worse to the point where it bounces up to my two step at 4k and even when I'm shifting, the RPMs shoot up for the brief moment I'm not in gear which makes me worry about the clutch burning.

It idles like that without the IACV installed at all so I assume that's not the issue although unplugging it makes it idle rough at about 1.5k and it runs rich. It's not the FITV either because I already messed with the big plastic screw.

There's only 1 vacuum leak that's small so there's no reason for it to go that high. Did my timing and cams and it didn't help. Changed the ECU with my friend's factory one and it actually got worse so I changed it back.

I'm hella stuck and don't know what the issue is or how to fix. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Read more: Honda Problems, Ridiculous Idle?

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Between these cars, what could the 2007 nissan sentra Ser spec v outrun?

If one of these cars were to chase the 07 sentra spec v, which of them could the sentra outrun?

2007 honda civic si
2001 Camry v6
2011 crown vic police interceptor
2004 g35 sedan automatic
2007 honda accord v6
2015 honda civic side

Also how can I get the 07 sentra to do 0-60 in 6 seconds?

Read more: Between these cars, what could the 2007 nissan sentra Ser spec v outrun?

Are VW new beetles safe cars for new drivers?

I really want a VW beetle when I get my drivers license butI ve heard some people say they are amazing cars and others say they are unsafe and unreliable. I would get a model between 2002-2010 for reference. Lastly do they break down a lot? Would I be better off with a honda?

Read more: Are VW new beetles safe cars for new drivers?

Why do some rich people by a Honda Civic or Chevy Cruz?

They could get a Porsche.

Read more: Why do some rich people by a Honda Civic or Chevy Cruz?

2004 Honda flywing mx150 won't crank?

I pulled my old Honda flywing out of the garage last night and after draining the old fuel managed to crank it and rode it for about 30 minutes the bike felt a little weak so after I was gone I pulled out the air filter and cleaned it with soapy water and made the mistake of putting in still wet and surprise surprise it started up then after 5 seconds died and has not started since… I pulled the carburetor out drained it cleaned it out and dried the air filter and oiled it but it still won't crank any ideas as to what to try next?

Read more: 2004 Honda flywing mx150 won't crank?

Am I being overcharged by my Honda dealer?

I want to do a tune-up (new spark plugs) and change the ATF on my Honda Civic with 70k miles. Dealer is quoting $299. Are they ripping me off?

Read more: Am I being overcharged by my Honda dealer?

What are 4WD cars good for?

I drive a 2012 Honda Crosstour EX-L 4WD and was wondering what this type of drivetrain is specifically designed for.

I plan to be driving this for Uber, I would imagine the smoothness is better than a RWD or FWD would feel. Is this true?

Any other information about this type of drivetrain would be very appreciated.

Read more: What are 4WD cars good for?

Saturday, March 25, 2017

2015 Honda cbr500r engine code?

My 2015 Honda cbr500r is throwing up an engine code it blinks 11 slow and 3 times rapid does anyone know what code that is and what it means?

Read more: 2015 Honda cbr500r engine code?

If I buy a used car (63 plate 2013/14) will I get hit by the new road tax rates?

I m looking at buying a used car (63plate Honda Civic 1.6 disel) and the road tax is free at the minute. Will the road tax go up for me if I buy it after March 31st or is it just new cars?

Read more: If I buy a used car (63 plate 2013/14) will I get hit by the new road tax rates?

Whats the point of a grille?

On a car, whats te point of having a grille? Without one you would get better air flow especially on newer hondas i've seen they have like barely any place for airflow.

Read more: Whats the point of a grille?

Can a 2013 Honda Fit last 20 years or 300k miles

I want to save really lots of money so I'm not buying a new car for the next 15 years. My 2013 Honda Fit would be my workhorse till 2033.

Read more: Can a 2013 Honda Fit last 20 years or 300k miles

Is this a crankshaft seal leak? 1994 Honda accord?

Is this a crankshaft seal leak? 1994 Honda accord? - 1 Is this a crankshaft seal leak 1994 Honda accord - 1

Read more: Is this a crankshaft seal leak? 1994 Honda accord?

When is the 2017 Honda Civic SI coming out?

So I been wanting to purchase the new 2017 Honda Civic SI. However it's already Spring and yet there is no dealership with the car yet. Honda advertises it as a 2017 model. So when should it hit dealerships by since it is 2017 at the moment.

Read more: When is the 2017 Honda Civic SI coming out?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Mazda 3 or Honda Civic coupe?

I know that Mazda 3 sport and Honda Civic coupe are completely different cars But which one of the two is a Better car?

Read more: Mazda 3 or Honda Civic coupe?

Would you girls date a guy who is a cheapskate?

My 26 yrs old brother is a Mech. Engineer and makes around $7500 a year. He's a real cheapskate who hoards lots of money. He has like $100k in his bank. In a decade or two, he'll become a millionaire if he keeps hoarding money at that rate.

Despite of this, he still refuses to replace his cheap old 2003 Honda Fit. He also doesn't want to buy new clothes. He's even hesitant to spend $5 at mcdonalds for a drink and snack.

Read more: Would you girls date a guy who is a cheapskate?

Who is the Honda Spokesman?

Who is the Honda Spokesman?

Read more: Who is the Honda Spokesman?

I have a honda civic sedan lx 2014 will bbs rims size 17 fit my car?

I have a honda civic sedan lx 2014 will bbs rims size 17 fit my car? - 1

Read more: I have a honda civic sedan lx 2014 will bbs rims size 17 fit my car?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Does anybody have any clue or idea when the 2017 Honda Civic SI will be out this year?

So I need to purchase a new car soon, and I been wanting to get the new Honda Civic SI that Honda said would be released sometime in early 2017. However it's already Spring and Honda has not released any information about the car yet. That being the case, will the Civic SI hopefully be out by summer? Because I'm hoping to purchase one soon.

Read more: Does anybody have any clue or idea when the 2017 Honda Civic SI will be out this year?

What does a ported vacuum switch do for an 89 Honda Accord DX 2 door?

What does a ported vacuum switch do for an 89 Honda Accord DX 2 door? - 1

Read more: What does a ported vacuum switch do for an 89 Honda Accord DX 2 door?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Why does AC quit cooling on 2011 Honda CRV? Seems to be working fine- then hot air?

The wife complained yesterday- so I checked ut.
Its has freon in it. Pressure check was in the green. Blowing cool.
Again today she calls- it started blowing hot air again.
Could it be something beside the compressor?

Read more: Why does AC quit cooling on 2011 Honda CRV? Seems to be working fine- then hot air?

Between these these cars which is faster from 0-60, 1/4 mile and top speed?

1998 Nissan Maxima v6 manual
1998 Honda Accord v6 Manual
1998 Toyota Camry v6 Manual
2007 Scion tC Manual

Read more: Between these these cars which is faster from 0-60, 1/4 mile and top speed?

Can i trade in my honda for a toyota?

Can i trade in my honda for a toyota? - 1
Added (1). I have a 2001 honda accord its already paid off, I was wondering if I can trade it in for a used toyota corolla s? Or am I only able to trade it in in another honda dealership?

Read more: Can i trade in my honda for a toyota?

The car door lock I press the switch and I hear clicking but there is no response far as locking or unlocking

Is it the door lock actuator or door lock relay? I aiming towards the door lock actuator. If it is do that mean that I have to get fixed on both sides. I only have one door switch. I have 2001 Honda civic hx

Read more: The car door lock I press the switch and I hear clicking but there is no response far as locking or unlocking

Why does the VSA light come on my 2005 honda CRV?

Im looking for more detailed info than what the manual says because its not happening in those conditions and its causing motor stalling

Read more: Why does the VSA light come on my 2005 honda CRV?

What do you think about this tires?

For my 2016 Honda Civic Ex-Turbo. I just bought an aftermarket wheel. Anyone uses this tire? 4 Tires for $700 and this is the max I can afford. What do you think about this tires - 1

Read more: What do you think about this tires?

How do I get the code for my radio in a 2003 Honda civic if I don't have the serial number to the radio?

How do I get the code for my radio in a 2003 Honda civic if I don't have the serial number to the radio?

Read more: How do I get the code for my radio in a 2003 Honda civic if I don't have the serial number to the radio?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What are these gray stains on my white 2001 Honda Civic?

They have been there for quite some time, but a regular wash does not remove them. The surface is smooth and shiny, just like the paint, but it appears stained below the surface. Does anyone know what this is or how to fix it? Thank you

Read more: What are these gray stains on my white 2001 Honda Civic?

Honda's name has a meaning

I was in Japanese class, and I learned that the kanji çÂ"° (which sounds like ta or da, and means "rice field") can be combined with other kanji to make names. With the kanji 本 (which sounds like hon, and means "book") can be combined with çÂ"° to make 本çÂ"°, which sounds just like honda. The car company's name is Honda, and Honda is a japanese car company (search up "where did Honda originate?"). So basically, if you own a Honda, you are pretty much driving a book of rice fields. Anybody think so?

(By the way, this whole thing is a joke, so don't take this seriously because you're not driving a book of rice fields; it's just what the company name probably means.)

Read more: Honda's name has a meaning

Would it be acceptable to tow a Honda Pilot instead of a Mazda 3?

I am relocating next week, and I will need to tow either my car or my girlfriend's car behind the moving truck. I prefer to tow my car, leaving my girlfriend to drive hers that gets 35 mpg. However, when booking the truck and car carrier rental, I was told that none of their equipment fits my Honda which gets about 20 mpg.

I want to know if anything bad would happen if I towed my car instead of my girlfriend's smaller Mazda â€Â" will this damage my car, damage the car carrier equipment, or have no negative effects at al?
Added (1). Spell correct: at all*
Added (2). Spell correct: at all*

Read more: Would it be acceptable to tow a Honda Pilot instead of a Mazda 3?

Hissing in cabin when AC is on?

2003 Honda Civic 1.7L D17A1. I just started noticing this recently, when the AC is on (or defog, which uses the compressor) I can hear a hissing noise in the cabin. I can't hear it in the engine bay. What are some things that could be causing this? Thanks.

Read more: Hissing in cabin when AC is on?

2000 honda prelude if your ckp sensor will start car?

2000 honda prelude if your ckp sensor will start car?

Read more: 2000 honda prelude if your ckp sensor will start car?

Which car is the most to least reliable?

Honda Nissan or Toyota?

How many miles can each model last up to?

Read more: Which car is the most to least reliable?

Which of these names sound most pleasing?

They are unique names.


Read more: Which of these names sound most pleasing?

Monday, March 20, 2017

Motorcycle front wheel alignment?

I've been having trouble aligning my front motorcycle wheel (Honda Xr 125 L-5) I released the bottom clamp bolts and straddled the wheel until it's aligned with the mud guard and then when i tighten the forks to the manufacturers torque the wheel goes out of align again! Any ideas?

Read more: Motorcycle front wheel alignment?

Car is making a really soft hallow whistling sound, but only when idling

Is this something that requires immediate attention? There is no performance issues but I'm wondering if it can snow ball into something worst. It's a 2004 honda civic 180,xxx miles

Read more: Car is making a really soft hallow whistling sound, but only when idling

Is there anyway I could get my jeep back?

I traded my jeep for a Honda Civic, worst decision in my life. The Civic had a bad title it was signed in the wrong spot and usually you need a bill of sale to prove that it was… Well the guy who I bought it from blocked me on everything. Recently as of yesterday he posted my jeep for sale using a new account… I was tagged in the post and after that he deleted the comments then deleted the post all together. Is there anything I can do to get my jeep back? I never told DMV I sold it

Read more: Is there anyway I could get my jeep back?

Between these cars which would outrun each other?

1998 Honda Accord vs 1998 Camry
1998 Altima gxe automatic vs 1998 Camry v6
1998 Corolla vs 1998 Nissan Sentra
1998 Altima gxe(automatic) vs 1998 accord 4 cylinder
1998 Nissan Sentra vs 1997 Honda Civic

Read more: Between these cars which would outrun each other?

On a 2004 Honda Civic is there a fuse for heated o2 sensor 1.7 motor?

On a 2004 Honda Civic is there a fuse for heated o2 sensor 1.7 motor? - 1

Read more: On a 2004 Honda Civic is there a fuse for heated o2 sensor 1.7 motor?

What are the technological improvements of a 2017 Honda Civic vs A 2006 Honda Civic?

What are the various ways in which a 2017 Honda Civic is better than a 2006 Honda Civic of like-like model (say, EX vs. EX, LX vs. LX)?

Plus, what is anticipated a couple of years out, like the 2020 model?

A list of technological improvements would be great for me to decide if it is time to upgrade or keep the old car for a while still.

Read more: What are the technological improvements of a 2017 Honda Civic vs A 2006 Honda Civic?

2004 Honda Civic1.7 motor is there a fuse for heated o2 sensor?

2004 Honda Civic1.7 motor is there a fuse for heated o2 sensor? - 1

Read more: 2004 Honda Civic1.7 motor is there a fuse for heated o2 sensor?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

What is the best oil for 250 Honda motorcycle?

What is the best oil for 250 Honda motorcycle? - 1

Read more: What is the best oil for 250 Honda motorcycle?

Whicu of the following cars can a 98 Altima gxe outrun under the right circumstances?

2003 accord
2003 Honda Element
1998 accord
2008 Honda CR-V
2001 Honda CR-V

Read more: Whicu of the following cars can a 98 Altima gxe outrun under the right circumstances?

Would you rather have a Mazda RX7 or Honda S2000?

Would you rather have a Mazda RX7 or Honda S2000? - 1

Read more: Would you rather have a Mazda RX7 or Honda S2000?

Can I put the muffler from a 98 Honda civic ex on a 97 Honda civic dx hatchback? - 1

Can I put the muffler from a 98 Honda civic ex on a 97 Honda civic dx hatchback? - 2

Read more: Can I put the muffler from a 98 Honda civic ex on a 97 Honda civic dx hatchback? - 1

Rpm up and down with vibartion in the cabin

Why does my car rpm go up and down when I turn my steering wheel? Also I feel a kind of vibration when turning the steering wheel left or right.
Same things happen when the car is in idle and my a/c is on. Everytime the a/c will cut of and start again I feel the vibration.
recently I serviced the power steering pump and changed the belt and the belt tensioner.A month back I changed the engine mounting as well.
Please help me with this strange issue as its really annoying me when my car is in idle mode.
Same vibration when the a/c is off and I turn my steering wheel.
Its a Honda CRV 2007 model

Read more: Rpm up and down with vibartion in the cabin

Lawnmower stalls when engage blade?

I have Craftsman Honda engine self-propelled lawn mower. Starts fine but engine stalls when I engage blade. If I engage blade and hold it there, then start the engine it works fine (engine runs and blade moves).
Added (1). Craftsman EZ Walk

Read more: Lawnmower stalls when engage blade?

Can I put the muffler from a 98 Honda civic ex on a 97 Honda civic dx hatchback?

Can I put the muffler from a 98 Honda civic ex on a 97 Honda civic dx hatchback?

Read more: Can I put the muffler from a 98 Honda civic ex on a 97 Honda civic dx hatchback?

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Problem with o2 sensors in my Honda. Any opinions?

I have a 2005 Honda civic ex
I've failed emissions twice because of my o2 sensors not being able to connect to the fuse without shutting down my car. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? I was told by a cop that it was illegally sold to me If this is the case. No one seems to know exactly what to do or even want to Deal with it.

Read more: Problem with o2 sensors in my Honda. Any opinions?

1997 honda civic sunroof goes down won't go back. Checked relays already fuses good as well any ideas?

1997 honda civic sunroof goes down won't go back. Checked relays already fuses good as well any ideas? - 1

Read more: 1997 honda civic sunroof goes down won't go back. Checked relays already fuses good as well any ideas?

How long can you drive a Honda Fit continuosly (without stopping except for refuelling for a minute)

I have a 2013 Honda Fit 1.3 L with 50k miles on its clock. So far, it still runs smooth like new.

How long can I drive it continuosly until it overheats?

Read more: How long can you drive a Honda Fit continuosly (without stopping except for refuelling for a minute)

Who would be at fault in a car wreck like this?

This wasn't my video but it's just like what happened in my case.

Basically, my fiancé was driving her silver Audi Q7 the way the camera car was driving. A red Honda Crosstour pulled out the way the van did and they collided.

So who would be at fault? My fiancé or the red Honda?

Read more: Who would be at fault in a car wreck like this?

Friday, March 17, 2017

I accidentally put diseal in my car?

So my dumbass accidentally put.1778 gallons of diseal gas in my 2013 honda accord. I drove it home and then the next day I filled my tank with regular premium gas. Will my car get messed up and if so how much will it cost to fix it? :(

Read more: I accidentally put diseal in my car?

Oil Leak/Burning Smell in Car?

I have a 2012 Honda Civic Si. Early yesterday morning I noticed a burning smell coming from the HVAC when I had the heat on, later that night it became stronger so I checked my oil level; oil needs to be changed and is LOW. I can't get underneath it at the moment so I poured some more oil in for the time being. I checked the undercarriage and noticed that near the filter and drain plug is covered in oil. Any idea what this could be? I d rather address the problem before I have to toss money to the mechanic on Monday.


Burning smell in HVAC, overdue oil/filter change, oil leak covering undercarriage, drain plug, filter.

What is the culprit and how can it be fixed?
Added (1). Update: Burning smell comes from inside and outside car, maybe it's oil burning off the engine?

Read more: Oil Leak/Burning Smell in Car?

My lights dim randomly at night while driving?

I've been noticing my lights are dimming both headlights and HUD lights. The dimming is mildly noticeable but not to the point their off but annoying.

Any answers out there why?

Honda Civic 2001 DX coupe

Read more: My lights dim randomly at night while driving?

What to do when you leave a note when you hit a car in the parking lot?

So my sister was learning to drive in my car she doesn't have a license and I don't have insurance. She hit the side of a parked Honda where I live. I left a note with my name, number, time, and that she was learning how to drive, I don't have insurance and that I would pay for the damages. They contacted me two days later saying hi, you left a note on my car about hiring my car.

How should I respond?

Read more: What to do when you leave a note when you hit a car in the parking lot?

I have a 2006 honda civic lx 2dr i want to know if the rsx type s engine would fit or what i would need?

I have a 2006 honda civic lx 2dr i want to know if the rsx type s engine would fit or what i would need?

Read more: I have a 2006 honda civic lx 2dr i want to know if the rsx type s engine would fit or what i would need?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

What cars can a 2007 Acura TL S Type beat in a straightaway?

(Example: Charger, Maxima, Altima, Honda accord, Honda Civic SI, Infiniti etc.) no mods just straight stock.

Read more: What cars can a 2007 Acura TL S Type beat in a straightaway?

Will my car audio sound good without subwoofers?

I have a 2008 Honda Pilot with a factory stereo system. It doesn't have an aux port or Bluetooth so I was looking into solving that. I was thinking about just buying a new stereo but on crutchfield it says When you replace your stereo, the factory subwoofer and subwoofer amp will no longer work. Will my car audio still sound good without my factory subwoofers?

I know I can also just install an aux input or a Bluetooth receiver but I rather have a nice looking stereo instead of a cord that is in my glove compartment.

Read more: Will my car audio sound good without subwoofers?

Does honda unicorn 160 is the best bike to buy in bengaluru

Does honda unicorn 160 is the best bike to buy in bengaluru

Read more: Does honda unicorn 160 is the best bike to buy in bengaluru

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

1994 Honda Accord Oil leak? - 1

I have had an oil leak for a while now. I can't tell if that is gasket or not. Please watch video and leave your thoughts.

Read more: 1994 Honda Accord Oil leak? - 1

Is this a transmission issue or something else?

I have a 99 Honda Accord and it had a tuneup. However, after I got it back it had a new problem: Whenever I start my car firsts thing in the morning, it goes into gear (reverse or drive) but when I give it gas it still doesn't want to go. It coasts out of the parking spot. It seems like it has to warm up and then it drives just fine throughout the day. Some have told me it's the transmission, but it's not slipping gears. It just can't seem to get gas/umph to go.

I've been told to check my fuel filter. Would that help? I also had my transmission fluid changed and that didn't solve the issue.

Sometimes what also happens is I'll go to give it gas upon just starting it and the engine seems to die--but all the lights come on. It's like the engine is choked. Upon restarting it does fine (still coasting at first, though). But it is in gear. At least I think it is?

Thanks for your help.

Read more: Is this a transmission issue or something else?

Is the 2000 accord v6 much faster than a 98 Altima gxe?

My friend from work has a 2000 Honda accord v6. I myself have a 2003 maxima Se but I'm planning to downgrade to a lower model car like the 98 Nissan Altima. The Altima I was looking has 160,000 miles but is in very mint mechanical condition. I used to own this as my first car but it broke down on me when. I ran over a huge pothole that busted up my suspension.

My question is stock for stock, both having automatic transmissions, how would a 98 Altima gxe do AGIANST the almighty accord v6? How does it stand against the accord 98 4 cylinder?

Read more: Is the 2000 accord v6 much faster than a 98 Altima gxe?

1994 Honda accord oil leak?

I have constantly had an oil leak that won't go away. It leaks about 1 quart every three days. Oil filter is good and so is drain plug. 1994 Honda accord oil leak - 1

Read more: 1994 Honda accord oil leak?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

1999 Honda prelude SH ECU help!

I just bought a 99 Prelude with an h23 head and an h22 bottom end. It just doesn't have an ECU! What do I need to get it running good? I have about $350 to do it. Someone help me and tell me what to do!
I purchased the car for $600 so it's not bad at all!
It was also swapped to a manual transmission!
My mechanic said I need an OBD1 ECU and a base map or something

Read more: 1999 Honda prelude SH ECU help!

Should I buy the 2017 Toyota Yaris iA or the 2017 Honda Civic Sedan?

Should I buy the 2017 Toyota Yaris iA or the 2017 Honda Civic Sedan?

Read more: Should I buy the 2017 Toyota Yaris iA or the 2017 Honda Civic Sedan?

Between these three vehicles, which is the faster off the line and on the top end?

1998 accord lx 4 cylinder
1998 Nissan Altima gxe
2003 Honda Element

Read more: Between these three vehicles, which is the faster off the line and on the top end?

Honda Ridgeline, Not A Real Truck?

Many people say no because it's a unibody. They seem pretty nice though. Dad has a 2006. Not overly powerful, but good looking for what it is. Especially the inside.

Read more: Honda Ridgeline, Not A Real Truck?

How much is a starter for honda accord?

For new starter and replacement, how much would it be approximately for parts / labor for 2001 honda accord?

Read more: How much is a starter for honda accord?

Has Honda solved the automatic transmission problem in the Honda acord?

Has Honda solved the automatic transmission problem in the Honda acord? - 1

Read more: Has Honda solved the automatic transmission problem in the Honda acord?

Do hybrids have an alternator?

Specifically a honda civic hybrid 2012

Read more: Do hybrids have an alternator?

Monday, March 13, 2017

Should i buy a 2002 honda with 220 000 miles on it?

Should i buy a 2002 honda with 220 000 miles on it? - 1

Read more: Should i buy a 2002 honda with 220 000 miles on it?

Nissan, Honda or Toyota for my 2nd car

I am looking for a nice sized sedan for me and my 2 yr old. I would like a car with good gas mileage, good space, reliable and one that does not have history of serious issues and non-expensive to fix.

Read more: Nissan, Honda or Toyota for my 2nd car

2005 Honda Odyssey with a 6-disc CD changer, AM, FM, and Aux functions on the stereo. Need Bluetooth Adapter?

I have a 2005 Honda Odyssey with a 6-disc CD changer, AM, FM, and Aux functions on the stereo. I need a bluetooth adapter to connect my phone/Mp3 player. All the adapters I have seen require a device to plug into the CD Changer port of the stereo, however I do not want to lose my CD player. Is there a device that will utilize the Aux function, that the only available port for is in the back of the van and therefore not used, to enable bluetooth to the stereo?

Read more: 2005 Honda Odyssey with a 6-disc CD changer, AM, FM, and Aux functions on the stereo. Need Bluetooth Adapter?

Is the reason why a motorbike engine won't work in a car because they can't produce high torque at low RPM?

I have a 1.3 litre Mitsubishi Colt.

Maximum power output 94 BHP at 6000 rpm

Maximum torque 92 FT/LB at 4000 rpm

Honda 2017 CBR1000RR
1 litre

Maximum Power output 189 HP at 13,000 RPM

85.6 FT/LB at 11,000rpm

Read more: Is the reason why a motorbike engine won't work in a car because they can't produce high torque at low RPM?

Is the all-new 2017 Honda BR-V a reliable SUV?

Is the all-new 2017 Honda BR-V a reliable SUV? - 1

Read more: Is the all-new 2017 Honda BR-V a reliable SUV?

Is Honda Fit a reliable car?

Is Honda Fit a reliable car? - 1

Read more: Is Honda Fit a reliable car?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Is it best to buy a car in the beginning of a generation or the end?

I was looking into buy a new 2017 Honda Accord Sport Touring. But I have heard that this is the last Accord of the current generation, and the new model and generation should be rolling out later this year, should I wait for the new generation or still with the current?

Read more: Is it best to buy a car in the beginning of a generation or the end?

Is the 2013 Honda Fit okay for a road trip?

I'm going on a road trip and I'm going to use my 2013 Honda Fit on this 150-mile trip and this is the first time I'm gonna use this car on a long road trip. It uses a 1.3 L engine. My friend said that its engine will over heat. Although my car still runs like new and never had any major or minor issues…

Is it okay?

Read more: Is the 2013 Honda Fit okay for a road trip?

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Brake failure and new driver?

I'm a teenager driving with a permit, and today, my brakes stopped working as I was taking a turn and my car almost went straight into a deep ravine. I was driving a Honda Pilot and it almost seemed to accelerate at the last second, but thankfully, the brakes started working for me in time to stop it. My parents don't believe me as they have never experienced brake failure with that car. What do I do? I'm scared half to death, and I NEVER want to drive again because I could have killed somebody else or myself.

Read more: Brake failure and new driver?

Is a Honda Spree a 50cc Scooter or a 49cc Scooter?

Is a Honda Spree a 50cc Scooter or a 49cc Scooter?

Read more: Is a Honda Spree a 50cc Scooter or a 49cc Scooter?

Honda Civic 2004 LX flashing engine light after thermostat change?

I have a Civic that was overheating and I got the engine light checked out and was told to change my thermostat. I changed my thermostat and I refilled it with coolant and for some reason the engine light started blinking and it never went off? Help

Read more: Honda Civic 2004 LX flashing engine light after thermostat change?

Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

What are some things I can do to make my 2010 Honda Civic Hybrid run better and gain power?

What are some things I can do to make my 2010 Honda Civic Hybrid run better and gain power?

Read more: What are some things I can do to make my 2010 Honda Civic Hybrid run better and gain power?

Anyone know about reprogramming ECM on my 05 Honda civic?

My malfunction indicator lamp went on just a few days ago. Took it to AutoZone to get it checked out. Gave me a paper saying something about reprogramming ecm. I need help on this matter. My car is working pretty fine and good. AutoZone guy said you won't feel it while driving and I should be okay. I want to know more details about it before I try taking to my dealer.

Read more: Anyone know about reprogramming ECM on my 05 Honda civic?

Nissan Maxima or Honda Accord? - 1

Which one is better?

Read more: Nissan Maxima or Honda Accord? - 1

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Why are they different than other engines?

Why do Honda engines, new and old, low miles to extremely high miles (over 190,xxx) love to rev without any problems? My car starts ticking when I try to rev it and my friends honda that has 200xxx miles on it revs like a champ

Read more: Why are they different than other engines?

Car saying Check Tire Pressure?

I have a 2015 Honda Civic SE that I just bought a few weeks ago. I know nothing about cars. My sister's boyfriend already aired up all the tires but the i light is still on and it's still saying "Check Tire Pressure". What is wrong?

Read more: Car saying Check Tire Pressure?

2007 honda crv or 2008 nissan rouge?

2007 honda crv or 2008 nissan rouge?
Added (1). crv with 200k miles and rouge with 163k. I hear nissan has cvt issues, which one should i get both are well maintained cars.
Added (2). crv with 200k miles and rouge with 163k. I hear nissan has cvt issues, which one should i get both are well maintained cars.

Read more: 2007 honda crv or 2008 nissan rouge?

Why is a Honda Civic always a car of ridicule in the US?

I often see these cars in memes. Some say its pretty fast in stock form and able to pick at some unsuspecting american fast cars and others say its the cheap choice of Asian home care employees. I am getting mixed opinions so somebody anybody compare this car with the cars in the US?

Read more: Why is a Honda Civic always a car of ridicule in the US?

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Which car should i get as my first car?

i'm 14 right now and my dad told me that he would buy me a car this summer (it's not going to be mine until i'm 16 though) and he told me i had two options - a honda civic or crv. I don't know anything about cars so what do you think i should get? What's the best model for a new driver?

Read more: Which car should i get as my first car?

93 honda accord won't go up?

My 93 honda accord window will go down but not up. After sitting 8 or so hours it will eventually go up. Any ideas on what the problem could be.

Read more: 93 honda accord won't go up?

Car seems to be coasting when I first start it - won't engage in gear?

It always happens when I first start my car, and sometimes when I start it throughout the day: When I start my 99 Honda Accord LX and give it gas, it doesn't want to drive or reverse, as if it can'g engage. It last a few seconds. My breaks still work during that time, so I have control of the vehicle. It feels like it is coasting until it can engage. I was told by a friend this is likely the transmission going out. I changed the transmission fluid at the Honda dealership and this did not fix the problem. It does not seem to be leaking anywhere that I can tell, and the gauge shows that the fluid level is fine.

I'm wondering what the next thing to test should be? I know transmission fixes are expensive, and I'm planning on getting another car soon. I'm just wondering what kind of time frame I still have with this one?

Once I start it and get it to engage, it drives just fine, and usually on other startups during the day are more graceful. There is a definite rumbling when I start it and sometimes a clunk when I get it into gear. It's an automatic. Sometimes when I give it gas, it seems to stall out and the engine dies, thought all the lights flash on in the car. Restarting it and trying again usually get it to go.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks.

Read more: Car seems to be coasting when I first start it - won't engage in gear?

Tire pressure monitor failed?

I have a 2012 Honda Civic lx and the car is fine until I start driving it on the highway. I've had this car for four years and within that time I've replaced the tires twice and now when I'm driving on the highway the pressure light comes on. It's annoying and my tires are perfectly fine. My car has 60 thousand miles is it expensive to replace?

Read more: Tire pressure monitor failed?

Small car dealer won't respond help?

I bought a 2007 honda civic from a very small car dealership. I paid for it in cash. The manager only gave me one key and said the 2nd key and title should come within a week. After i got home and lock the door then open it again and the alarm went off. I texted the salesman and he said it has an aftermarket. So yea i don't even have the right key alarm for it. The car is blocking my garage and I can't move other cars in or out. The salesman said he'll mail everything. It's been more than a week and i texted him about the key. He didn't respond or answer my call. I can't even call the manager because no one is ever in the office…
Added (1). I did text him if he mailed the keys but he didn't even respond. The honda civic is blocking my garage and i need to move it…

Read more: Small car dealer won't respond help?

Monday, March 6, 2017

Should I replace the transmission in my 01 honda odyssey?

Should I replace and purchase a warranty if I can and then keep the van at least another year and sell it. Or should I get something else is have to make payments on? I currently own the odyssey.

Read more: Should I replace the transmission in my 01 honda odyssey?

Can Honda sh 300 ( liquid cooled engine )scooter travel 200km without any problems?

Can Honda sh 300 ( liquid cooled engine )scooter travel 200km without any problems? - 1 Can Honda sh 300 liquid cooled engine scooter travel 200km without any problems - 1

Read more: Can Honda sh 300 ( liquid cooled engine )scooter travel 200km without any problems?

Can honda sh 300 travel 120km nonstop?

Can honda sh 300 travel 120km nonstop?

Read more: Can honda sh 300 travel 120km nonstop?

Which cars Could outrun the Altima on a freeway?

The Altima is in great condition as it only has 132,000 miles, very quiet, shifts smoothly and drives well on the roads.
its an automatic.
Anyways my question is if a driver in a 1998 Nissan Altima got into a high speed chase in one of these vehicles on the freeway, which vehicles would the Altima be able to outrun? I USED to own this vehicle and from my experience,
I can drive at 95-100 mph@3250 rpms(DEPENDING ON CONDTIONS) WITH EASE! The reason im asking this is because I want to know how powerful this little car is for a 4 cylinder.

The following cars include a

1998 Corolla
1998 Honda Accord
1998 Honda Accord WITH the v6
2003 Honda Element
2008 Honda CR-V
2008 Mazda 3
2005 Scion tC
2003 Nissan Sentra sv
2013 corolla
2015 Honda civic

Read more: Which cars Could outrun the Altima on a freeway?

Can a Altima keep with the new 01 Honda Accord v6?

My Altima could do 95 mph at only 3250 rpms. At 120 mph its cruising close to 4000 rpms.

Based on these specs, how would a 98 altimafaur against the v6 accord model?

Read more: Can a Altima keep with the new 01 Honda Accord v6?

Which of the following cars can a 98 Altima outrun?

The Altima is in great condition as it only has 132,000 miles, very quiet, shifts smoothly and drives well on the roads.

Anyways my question is if a driver in a 1998 Nissan Altima got into a high speed chase in one of these vehicles on the freeway, which vehicles would the Altima be able to outrun? I USED to own this vehicle and from my experience, I can drive at 95 mph@3250 rpms WITH EASE! The reason im asking this is because I want to know how powerful this little car is for a 4 cylinder.

The following cars include a

1998 Corolla
1998 Honda Accord
1998 Honda Accord WITH the v6
2003 Honda Element
2008 Honda CR-V
2008 Mazda 3
2005 Scion tC
2003 Nissan Sentra sv
2013 corolla

Read more: Which of the following cars can a 98 Altima outrun?

Honda prelude or honda del sol?

Honda prelude or honda del sol?

Read more: Honda prelude or honda del sol?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Can a Altima keep with the new Honda Civic?

My friend from from work drives a leased 2015 Honda Civic. She tells me that it's a very fun car to drive and so reliable that I should own one my self. However, my first car was a 1998 Nissan Altima and I love and kiss that car So much even though I currently own an 03 maxima se. My Altima could do 95 mph at only 3250 rpms and I can't really imagine most 4 cylinder vehicles(MAYBE the new 4 cylinder vehicles) keeping up that speed without breaking a sweat like my car! Obviously the civic isn't even in the same class as the Altima.

However, recently I've seen may people driving these new civics on the road and I wonder, how fast are they?

Between the new 2015 civic(NOT SI) and my 98 Altima(still in good condition)", how would it do against the 20 year old Altima? Could it keep up with my old Altima on the freeway?

I'm just asking bc the civic isn't even in the same class as my car but I'm wondering how the new civic would do AGIANST my car.
Could it keep up with my car "?

Read more: Can a Altima keep with the new Honda Civic?

How do I program the garage door opener on my Honda pilot 2004?

How do I program the garage door opener on my Honda pilot 2004?

Read more: How do I program the garage door opener on my Honda pilot 2004?

Can a 2015 honda civic keep up with a nissan altima?

Lets say both drivers where two on the freeway, one guy driving a 2015 honda civic and the other one driving a 1998 altima. The driver of the 1998 altima is speeding around 100-105 mph @3500 rpms only. My question is could a honda civic keep up with the old altimas performance? Im asking bc since the civic isn't in the same class as the altima, im wondering how the new civic would do aganisnt the old altima. The altima itself in great mechanical condtion.

Read more: Can a 2015 honda civic keep up with a nissan altima?

Can I switch license plates between cars?

My daughters want to switch cars, but like their license plates and want to keep them. One car is a Honda and one is a Chrysler.

Read more: Can I switch license plates between cars?

What is this thing I found in my honda st1300?

Found it Velcroed in to the rear right saddlebag not wired to anything. The larger box has "r/a" and "f/a" ports as well as "port 1" "spdomtr" and "remote". The port 1 was wired to another box with 3 DC electrical ports and on the other side, a rusty silver box and red and black (power?) wires coming out.

The smaller box says "Able 2 products company" and there is no text on the larger box or it is covered up by Velcro which I'd rather not remove if I don't have to. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, best answer will be awarded!
Added (1).

The smaller box is just a power accessory box, I found it here. Still have no idea what the bigger box would be used for What is this thing I found in my honda st1300 - 1

Read more: What is this thing I found in my honda st1300?

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Can I tow a Polaris HD500 Quad with my 2016 Honda Civic 1.8 Liter?

Can I tow a Polaris HD500 Quad with my 2016 Honda Civic 1.8 Liter?

Read more: Can I tow a Polaris HD500 Quad with my 2016 Honda Civic 1.8 Liter?

Bought a used car from small dealer?

I bought a 07 honda civic from a very small dealer in cash. It came with an aftermarket alarm and the fricken dealer only gave me one key. So the key that i have doesn't work. So the alarm goes off when i open the door and the car is basically blocking my driveway. I can't even get in contact with the Manager. I'm only contacting the salesman and he said the 2nd key should be arriving soon. Almost a week has pass and the key haven't arrive yet…
Added (1). should i wait a few more days? It's irritating

Read more: Bought a used car from small dealer?

Do you think my Honda can go against your Toyota?

Do you think my Honda can go against your Toyota?

Read more: Do you think my Honda can go against your Toyota?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Can a 2013 corolla and honda civic engine sustain 100 mph or would it blow up?

Can a 2013 corolla and honda civic engine sustain 100 mph or would it blow up? - 1

Read more: Can a 2013 corolla and honda civic engine sustain 100 mph or would it blow up?

What happens if you press on the gas pedal while on parked?

My parents just bought me a new Honda Civic 2016 LX for christimas a few months ago. I'm a new driver. Just got my license not long ago. Today when I was at school I set my car on parked. Then, I noticed that I needed to pull up more. I fought that I was still on drive and press on the gas pedal. I pressed it for like 2 times and a few seconds until I noticed that I wasn't on drive. I was on parked. My car made like a rev noise while I was pressing on the gas. Is my car messed up now? I'm sacred that my parents will yell at me!

Read more: What happens if you press on the gas pedal while on parked?

How can I get a 2007 Honda odessey manual book?

How can I get a 2007 Honda odessey manual book?

Read more: How can I get a 2007 Honda odessey manual book?

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Is the timing belt for a 2005 honda accord 2 Dr coupe internal or external?

Is the timing belt for a 2005 honda accord 2 Dr coupe internal or external?

Read more: Is the timing belt for a 2005 honda accord 2 Dr coupe internal or external?

Can I Get To Lake Tahoe In A Honda Civic?

I ll be driving a 2002 honda civic ex coupe, I will have snow chains. Do you think I ll be able to make it as I heard you can only get their with heavy duty cars?

It ll be south shore lake tahoe

Read more: Can I Get To Lake Tahoe In A Honda Civic?

Where can i buy tire rims for my 98 Honda accord?

15 inch to be exact

Read more: Where can i buy tire rims for my 98 Honda accord?

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Is there an SUV priced under $30K that is better than the 2017 Honda CR-V?

Is there an SUV priced under $30K that is better than the 2017 Honda CR-V? - 1

Read more: Is there an SUV priced under $30K that is better than the 2017 Honda CR-V?

Best 4 seater (can be 2-door) sporty car for 5k?

Looking for some suggestions for a fun car with a hint of practicality. Currently I have a 1990 Honda Prelude Si. The handling is fantastic and the vision is the best I ve driven in but it's not going to last me much longer. It has 4 seats, but the back two are only suitable for smaller friends. Looking to get a car with a litte more space, but nothing large. A convertible would be nice but is not required. I would take a 4-door, but would prefer a 2-door w/ 4 seats. Some of the ones I ve been looking at are the Toyota Celica, Acura Integra, Mitsubishi Eclipse, etc. Been looking at some older 2-door Mustang convertibles and more options such as that would be great. Thanks so much!

Read more: Best 4 seater (can be 2-door) sporty car for 5k?

Help with automotive/engine/exhaust?

I own a honda accord 04 today I tried to turn it on it wouldn't start for a moment I had to give a few tryis to turn it on a hour later it began to let out white smoke from the exhaust a lot and the engine was smoking to what do you guys/gals think its the engine or a leak. And another thing is I was putting in oil to I spilled some to the engine and some steering fluid got mix in to could that be the problem or something major?

Read more: Help with automotive/engine/exhaust?

Rear turn signal and brake lights do not work on my motorcycle. How to fix it?

I have a 2005 Honda Shadow Spirit 750. I bought it late last fall and didn't realize until a week or so later that the rear lights do not work. The tailbrake stays on, but does not illuminate when the brake is pressed. The rearrunning lights and rear turning signal lights to do work either. Everything up front works. Anyone have any idea? I think I could fix it myself, but will take it to a mechanic if I have to.

Read more: Rear turn signal and brake lights do not work on my motorcycle. How to fix it?

How do you turn off check engine light on 2004 honda cvic?

How do you turn off check engine light on 2004 honda cvic? - 1

Read more: How do you turn off check engine light on 2004 honda cvic?

Scooter smells of raw gas after shutdown?

Have checked for leaks, found none. Carb is not draining/overflowing. No fuel in exhaust. No drop in fuel consumption (over 80 mpg). Scooter runs fine, no hesitation, no loss of power. Have changed the oil and it is normal. 2005 Honda Vino 125. Started about a week ago.

Added (1). 2005 Yamaha Vino, my bad. Plugs are ok, no fuel, tan color.

Read more: Scooter smells of raw gas after shutdown?

Whats a good beginner motorcycle?

so i want to get my motorcycle license soon, i have never driven a motorcycle in my life so what would be a good bike for beginners? I know how to drive a manual car so getting used to the gear changing shouldn't be to difficult. I was thinking about a Honda cbr300r.

Read more: Whats a good beginner motorcycle?