Saturday, April 30, 2016

2004 Honda accord v6. Transmission problems?

So i took it to honda for steering pump and they replaced it. After that the cts light and triangle with exclamation mark appeard on the board. And also there was delay after switching gears. Now my transmission had problem theres no power and feels like gears arent engaging. So i did a flush. It was all dirty
After driving it for a while started having problems again. Checked the fluid and looks bit black. Doesnt smell burnt
And i only drainned it and filled it up. So wasnt a complete flush. Should i call honda and complain that after i took it
I started having problems?

Read more: 2004 Honda accord v6. Transmission problems?

2002 Honda Accord LX with V6 engine is overheating and leaking antifreeze?

Car was fine 2 days ago, but yesterday I was parked (car still running) & it was leaking antifreeze like crazy. Called my dad & he said it might be from using the A/C, and to just throw some more antifreeze in there and it should be fine. Long story short, car ended up overheating & after letting it cool for a good 30 minutes I tried putting some more antifreeze in it. Antifreeze just POURED back out coming from the front passengers side. I know it can't really be diagnosed without looking at it, but I haven't had a chance to yet. I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what it could be? I'm hoping it's just a hose & not my water pump or thermostat.

Read more: 2002 Honda Accord LX with V6 engine is overheating and leaking antifreeze?

What is labor and parts cost for 2004 honda crv rear strut assembly?

What is labor and parts cost for 2004 honda crv rear strut assembly?

Read more: What is labor and parts cost for 2004 honda crv rear strut assembly?

What is the best code scanner for a 1995 Honda Accord ex?

Hi I m looking to buy q code reader for diagnostic purposes and I m just wondering how I can go about doing that? Anybody know a reliable code reader I can use for my car thanks! While I m at it anything else I can do to keep my car in tip top shape?

Read more: What is the best code scanner for a 1995 Honda Accord ex?

How much faster will my 0-60 time be if I remove the engine from my Honda Civic?

I have a 1992 Hatchback and I have the stock engine in it with a cold air intake and a fake blowoff valve and I wanna do some weight reduction by removing the engine. I need to know how much faster I can get it so I can beat Mustangs in the quarter mile more easily than usual. Thinking about removing the chassis when I get more experience.

Read more: How much faster will my 0-60 time be if I remove the engine from my Honda Civic?

1998 Honda civic CX (Auto swapped to manual) P2E L32 ECU light weight flywheel. P0500 P1298 Check Engine Code?

Got engine codes

P0500 speed sensor
P1298 Electric Load Defector

I have a new speed sensor coming in the mail.

I pulled the backup fuse under the hood and replaced it to reset the engine light and it hasn t been on again. Still no speedometer but the the speed sensor which well be fixed.

I don t notcie any voltage drop while drive. Car at idle is 14.5v.

I was suggested to inspect the wires behind the intake, but when I looked at the speed sensor their was alot of corrosion. Would corrosion of caused the p1298 code? When the senor faild?

Please help. I have been driving without problem almost stalles abit when in neutral.

Read more: 1998 Honda civic CX (Auto swapped to manual) P2E L32 ECU light weight flywheel. P0500 P1298 Check Engine Code?

Thoughts on 2013 Mercedes cls550?

I just compulsively privately sold my 2012 Camaro 2ss the other day so I am currently car less and in the market. I want to upgrade to something luxurious and fast. I do not like "normal" cars (Honda, Toyota, Lexus, Nissan, etc). I have been looking at Tahoe LTZ's, stingrays, audis, bmw, pretty much everything. I loved my Camaro, was fast and fun but not so much luxurious. I test drove a $45k 36kmile pearl 2013 cls550 today (capital euro cars Tallahassee if you want to see it) and I fell in love with it. I am 24 years old and my main concern is being stuck upside down with a car payment. I hear that Mercedes and cars similar to Mercedes devalue very fast. I plan on putting 20k cash down on it up front. But out the door I am looking at 50k dollars. The dealership will not budge a dime on the car as its "certified pre owned". It does have a unlimited mile warranty for ONE year, and a available 2yr extension for 3400.00. Which they wouldn't throw in either. I literally love every bit about the car, the seats, the features, the acceleration is so effortless and it glides over everything. I absolutely love the car. But I don't love buyers remorse. I want to make the right choice and not be stuck with a fast devaluation. I am also very concerned about the reliability of Mercedes being a European vehicle, I hear they can break down and have many problems? I want reliability ESPCIALLY if I am spending fifty thousand dollars. What is everyone's opinions on this particular Mercedes model

Read more: Thoughts on 2013 Mercedes cls550?

Toyota fj cruiser vs honda accord 4 cylinder?

Toyota fj cruiser vs honda accord 4 cylinder?
Added (1). I have a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser with a 6 speed manual transmission and my friend has a 2008 Honda Accord with a 5 speed manual. Were both equal in shift i guess and we want to race cause he thinks his car is faster. Who do you think will win
He has a 2.4 l 4 cylinder 5-speed
Mine is a 4.0l v6 with a 6-speed

Read more: Toyota fj cruiser vs honda accord 4 cylinder?

On Honda's Ridgeline 3.5L engine…Is there a timing chain?

On Honda's Ridgeline 3.5L engine…Is there a timing chain?

Read more: On Honda's Ridgeline 3.5L engine…Is there a timing chain?

How to change rear brake pads on a 2013 honda accord?

How to change rear brake pads on a 2013 honda accord?

Read more: How to change rear brake pads on a 2013 honda accord?

Friday, April 29, 2016

What does code p0175 mean 1996 honda accord?

What does code p0175 mean 1996 honda accord? - 1

Read more: What does code p0175 mean 1996 honda accord?

Honda cr-v on a 52 plate (towing electrics )?

Hi I own a honda cr-v on a 52 plate. Can anyone tell me does it have a hidden socket for a dedicated towing electrics loom and where is it hidden and where can I buy one from? Or can anyone tell me the order to wire a universal socket I. E what colour from socket goes to what colour on the car (right hand drive )

Read more: Honda cr-v on a 52 plate (towing electrics )?

Best affordable sports cars?!

I'd like to ask what are some sweet sports cars which are retailing about 50-80k that are 4 seaters.
Any suggestions would be great.
I'm asking for soething similar to Mazda RX8 and Honda Intergra Type-R

Read more: Best affordable sports cars?!

2016 Honda Accord 2.4 EX-L - Yay or Nay?

It seems to get consistent good reviews and looks better than the Camry. But is it really one of the best midsize sedans right now in terms of overall mileage, driving experience, comfort (for long drives), features, and handling? Or are there some other sedans out there now that rival the Accord?

Read more: 2016 Honda Accord 2.4 EX-L - Yay or Nay?

What year did Honda change from timing belt to timing chain?

What year did Honda change from timing belt to timing chain? - 1

Read more: What year did Honda change from timing belt to timing chain?

Choke not engaging in Honda Rebel 450?

I have an 86 Honda Rebel 450. Bike runs great however the choke switch does not engage at all. I can start the bike ifif I manually pull the choke up on the carbs, but the choke switch does nothing at all. Any idea what to do?

Read more: Choke not engaging in Honda Rebel 450?

Feminists why don't you fight against things like these?

A mum-of-two is suing her dead husband for millions of pounds over the car crash that killed him and left her fighting for her life.

Christina Vibert claims that the crash has left her unable to look after her children properly and is seeking compensation from husband Ross Graham - despite him being killed in the accident.

Graham is said to have been high on cannabis when his Honda CRX smashed into an HGV trailer on a roundabout in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, in January 2013.

Christina was in a coma for two months after the crash and can only now manage to walk short distances with a walking stick.

The 29-year-old also suffers from concentration problems and struggles to communicate effectively.

Read more: Feminists why don't you fight against things like these?

97 honda accord wont start?

I have a 97 Honda accord. Recently it was overheating and we sent it to a mechanic who replaced the radiator and now it runs fine. Two days later i stopped at a stop sign and it sputtered as if it was out of gas then would die. The rpms were fluncuating. It continued this for another day or so and and now refuses to turn over. It will crank but not start. We tried replacing the distributor cap, spark plugs, egr valve. Our neighbor checked the spark plugs and it was barely getting a spark and he thought it might be the ignition control module. We have yet to change it due to lack of money atm. The codes are P0171 fuel system too lean bank 1 P0401 egr system insufficient flow detected p0441 evap system incorrect purge flow p0740 a/t lockup clutch system malfunction. Any ideas?

Read more: 97 honda accord wont start?

Is coasting in a manual car bad?

I have a 1991 Honda accord.

My questions is, I heard someone say it's bad to coast, as it is bad for the engine and wastes gas. When i searched it, people said they were putting their car into neutral when coasting.

I don't put my car into neutral anytime except when I park, or when I'm sitting at a long red light so i dont have to hold the clutch.

If I'm going down a steep hill, or slowing down to come to a turn or red light, I hold in the clutch so it coasts smoothly, otherwise the car starts to jerk, i then adjust gears according to what speed im in as i turn. If i end up at stop light i just change back to first

is this bad or incorrect? I've found if i brake alone, my car jerks and bounces around.

Read more: Is coasting in a manual car bad?

How to adjust the clutch on a sl175 honda?

How to adjust the clutch on a sl175 honda?

Read more: How to adjust the clutch on a sl175 honda?

Thursday, April 28, 2016


I have 3 1400 watt single voice coil (4 ohm) boss chaos extremes, 2 6x9s that add up to 500w they are 4 way speakers. And two 6.5 300w 3 way speakers. What kind of amp do I need and what Gage wire. Will I also need to upgrade my alternator. I have a 2006 honda accord vp

Read more: CAR AUDIO Help (BOSS AUDIO)?

Where is the antenna on a 2001 honda accord? Front windshield or back windshield?

Where is the antenna on a 2001 honda accord? Front windshield or back windshield?

Read more: Where is the antenna on a 2001 honda accord? Front windshield or back windshield?

Should I only repair my blown overhead gasket on a 2002 Honda 900rr Fireblade?

Recently, I bought a 900rr from craiglist. I bought it knowing it had a blown overhead gasket (because the seller reached out to his mechanic last minute) and because of this new problem, I haggled down the price.
After buying the bike I took it to my mechanic for a full inspection on the engine just to be sure about the problem.
Later, the mechanic reveals a whopping 2500k service quote charge. 300 for the gasket system replacement (as I expected), 600 for a new radiator (coolant and water slightly mixed together) and they want to replace the engine.
Honestly, the engine runs great, I've gone 100 with the bike just to see how it fairs with the blown gasket and there is no compression loss.
My question is, I know a blown gasket can be caused by another problem. I don't want to get a new one only for it to be blown again.
Should I just get a new gasket system, or should I replace the radiator as well.
I'm no gearhead, but my thoughts are, if I fix the gasket, I can then just flush the radiator clean and put new antifreeze in it?
Should I just go ahead with the solo overhead gasket fix and not worry about the rest?
Added (1). Update: Forgot to mention the bike runs about anywhere from 200 to 280 degrees Fahrenheit after about 20 minutes of riding! So a blown head gasket seems very likely

Read more: Should I only repair my blown overhead gasket on a 2002 Honda 900rr Fireblade?

My 2013 Honda Pilots VTM-4(4WD mode) and Check engine light are on?

A few miles latter I restarted the engine again, a few times and only the Check engine light was on. After driving a mile or so I turned off the car and started a couple of minutes later but this time no lights were on.

A few miles before those two light went on, it felt like the car kind of jolted a little but I am not too sure if it was an engine misfire or a pothole.

Thanks to in advance.

Read more: My 2013 Honda Pilots VTM-4(4WD mode) and Check engine light are on?

What bike is bigger Honda Forza 125cc or Honda Pantheon 125cc?

What bike is bigger Honda Forza 125cc or Honda Pantheon 125cc? - 1

Read more: What bike is bigger Honda Forza 125cc or Honda Pantheon 125cc?

I bout a bik that has no title an i really like this bike 1984 Honda shadow 500?

I bout a bik that has no title an i really like this bike 1984 Honda shadow 500? - 1

Read more: I bout a bik that has no title an i really like this bike 1984 Honda shadow 500?

Which bike is best? Honda cb unicorn 150cc or 160cc?

I would like to buy a honda unicorn bike. Which one is best? Either unicorn 150 cc or 160 cc?

Read more: Which bike is best? Honda cb unicorn 150cc or 160cc?

How much is a full tank on a Honda pantheon 125cc?

How much is a full tank on a Honda pantheon 125cc? - 1

Read more: How much is a full tank on a Honda pantheon 125cc?

I want to redo all of the suspension on my 1999 honda civic hatchback…what are all of the parts ill need?

I want to redo all of the suspension on my 1999 honda civic hatchback…what are all of the parts ill need? - 1

Read more: I want to redo all of the suspension on my 1999 honda civic hatchback…what are all of the parts ill need?

2012 Honda Civic needs a oil change at 10,000. But I want to drive more than 10,000 to save money?

How many MORE miles can I drive while it's still safe for the engine to do so?

The oil is synthetic blend.

oil change every 5000 miles is very expensive and I'm a lower class. It would be better if I go over the limit.

Read more: 2012 Honda Civic needs a oil change at 10,000. But I want to drive more than 10,000 to save money?

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to fix my air filter on a honda crf100f?

How to fix my air filter on a honda crf100f?

Read more: How to fix my air filter on a honda crf100f?

I have problems finding a part for my Honda cbr r125 motorbike?

I have problems finding a part for my Honda cbr r125 motorbike?
Added (1). I am going to remove the mirrors on my bike, but i can't seem to find a cover to mount on after (so there's not 2 holes left). I have searched the internet in different languages, but i don't know what it's called. Can someone post a link or at least the name of these.

Read more: I have problems finding a part for my Honda cbr r125 motorbike?

Tacoma, Golf, Subaru…etc?

I am a college student who lives in Georgia. In the next couple of years, I plan to buy my first car for myself. Growing up in south Georgia, I obviously like trucks. But having a little Honda Civic throughout high school and now through college, I have seen the benefits of having a more economical car and honestly the little thing can be fun to drive sometimes. Once I get my bachelors degree, I will be in grad school most likely around the Atlanta area. I love the new Tacomas, but don't know if the extra cargo space will really justify the less economical truck that won't really get used much while I'm in school. So I've looked into other cars such as the Golf and some Subaru models. Just to wrap this long post up, I want my first car to not only be one that is useful and affordable, but one that is fun to drive and I will want to talk about years later. I mean, come on, it is my first real car! So what is your opinion on the matter? Will the Tacoma be just fine, or something like a Golf be better? Also, would you go manual or automatic? I love the feel of driving a stick, but worry about it in Atlanta traffic. Thanks in advance.
Added (1). **Note: I have looked into the Subaru XV that has become popular. It looks great, but some people have been disappointed in its power output and said that it was rather boring and, at times, a bit uncomfortable to drive particularly when merging onto the interstate. If any of you have experience with this model, I would greatly appreciate your input.

Read more: Tacoma, Golf, Subaru…etc?

My motor cycle owners manual says use engine oil of?

i have 2016 70cc ordinary honda motor bike i use it for daily work carrying around stuff you know the chores its not a sports motorbike. On the owners manual its says engine oil
SAE20W-40(API-SF/CC) well this is confusing i been find this rating on zic and shell website but did't find anything i want to know the best engine oil for my motorbike. Please recommend engine oil from shell or zic because there is a whole variety of their engine oil available where i live and also the temperatures are very extreme here in winter i goes under 10c and in summer it goes up to 45c it insane i know
Added (1). it even says you can use from 10w-30 to 20w-50

Read more: My motor cycle owners manual says use engine oil of?

Motorcycle OEM performance parts?

I don't own a motorcycle yet but plan to in the next few months.
While doing research I had a hard time looking for OEM performance parts for them. Like Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc.
I was able to find performance parts (exhaust, chasis, brakes) on the ducati website, but cannot find any on other websites.

Read more: Motorcycle OEM performance parts?

I bought a civic with a d16z6 block and y8 head?

Okay I bought a 1996 Honda civic d16 with a d16z6 block but a y8 head. I wanna convert back to the d16z6 head what all would I need? Jumper harness? Bolts? Anything I would need to convert? The car is obd2 not sure about harness and I know the block is from 92-95 Honda. Which would be obd1 so please let me know all I would need.

Read more: I bought a civic with a d16z6 block and y8 head?

2001 Honda Civic ex overheating?

My car overheats but I have a question when I turn on the hot heater it's not for a while then the car starts to get hot then the heater goes cold

Read more: 2001 Honda Civic ex overheating?

Car won t start jump starting doesn t work right?

I have a 1995 Honda Accord. I replaced the alternator 4 months ago, the starter 3 weeks ago and the battery last year. It shut off on me recently when driving and won t start now, jump starting it doesn t work so I decided to sell it for cheap. Today someone jumped it and he had a screw driver in the middle of the black terminal thing… It started for a brief second and immediately shut off which was more than happened previous tries. He said I have no ground. He went and tested my battery and it s dead. What s wrong with my car? He said I need to replace all those parts again because when my starter was first replaced this guy put the wires on wrong and then my friend switched them when I couldn t get it to start… Since that happened he said it caused my alternator to retard everything and getting new stuff would reset it. Kinda makes sense because after I got the starter replaced it would sometimes struggle to start but then I can t find anything online supporting what he said. Help! And he s not trying to get money from me cause he had come to Look at the car to buy but he said he would replace it all for free cause he wants to help me out.

Read more: Car won t start jump starting doesn t work right?

2012 Honda Civic Lx A Reliable Car?

Hey there, I'm trying to get my first car. And I found a really good looking 2012 Honda Civic Lx for 14,000. It's has 55,00 miles on it. I hear that Hondas are good cars, but is this a good deal? Does the Civic lx have any types of problems? What are the good things about it? Or is it just a matter of taking good care of it?THANKS

Read more: 2012 Honda Civic Lx A Reliable Car?

2001 Honda Civic Ex 2 door overheating problem?

I have a 2001 Honda Civic Ex 2 door. I start driving down the road and it starts to overheat. I don't have a blown head gasket. I have replaced the water pump and thermostat. I would look under the hood and it looked like I was leaking. But my radiator was full and radiator overflow will bubble out then drain once car is cooled down. I found out my radiator fan aint working. Will be replacing that soon. But my question is, if the fan ain't working will that cause leaking some how? Question sounds dumb but can't figure out where it is coming from

Read more: 2001 Honda Civic Ex 2 door overheating problem?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Why isn't my bike not starting?

I have a 2005 Honda CBR125 and it's not starting, it ran perfectly when I bought it and its been sitting for 2 months (no licence). Now it won't start after I put in fresh petrol, new plug, charged the battery and changed the oil.

Read more: Why isn't my bike not starting?

Why is my car making a loud BOOM noise when putting it in Drive from Park?

Why is my car making a loud BOOM noise when putting it in Drive from Park?
Added (1). I have a 1998 Honda Accord. From one day to the next i got in my car in the morning to go to work, turned it on, put the car in D4 from park, let go of the brake, and heard a loud "BOOM". Can someone please tell me why this is? When i drive, it takes a little long to get out of first gear and when it does change gears, my RPMS sky rocket to around 5 or 6 and i get a BOOM. I have limited knowledge on cars, you are talking to a dummy.

Read more: Why is my car making a loud BOOM noise when putting it in Drive from Park?

Dealer Mobil Honda yang rekomen dimana ya di Jakarta? Mohon dibantu rekan-rekan?

Dealer Mobil Honda yang rekomen dimana ya di Jakarta? Mohon dibantu rekan-rekan?

Read more: Dealer Mobil Honda yang rekomen dimana ya di Jakarta? Mohon dibantu rekan-rekan?

97 honda accord sputtering and dying?

I have a 97 honda accord 4 cylinder. Recently it was getting hot and the mechanic fixed it by putting in a new radiator. About 3 days later it started sputtering like it was out of gas but it isnt and then it would die. The rpm will fluncuate. Im getting a code for oxygen sensor but thats always been and then a code for egr valve. I changed the egr valve, and spark plugs. I found a coolant leak but idk if that would cause the car to sputter and die?

Read more: 97 honda accord sputtering and dying?

Shop you recommended to replace Honda CRV 2011 back glass and cost?

Shop you recommended to replace Honda CRV 2011 back glass and cost?

Read more: Shop you recommended to replace Honda CRV 2011 back glass and cost?

Cars in America vs Other Countries?

So me and my friend are having a big Debate over this. He's a big Honda buff and says the S2000 is the greatest car ever made. Yet every single official report online says that the car can only hit 149-157mph top speed. But there's videos of supposedly "stock" s2k's hitting 281kph.

I refuse to believe that a stock s2000 can hit 175 with the standard 2.2l 240hp 4-cylinder engine without any turbos or super charger.

The only thing though, is that the cars in the videos are measured in
Kph so I know they're foreign. Would an s2000 in say Germany be more powerful than one in America at stock?

Read more: Cars in America vs Other Countries?

01 honda civic perfomance builds?

01 honda civic perfomance builds?

Read more: 01 honda civic perfomance builds?

Dirtbike won't hit neautral?

I have a1997 ktm 360. I cannot get the damn thing to pop into neutral while the engine is running. As a kid I had a KX 125 and remember that being a problem on occasion but not like this. I can very seldom get the bike to actually hit neutral and when I do its at a high rev by accident. I use honda trans oil and change it every 10 hours. I also have a '03 CR 125 and it shifts like butter whereas the KTM seems kinda jerky. What could be the problem?

Read more: Dirtbike won't hit neautral?

Monday, April 25, 2016

How to change front sprocket on a Honda 1980. Atc110 3 wheeler?

How to change front sprocket on a Honda 1980. Atc110 3 wheeler?

Read more: How to change front sprocket on a Honda 1980. Atc110 3 wheeler?

We have a 2001 Honda civic ulx vtech?

We have a 2001 Honda civic ulx vtech. So it has new water pump new timing belt new balance shaft belt and crank position sensor new spark plugs new valve cover gasket. It was over heating but hasn t since we replaced the water pump. If you give it gas it has a lil hesitation taking off, but once you get going it s fine up to 60mph. If you press down on the gas to try an get up to speed limit when it hits 3000 rpms it surges an loses power. Any thoughts

Read more: We have a 2001 Honda civic ulx vtech?

Do Honda's have pushrod type valves?

Quick question. I'm concepting a Civic sedan (likely '98) that will have a larger engine in it. I'm thinking about also getting heads with larger valves, but I'm unsure of how a Honda engine works because I'm an American muscle boy.

Read more: Do Honda's have pushrod type valves?

Have these services done at Honda dealer?

07 Accord 4 cylinder with 150k miles. Recommended:

hose replacement kit (found hoses hard / brittle) $709

replace water pump (kit) (found belts excessively damaged / cracked) $651

cooling system service $156 (coolant discolored)

Would you have these done at Honda? Or could I get them done at a Tires Plus (they sent me a $100 coupon)

Read more: Have these services done at Honda dealer?

I have a2000 honda accord the radio is lock. I have the unlock code but dont know how to put it in?

I have a2000 honda accord the radio is lock. I have the unlock code but dont know how to put it in?

Read more: I have a2000 honda accord the radio is lock. I have the unlock code but dont know how to put it in?

Motorcycle insurance cost?

Plan on buying a 1982 Honda XL 185s. Wondering how much insurance may cost. I'm 19 years old with drivers license and motorcycle permit. I have nationwide insurance. Pennsylvania state. Any input on what the average could be would be very helpful. Thanks

Read more: Motorcycle insurance cost?

Of these cars, which is the best?

Acura ILX
Honda Accord
Hyundai Sonata
Nissan Altima
Subaru Legacy

Read more: Of these cars, which is the best?

What are some affordable modifications I can make to my car to improve performance and maybe spruce the?

I have a white1995 Honda Accord Ex wagon with 225 miles in it. It has a few rust spots and requires some basic maintenance, which I'll take care of myself. I'm going to add a cold air intake and am looking for other things I could do to customize my car so it's something I like to drive. I'm not looking to spend big bucks but if there are any good ideas I'm willing to the work? Also I'd like cover up the the white worn out paint.

Read more: What are some affordable modifications I can make to my car to improve performance and maybe spruce the?

Same problem! 2 vehicles! Nothing happeneds when i turn the key! No lights, radio, fuel pump, or crank?

i drive a 1977 Dodge b200 and it broke down yesterday due to an unrelated issue with the fuel pump i installed through a toggle switch. When i went to try to get it running later that night i got absolutely nothing when i turned the key. No headlights, dashlights, dome lights or anything. Brand new batery and i did several drop tests across the batery, starter relay, and the starter. I also ran the starter strait to the batery to make sure the engine would crank.

Earlier that morning i was working on my 1983 Honda magna (the motorcycle) I have a brand new starter relay, and a batery but when i hopped on the bike to go for a ride nothing happened. Again, no headlights, dashlights, fuel pump, Connections are great, also did a test on the batery.

I'm out of ideas!

Read more: Same problem! 2 vehicles! Nothing happeneds when i turn the key! No lights, radio, fuel pump, or crank?

Sunday, April 24, 2016

What is the oil to gas ratio for 1981 cr80r honda dirtbike 2 stroke?

What is the oil to gas ratio for 1981 cr80r honda dirtbike 2 stroke? - 1

Read more: What is the oil to gas ratio for 1981 cr80r honda dirtbike 2 stroke?

What's all involved in doing a tune up on a Honda Rebel 250?

What's all involved in doing a tune up on a Honda Rebel 250? - 1

Read more: What's all involved in doing a tune up on a Honda Rebel 250?

2002 Honda CR-V CD player doesn't display song name?

Does the CD player have that capability? Or I'm thinking maybe it's too old and only the nee ones do that? If it's possible, can you please tell me how I can do this with a burned CD? Thanks!

Read more: 2002 Honda CR-V CD player doesn't display song name?

What is the easiest way to improve the performance of a Honda Accord?

As in improve the speed and acceleration?

Read more: What is the easiest way to improve the performance of a Honda Accord?

Why do people care so much about the country of origin of a car company?

For years, the quality of American cars, as we know, was below that of ones from other countries. Yet, fans of American cars were quick to insult Japanese cars, and they even still do in 2016. I remember, when Toyota was dealing with its acceleration recall, they thought that Toyota's customers would start buying American cars, but instead they bought Hondas from what I know.
What I don't get is why does this only apply to cars it seems? The quality of US airlines is below that of other countries yet you don't see Americans insulting the Asian airlines despite them being rated well, especially ones like All Nippon Airways. So, why do Americans care so much about the country of origin of their cars, but not of other things, such as their airlines?

Read more: Why do people care so much about the country of origin of a car company?

Which scooter is best to buy in India 2016?

Hello, I m a student & have a very busy schedule, so I wished to buy a scooter. I m a teenage boy, about 5feet 11 inches tall. Which one will suit me? Or should I change my mind & go for a Honda Navi?

Read more: Which scooter is best to buy in India 2016?

Random engine dying and non-starting 1990 Honda Civic?

I have a 1990 Honda Civic with an automatic.
It randomly will shut off while driving.
It also randomly will not start properly, it will turn over and start fine but then die right away.
Both issues are random, sometimes it's fine and will drive for a month no problem, other times I have to stop three times in a mile because it keeps dying. Sometimes after it dies it won't start again before the battery dies and I have to get it jump started.
I have fuel and spark.

Could it be the main relay has a connection that is fractured and randomly connects and disconnects? Or something else?

Read more: Random engine dying and non-starting 1990 Honda Civic?

2016 honda crf250l vs 2016 kx100 which one should i get for more speed?

2016 honda crf250l vs 2016 kx100 which one should i get for more speed? - 1

Read more: 2016 honda crf250l vs 2016 kx100 which one should i get for more speed?

Small motorcycle on train?

I have a Honda MSX125/Grom. It's not practical to ride it up the country just to buz around on holiday with. I'd just like to know if anyone's taken motorcycles/monkeybikes on the train like a push bike or if there's a special way to do it?


Read more: Small motorcycle on train?

Honda jazz 2003 suspension problem?

Honda jazz suspension problem when turning the wheel the spring makes a heavy clunk and the spring is turning when turning the steering left to right any ideas

Read more: Honda jazz 2003 suspension problem?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What can I do to my 2010 Honda Accord to make it perform better?

I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to car but simply put what can I do to increase acceleration/speed?

Read more: What can I do to my 2010 Honda Accord to make it perform better?

The mechanic I hired to install my engine didn't install it properly and the bolts are coming out?

So my sisters husband and his dad are "mechanics" this is what they do for a living. About a year ago I hired them to install a new engine in my car. They did the job. My car sat because I lost my job and I couldn't register it. Anyway now that it's legal to drive my husbands coworkers took a look at it and found out that all the bolts are loose, or just put for show. After they did the job a year ago they wanted more money because it took them more time than expected. They said they needed to install the a/c band and that they would finish installing the band once we have them 300$ more. That was insane but I said no. We paid what they charged and that was that. When my husband found out that the job was a Mickey Mouse job. My sisters husbands answer was "you owe me money" and my husband said "you said the car was good to go" my sisters husband just laughed. We live in Los Angeles. What can we do. We have a 5 month old baby that was in te car as well. We are taking it to Honda to get it evaluated. What can we do legally? They are street mechanics and I'm sure not the first victims of their scams. We thought we could trust them

Read more: The mechanic I hired to install my engine didn't install it properly and the bolts are coming out?

Can the transmission from a 06 civic fit on a 05 civic?

Can a transmission from a 06 Honda civic fit a 05 Honda civic

Read more: Can the transmission from a 06 civic fit on a 05 civic?

How to identify and fix the problem of an overheating car?

How to identify and fix the problem of an overheating car? - 1
Added (1). I drive a 1998 honda civic ex 2 door. Not until today my car has been over heating, I dont know much bout cars but please if anyone has any idea what i can do or any videos i can watch, I'd really appreciate it

Read more: How to identify and fix the problem of an overheating car?

Does the Honda XR 650L dirtbike have a governor?

Hi! I own a Honda XR 650L Dirtbike and was wondering if the engine has a governor on it which can reduce the amount of power and speed it has. Thank You and have a good day.

Read more: Does the Honda XR 650L dirtbike have a governor?

Which car is better? 2016 Toyota RAV4, Honda CRV or Nissan Rogue?

Which car is better? 2016 Toyota RAV4, Honda CRV or Nissan Rogue? - 1

Read more: Which car is better? 2016 Toyota RAV4, Honda CRV or Nissan Rogue?

Is 2016 Honda Cr-V EXL a Good Buy?

Is 2016 Honda Cr-V EXL a Good Buy? - 1

Read more: Is 2016 Honda Cr-V EXL a Good Buy?

Can I use another brand of oil in my honda gx 25 tiller?

Can I use another brand of oil in my honda gx 25 tiller?

Read more: Can I use another brand of oil in my honda gx 25 tiller?

Should I get a Honda grom to learn how to ride a motorcycle or get a Honda ctx700 DCT ABS?

Should I get a Honda grom to learn how to ride a motorcycle or get a Honda ctx700 DCT ABS? - 1

Read more: Should I get a Honda grom to learn how to ride a motorcycle or get a Honda ctx700 DCT ABS?

How much should I sell my 2008 crv Honda with 106,000 miles on it?

How much should I sell my 2008 crv Honda with 106,000 miles on it? - 1

Read more: How much should I sell my 2008 crv Honda with 106,000 miles on it?

Friday, April 22, 2016

Does putting holes in a catalytic converter that is suspected to have clogged up damage my Honda crv car?

The performance has improved since i have drilled holes and removed some staff inside

Read more: Does putting holes in a catalytic converter that is suspected to have clogged up damage my Honda crv car?

What causes a timing belt to jump and oil in spark plugs, how much should it cost?

i have a 1997 honda accord 2.2 4 cylinder. It has 305,000 miles on it. I was driving the other day and it worked just fine, all of a sudden it stopped working and my radio was still playing, i check under the hood and the was oil in my spark plugs, people are telling me my timing belt jumped time, what causes it, and how much should it cost? It acts like it wants to crank but it doesnt

Read more: What causes a timing belt to jump and oil in spark plugs, how much should it cost?

Honda Civic 2016 or Kia Optima?

Honda Civic 2016 or Kia Optima? My moms Kia has some nice features like double sunroof, front & rear heated seats, air conditioned seats, heated steering wheel, twin turbo, navigation, etc. The Honda I m looking at doesn t have any. I know I could buy one with navigation & other features but it s 7k more. Opinions?

Read more: Honda Civic 2016 or Kia Optima?

Just bought my first car?

Hi, I just bought my first car and I would like to ask some advice of how to keep my car in good conditions, what important maintenance should I keep track of, how often, I am a very cautious driver (that was when I used to share a car with my brother), now that I'm on my own I would like to keep it in good conditions so that one day I could trade it in, my car is a 2007 Honda Civic Ex with 115k miles, I usually like to keep my car in good exterior shape and clean.

Read more: Just bought my first car?

Honda Fit--Does 2013 cargo cover fit in the 2016?

I can't seem to find the measurements.

Read more: Honda Fit--Does 2013 cargo cover fit in the 2016?

Can anyone fix this Honda Oddessey 2000 TCS PROBLEM?

I own a 2000 Honda oddessy and when I turn on the car if it is cold outside the TCS light turn on and I can t shift my car into drive only reverse and 1st and second and I usually have to wait for the car to heat up with the heat on and restart the car after a while for the TCS light to turn off and for me to use drive.

Anyone ever have this problem or know what it could be?

Read more: Can anyone fix this Honda Oddessey 2000 TCS PROBLEM?

Should i buy a new car right now?

Hi im 20 years old and i live in LA i have been wanting to buy a car right now because well i dont have one. Ive always caught rides and taken the bus but right now i have been working a little over a year and i have 2000$ saved right now and was thinking of getting a new honda civic. My number one reason to do this is because ive always wanted a car unfortunately my parents dont live with me and my father is im mexico. Even though i wont have their help i really want to buy my own car i make 450$ a week working my only 40 hours most of the times i do around 15 hours of overtime and 40 regular hours in one weeks check. Thanks to my grandmother my only expenses are food,cable bill, and my phone bill. Thats about all so i want to ask for another opinion right now that i have it financially easy what should i do?

Read more: Should i buy a new car right now?

05 Honda civic p0730 and p0700 What should I do?

I have a 05 Honda civic automatic with 157*** miles and I noticed that something wrong with the shifting and check engine light came on so I pulled out the codes and 1st I got the code p0730 then the next day I connected my friends code reder nd i got p0730 and p0700 what's my case here no B's I really need help its my first Honda nd idk what to do sometimes runs fine and sometimes I have problem taking of I'll go slow but once it changes shift it's fine

Read more: 05 Honda civic p0730 and p0700 What should I do?

My 1995 Honda civic ex is failing smog in california the readings are below, can anyone help?

As I said above my 1995 Honda civic ex is failing California smog test and below are the latest results from the test… High HC 176 @ 15 mph and 152 @ 25 mph when the max allowed is 92 @ 15 mph and 57 @ 25 mph - And high CO.66 @ 15 mph and.65 @ 25mph when the max allowed is.55 @ 15 mph and.54 @ 25 mph but low NO with a passing level of 3 @ 15 mph and 49 @ 25 mph… Does anyone have any real working suggestions on how I can pass? I was told a tune up would do it so I have purchased the parts and are awaiting there arrival… Can anyone help? By the way the car seems to run great doesn't idle funny or blow smoke or anything of the sort

Read more: My 1995 Honda civic ex is failing smog in california the readings are below, can anyone help?

Should I buy this 1996 Honda Accord for $1,995 with 240,000 miles on it?

I dont know much about cars so Im taking my uncle to the dealership so he can check it out since hes a mechanic an knows alot about cars

Read more: Should I buy this 1996 Honda Accord for $1,995 with 240,000 miles on it?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

98 Honda Civic 4 door Windshield Replacement Trim/Molding?

Today I got my windshield replaced, afterwards I noticed that the corner of the windshield, didn't have the trimming glued down all the way. The guy told me it's tight and hard to adhere because of the cold weather and that later on the heat will help it expand and it will adhere better then. It's been 11 hours and from the corners of both sides, I can still see that the trimming isn't entirely glued down to the body of the car. You can see the windshield beneath it. I don't think it'll leak, but should I have them make sure it's glued down anyways? I'm afraid it might effect any future water leakage or something if it's not tightly secured down.
**Pictures are on the link-

Added (1). **Thanks! The guy said lifetime warranty for defects. Just wondering if I should worry about it even if there is no leakage at the moment. I have no experience with cars, so I don't know if an area like that could lead to anything (worse) later on. I've heard that some cars don't even have top trimmings, but I've heard that if a trimming isn't glued all the way down, there could lead to rust later on?

Read more: 98 Honda Civic 4 door Windshield Replacement Trim/Molding?

What can I expect from a magnaflow exhaust?

Honda Civic 2000 lx
B18c vtec DOHC swap (and all the corresponding parts like the manifold)
AEM cold air intake
But I have a stock exhaust pipe.
I recently purchased a magnaflow exhaust with 2.25" piping and I would like to know how much hp I could be looking at gaining, now I m also well aware that in some instances there would be little to no gains at all. But I read that for upgrades on stock civics. Any help? Just curious

Read more: What can I expect from a magnaflow exhaust?

My tail light is acting funny?!

I have a 2006 Honda Civic and the lights were working fine before I changed the tail lights to smoked ones but now my normal tail lights go off and on on one side but the brake lights work? But my left tail light won't stay on while I'm driving and then it turns on for a bit and go out later again

Read more: My tail light is acting funny?!

1995 honda civic fuel problem?

I have a right hand drive 1995 Honda civic LX(stick shift)(carburetor not fuel injected) 4 door. When you cut on the car as long as you keep it accelerated it stays on but once you take your foot of the gas for a while it sputters and cuts off. So you can drive it, but when you stop you have to put it in neutral and keep gasing it up or it will cut off.
You can see the gas coming out of the valve when you aren t taking gas and the car begins to sputter(basically floods out). The valve is located under the air filter i think that is in the picture.

Anyways i was told it was my fuel pump, changed it no difference. Was told it was the needle seat/plunger valve on the carburetor changed them out nothing changed.
Also it was mention to me that on the line to the pump is supposed to be a pressure control valve that i can set to let less psi come through but i seem not to have one or are they bsing?
Any ideas?

Read more: 1995 honda civic fuel problem?

Buying a 300ex with a couple issues?

a real good friend of mine said he'll sell me his 99 300ex bored over 20. The carb needs adjusted but he said he doesn't mind helping me do it since ill buy it, and it doesn't have rear brakes, although his dad said he wanted to put new ones on and replace the front brakes. It runs drives and shifts great though, he's only asking 1300 for it. Is it worth 13? I thought it should be since its a honda.
Added (1). I also forgot to add. He just rebuilt the top end and put 400 into it over the winter.

Read more: Buying a 300ex with a couple issues?

Would my 2005 Honda Civic with 165,000 miles make it from Roanoke Virginia to Pismo Beach California?

Would my 2005 Honda Civic with 165,000 miles make it from Roanoke Virginia to Pismo Beach California? - 1

Read more: Would my 2005 Honda Civic with 165,000 miles make it from Roanoke Virginia to Pismo Beach California?

Will 1980 honda civic oem rims fit on 1989 toyota mr2?

Will 1980 honda civic oem rims fit on 1989 toyota mr2?

Read more: Will 1980 honda civic oem rims fit on 1989 toyota mr2?

2009 Honda Civic Driver s Airbag Deployment, Do I have to replace the clock spring?

I have been rebuilding wrecked Pontiac G6 s for about 4 years now and have switched to newer Civic s. Typically if the clock spring wasn t melted I could easily re-use it. I ran into an issue with a Mazda that I ve rebuilt, where the clock spring had to be replaced due to an "internal fuse". Is that the case with Honda? Or am I able to re-use because it s still in great shape.

Read more: 2009 Honda Civic Driver s Airbag Deployment, Do I have to replace the clock spring?

What is sensor assy battery?

I accidentally broke a sensor assy battery? What does it do? Can a car go without it?
Added (1). sensor assy battery = sensor assembly battery. It look something like this

Read more: What is sensor assy battery?

Whats the loudest exhaust i could get for my Honda shadow 750ace?

Whats the loudest exhaust i could get for my Honda shadow 750ace? - 1

Read more: Whats the loudest exhaust i could get for my Honda shadow 750ace?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Spark plug gap on 05 Honda 2cyl 4 stroke outboard?

Spark plug gap on 05 Honda 2cyl 4 stroke outboard?

Read more: Spark plug gap on 05 Honda 2cyl 4 stroke outboard?

Trouble finding the perfect car?

I'm having trouble trying to find the perfect car that matches my exact specifications.

I'm looking for a lightly used entry level 4-door sport sedan.

I've been mostly looking at Infiniti G37, Lexus IS-250, BMW 3, Volkswagen CC, Mazda 3 or 6, and Honda Accord V6. I've also been loosely considering the Hyundai Sonata or Kia Optima with the 2.0T.

But every car has a drawback that I don't like. I don't want to buy a car and end up not liking it.I've made that mistake in the past and I really don't want to go through that again. It was just a complete fiasco.

While I like the G37 for the horsepower and value… The ride and power delivery is crappy to me. It feels so unrefined and it feels like you're riding on a park bench. It just feels a step below everything.

I like the Lexus IS-250 for its good looks, premium/elegant looking interior, compact size, reliability and resale value. But it's lacking in power. It feels about as fast as a Corolla. I wish the G37 had the same level of prestige, features, interior elegance, and refined power delivery the Lexus had, but I wish the Lexus made the same amount of power as the G37.

The German cars have great driving experience but long term reliability is an issue. I need something that is not going to require trips to the mechanic every week.

The Korean cars are nice, but how long are they going to last me and what are they going to be worth after another 3 years. That's an issue.

It's a tough call. What do you suggest
Added (1). mccoyblues: I'm looking at a used last generation Lexus IS. Probably 95% of IS's made in the last generation were the 250. Finding a 350 is like finding a needle in a haystack and even then most of them were RWD. I live in a snow belt state as well
Added (2). Biff: Yes, they are entry level sport sedans.
Added (3). Never: Yes, they are entry level sport sedans.

Read more: Trouble finding the perfect car?

Can I fit a 2JZ GTE from a supra in a Civic?

I currently own a 2001 Honda Civic LX Coupe. I plan to do an engine swap and I am highly considering a 2JZ. I am trying to figure out if its possible to put a 2JZ in the civic with AWD. Anyone have any knowledge on 2J's and Civics?

Read more: Can I fit a 2JZ GTE from a supra in a Civic?

Toyota Rav 4 or Honda CRV?

I'm really stuck between the two. Prices don't matter. I'm just looking for opinions for the 2016 models. Thanks!

Read more: Toyota Rav 4 or Honda CRV?

2 stroke scooter just stopped running?

I ride a 2001 honda elite. I was simply riding down the street and the scooter just shut off out of nowhere. The battery is pretty new so I am not thinking that is the issue. Only thing I could think of would be that it is out of oil. The scooter has a built in pump that mixes the oil and gas for you so I am hoping that is the only issue since I can't even remember the last time I had to put oil in it. Does that sound right or could it be something else.

Read more: 2 stroke scooter just stopped running?

Install front license plate bracket myself, or at dealership? Cost difference?

I know it'll be cheaper to install it myself, but I'm afraid to damage the front bumper since I have to drill holes to attach the bracket. If a dealership does it they'll know exactly how to do it since they do it all the time.

It's Honda that I'd be dealing with. I know they're expensive, but would a bracket installation really be that bad through them?

Read more: Install front license plate bracket myself, or at dealership? Cost difference?

What 125 motorbikes are good for short people?

I m a really short female. I want a motorbike but all that I ve found and liked the look of are really tall so it seems like mission impossible.
I like the look of the Honda CBF. Can that be lowered, or are there any similar bikes?
I don t really want a cruiser.
Thanks in advance. :)

Read more: What 125 motorbikes are good for short people?

What's wrong with my car A/C?

I have a Honda CR-V 2004 and about 6 months ago I had the alternator change. Ever since that day the A/C doesn't work. It turns in but doesn't throw cold air. Now about 2 weeks ago j put the AC refrigerant and still nothing. Any probable causes? Is it the relay switch or something?

Read more: What's wrong with my car A/C?

How to remove a choke cable on a 1986 honda shadow vt700?

How to remove a choke cable on a 1986 honda shadow vt700? - 1

Read more: How to remove a choke cable on a 1986 honda shadow vt700?

If NASCAR let Nissan or Honda in would you quit watching?

I would NASCAR was brought up by American car manufacturers. It'd be assinine to let another foreign brand in. If anybody should come back it's Dodge. If NASCAR does let Nissan or Honda in I'm done watching I'm sticking to dirt racing.

Read more: If NASCAR let Nissan or Honda in would you quit watching?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to install a front license plate base on a 2013 Honda Civic Sedan?

I've never had to do this before and I can't seem to find instructions online. I was hoping to do it myself. Right now my civic has nothing on the front to hold a front license plate.

Read more: How to install a front license plate base on a 2013 Honda Civic Sedan?

My Husband Thinks My Motorbike Is Too Powerful?

I'm currently having training for my direct access. I will be sitting my theory next month then I'm going straight in for my Mod 1:D
I have been riding motorbikes for 4 years (I've done my CBT twice) I taught my husband how to ride a geared bike after my first CBT. He then went in for his direct access but I haven't had time up until now, so he has spent many more hours on a bike than I have. So today we went out and bought me a bike for when I pass. I chose a Honda VTR 1000cc firestorm:D I am very happy and excited to ride this bike ( I had a little go on it) He is now saying that he thinks he has made a mistake letting me buy this bike as he thinks its too powerful for me and I wont be able to handle it. I know its a powerful bike and going from a 125cc to a 1000cc is a big jump but I am a very careful rider. Is this fair that he doesn't want me to have it when a pass? He is now saying that he wants to get me a smaller 600cc?

Read more: My Husband Thinks My Motorbike Is Too Powerful?

What engine can I put in a Honda Civic 90 hatchback that would be better then the stock engine it has to?

What engine can I put in a Honda Civic 90 hatchback that would be better then the stock engine it has to? - 1

Read more: What engine can I put in a Honda Civic 90 hatchback that would be better then the stock engine it has to?

How To Style a 91 Honda CRX?

What s up, new to this. So I recently purchased a 1991 Honda CRX DX with a D16Z6 swap and, aside from some minor cosmetic issues it looks great. No rust, adjustable coilovers, auxiliary radiator fan, kuhmo tires, the works. But, I want to know if any classic ways to make it more… Idk, envious? I don t want any shitty body kits, possibly is there any fenders, bumpers, headlights/taillights or anything in between that would enhance the appearance without taking away from the classic CRX look? Thanks.

Read more: How To Style a 91 Honda CRX?

Clutch is screaming? Help?!

Just picked up a 2004 rsx type s and was running fine and drove fine. On my way home the other night when slowing down and downshifting to second a screeching noise started and the car cut off, like the clutch wouldn't engage and shut off. Started car back up with clutch pedal pressed in and loud screeching noise again.let off the clutch pedal and the noise goes away.

checked MTF and seemed very low… Refilled with honda mtf and started her back up… No fix… Tried bleeding the slave cylinder cuz the pedal felt a little spongey… Still no fix…

it only does this upon startup of the car with clutch pedal pressed down and when shifting up to second or down to second… Third through fifth gear no problems at all… Also when the car is running in neutral if i barely press down on the clutch pedal you can hear the screech start up, then when pressed all the way down it gets loud… Like metal on metal screeching noise…

any thoughts/suggestions?

also no noise when running idle… Runs quiet until you press the pedal in

Read more: Clutch is screaming? Help?!

Are Honda and Toyota 8 holes flywheels spaced the same between the holes?

Both cars are 4 cyl. I know some car makers share the same pattern distance at the wheel hubs (rims) like 100mm X 4. Honda, toyota and others share the same specs on the rims.
I wonder if the same applies for the flywheel. I'm basing my suspicion on the fact that the size of the mounting part on the crankshaft is almost the same size on those engines.

Read more: Are Honda and Toyota 8 holes flywheels spaced the same between the holes?

Dirt bike transportation?

I have a 2005 Ford Explorer with a class 2 hitch that has a 1 1/4 receiver, and a Honda crf450R. I want to transport my bike but all hitch mounts for bikes are make for class 3 hitches with 2 inch receivers. I bought a 1 1/4 to 2 inch adapter, would the class 3 hitch work for me as long as I remember I can t carry as much as a class 3 hitch?

Read more: Dirt bike transportation?

Am I in trouble in life? Looking for something new?

40 years old male
- self employed $50 an hour salary
- never been married
- drives a honda
- do not own a house yet!
- my bank account only says $9000…
Added (1). Yes I have a hobby and I spend about $20,000 in a year for that hobby.

Read more: Am I in trouble in life? Looking for something new?

How to make a duplicate keys of honda activa? I have already replaced the lock system twice?

I have lost all keys of my activa. Its parked in my hostel's underground parking. I do not want to replace whole lock system and please suggest some cheap solutions as i am low on budget.

Read more: How to make a duplicate keys of honda activa? I have already replaced the lock system twice?

How much is a 1979-1980 Honda CM400T worth in fair condition?

How much is a 1979-1980 Honda CM400T worth in fair condition? - 1

Read more: How much is a 1979-1980 Honda CM400T worth in fair condition?

Monday, April 18, 2016

Where can I find a 1999 Honda Prelude rim to replace the one I have that is currently corroding?

I don't know what size my rims are. I know they're standard size for the make/model of the car.

Read more: Where can I find a 1999 Honda Prelude rim to replace the one I have that is currently corroding?

Beginner motor bike suggestions?

Hey I m currently 16 (17 in a few months) and Im planning on doing my CBT as soon as possible to be able to get my first bike. I m roughly 6 1 (186cm ish) and roughly 242 lbs (109 kg). Planning on getting a Honda CBR 125 as I really like the look of the bike and have seen some good reviews for it. Any thoughts?

Read more: Beginner motor bike suggestions?

Will a previous accident prevent me from getting this job?

I recently had an interview with Germain Honda, and they sent me a pre-employment background check. I interviewed for an appointment coordinator in the Service Dept. I would be answering phones and scheduling services appointments, I would not be operating any sort of vehicle on the clock. My concern is that I was in a car accident last Augst (it was not a DUI situation), but it was my fault. I turned too hard and swiped a parked car, which was parked on a curb. I did get a ticket. Will this prevent me from getting this job?

Read more: Will a previous accident prevent me from getting this job?

How to reduce vibrations in Honda Stunner?

How to reduce vibrations in Honda Stunner?

Read more: How to reduce vibrations in Honda Stunner?

How much is a 1993 Honda CB 500 worth?

The fuel tank is a little bent, has some rust here and there fairly new wheels and new oil
Added (1). The bike is good overall except those small inconveniences

Read more: How much is a 1993 Honda CB 500 worth?

What is the engine oil capacity for latest model honda 250r model?

What is the engine oil capacity for latest model honda 250r model?

Read more: What is the engine oil capacity for latest model honda 250r model?

Honda Civic, Honda Accord, or Acura ILX?

Of these cars, which is the best?

Read more: Honda Civic, Honda Accord, or Acura ILX?

05 honda civic hybrid battery issues?

I have an 05 honda civic hybrid and at random times it will not start. Usually after not running for a good minute. I have a hunch its simply a bad 12v but i do not want to invest in that without further info. When driving the ima assist and charge works fine but the battery charge dies very quickly. It will also start just fine after a jump every time. Any info is appreciated ☺

Read more: 05 honda civic hybrid battery issues?

Do you guys think the 2007 black honda accord is nice?


Read more: Do you guys think the 2007 black honda accord is nice?

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Is a 2001 Honda accord with 165,000 miles a good deal for $1800?

Coupe, 4 cylinders car.
I only have this amount of money and i don't want to waste it on a useless car that will cost more in the future.
The guy said he does maintenance and oil change himself.

Thank you.

Read more: Is a 2001 Honda accord with 165,000 miles a good deal for $1800?

Does anyone on here have a Honda ATC?

Does anyone on here have a Honda ATC?

Read more: Does anyone on here have a Honda ATC?

Steering Wheel Shakes Stops Shakes At High Speed?

I Have a 2004 Honda CRV i bought brand new tires for and they drove perfectly fine and smooth

later that night i got a puncture and a flat tire which i fixed with a plug kit with no leaks

the next day when i sped up to 65 miles an hour the steering wheel will shake a little for half a second then stop for a second then shake again over and over

the faster i go over 65 the shake stop gets faster

and under 65 it drives smooth as glass

Is this a major concern?

Read more: Steering Wheel Shakes Stops Shakes At High Speed?

What is faster a Honda Integra Type R 1998 DC2 engine or a MR2 1991 stock?

What is faster a Honda Integra Type R 1998 DC2 engine or a MR2 1991 stock?

Read more: What is faster a Honda Integra Type R 1998 DC2 engine or a MR2 1991 stock?

Hi, my aunt is looking for a new car?

My aunt is looking for a new car as her current one was made in 2001 and is starting to have some problems. So, this is what she's considering, and I'd like to know which of these is the best:
Buick Verano
Chevy Malibu
Honda Accord
Hyundai Sonata
Kia Optima
Nissan Altima
Subaru Legacy
Toyota Camry
My aunt will most likely buy a new car, or a slightly used one. So, which of these would you recommend as the best of them?

Read more: Hi, my aunt is looking for a new car?

What's it like working at a luxury dealer?

I'm currently a car salesman for a Nissan dealership and have been in the business for about a year, in a couple of months I'll be moving to a different state for college reasons. We're not paid commission, nor draw. It's salary + bonus. Out of curiosity, what is it like being a salesman for let's say, BMW, AUDI, LEXUS, etc?
I know they mostly get paid draw and don't sell as much as Nissan, Toyota, Honda, due to prices and whatnot, I would like some input thought, thanks!

Read more: What's it like working at a luxury dealer?

Hi I have a 2004 4cyl Honda accord and Im having an issue with the front end?

I'm getting a slight vibration at the steering wheel once I hit about 45-50mph and when I hit the brakes, the pedal feels weird. I'm feeling the vibration through the pedals too. I've gotten the wheels balanced and it helped a bit but the vibration wont completely go away. I plan on checking the engine and transmission mounts and the rotors and pads for warping. Is there anything else I should check? If anyone's fixed this issue on a similar vehicle please let me know what the issue was. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Read more: Hi I have a 2004 4cyl Honda accord and Im having an issue with the front end?

How to install a light bar on my 2005 Honda VTX 1300C?

How to install a light bar on my 2005 Honda VTX 1300C?

Read more: How to install a light bar on my 2005 Honda VTX 1300C?

How to disconnect that cable on back of my auto transmission on 96 Honda accord?

How to disconnect that cable on back of my auto transmission on 96 Honda accord?

Read more: How to disconnect that cable on back of my auto transmission on 96 Honda accord?

What used car should I buy (under $20,000)?

No honda or nissan, transmission and drivetrain were junk

Read more: What used car should I buy (under $20,000)?

Saturday, April 16, 2016

06 Honda Odyssey Engine Problems.Help?!

My 06 Honda Odyssey is troubling me. The engine is overhrating, it keeps stalling/dying with an engine and oil light although I have oil and changed the engine because this situation had happened befoe. Furthermore, it keeps stalling/dying once I'm either at a stop light or stop sign an in would have to shut off the car and turn it back on. Also, there is white smoking coming out of the back of the car when I'm in motion. Along with that, the engine keeps shaking and knocking when I'm driving and it takes a lot of power to accelerate to a normal rate of speed. I already changed the engine which was VERY costly so what should I do?!

Read more: 06 Honda Odyssey Engine Problems.Help?!

Most reputable car rating website?

I am currently in the market for buying a semi-used car (2011 to 2015 range) and am trying to find as much info as I can as far as how well cars are rated. I have looked at both Kelley Blue Book and Edmunds (two of the most popular sites I know of) and some of these ratings seem to contradict each other. I tried Consumer Reports but they make you pay for a membership. Also, on KBB for example, I trust their expert reviews more than consumer reviews where one bad review from a person who had bad luck can drive the average rating down considerably. This is kind of a dumb question but is there a site that is known for being more reputable than the others?

For reference, the car I'm looking for is a 4 door Sedan with solid MPG and decent power… I have had Hondas since I started driving and they've been great for me, but I want to broaden my horizon. I'd like to stick with the name brands.I've researched Civic, Accord, Altima, Legacy, Impreza, Camry, Corolla and Jetta mainly.

Read more: Most reputable car rating website?

Honda Accord 2006 4 Cylinder massive fuel consumption?

my Honda Accord 2006 4 Cylinder consumes fuel so much. What could be the cause of this

Read more: Honda Accord 2006 4 Cylinder massive fuel consumption?

Horrible paint job work:?

I have an Amber Bronze 2006 Chevy Impala LT, had gotten into a wreck a couple months ago. I brought it to someone that my stepdad recommended. And when I got it back I was highly unsatisfied. At first the parts that were painted that were my driverside and passenger quarter panel and passenger door were silver. I complained to him. And he had painted them again. This same time leaving me upset. My question there anyway or any place that I could take my ride to be painted and have it come out the exact match of the rest of the car? Keep in mind that my car is an 06 and it is ten year old paint that has sat in the sun and faded over time. But is there anyway shape or form that I could have my old car back? :( or will I have to completely repaint it? I was thinking if I did. I would paint it the same brown color that you see on those Honda Accord Coupes. I really like that color, and also. How much would a full body paint job be? Including inside of door jams but not the engine and trunk?

Read more: Horrible paint job work:?

Shifted into 1st instead of 3rd. Car won t Rev above 3500 rpm?

Let my friend shift while I was driving my 02 honda accord. While pushing 6000 in 2nd gear he forced 1st instead of 3rd. Check engine light came on immediately and now the car won Rev above 3500 rpm. Doesn t matter what gear I m in, even neutral, Won t go past 3500. What should I do?

Read more: Shifted into 1st instead of 3rd. Car won t Rev above 3500 rpm?

What maintenance do I need for a Honda Civic 2008?

I have a Honda Civic, year 2008, and it has 80,000 miles on it right now. I ve done all the oil changes and I ve had to change the battery one time. I m wondering what other work I need? The guy who did the last oil change says I need to check my transmission fluid. Another friend suggested I need new spark plugs. I know nothing about cars, and the manual doesn t really list anything specific other than an oil change. Unless I m missing something. I m just wondering if I should be getting tuneups or something like that. Thank you in advance!

Read more: What maintenance do I need for a Honda Civic 2008?

What is the right wiring harness for the Honda Civic LX sedan 2006?

I have been driving all over my town, and this seems to be the hardest thing to find, I went to the safe haven Walmart and looked for my car, and the model stops at 2005 and the one that is preferred for my car is a scosche ha10B but I looked it up, and it s only meant for a 4-speaker system, and I have a 6-speaker system. Should I just try the ha028 for my Honda, I need help please, this is going to be the most stressful project thus far.

Read more: What is the right wiring harness for the Honda Civic LX sedan 2006?

What does the k o stand for on my 1975 honda xl250 motosport enduro ko?

What does the k o stand for on my 1975 honda xl250 motosport enduro ko? - 1

Read more: What does the k o stand for on my 1975 honda xl250 motosport enduro ko?

How come every time I see someone driving a Honda Fit they act like they have a Napoleonic Complex?

How come every time I see someone driving a Honda Fit they act like they have a Napoleonic Complex? - 1

Read more: How come every time I see someone driving a Honda Fit they act like they have a Napoleonic Complex?

What underglow color would look best on my motorcycle?

Been considering underglow LED lights on my Honda VTX 1300 but unsure on what color would look best. My bike is a darker midnight blue color. It s something I may only use once or twice but I still like it so if your going to say don t do it then just don t respond. And let s just assume all colors are legal. But if you had a second option that would be awesome as well. (Yes I know it s a matter of opinion). Thanks.

Read more: What underglow color would look best on my motorcycle?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Which is better?honda cbr 250 or ktm duke 390?

i cant decide between these two! Both are priced almost same! And both are great bikes!
i want to buy the bike which has:
1.decent mileage(30-35kmpl is fine).
2.more refined engine.
4.great build quality
5.lesser maintenance.
6.lower servicing cost and decent resale value.

Read more: Which is better?honda cbr 250 or ktm duke 390?

05 Honda civic catalytic converter replacement do I need new 02 sensors also?

I have a 2005 Honda civic vp I'm gonna replace the exhaust manifold -catalytic converter cuz its cracked the weird then is that it's been like that 4 2 or 3 week and I haven't get the check engine on idk if it's good or bad the thing is that if I have to change the 02 sensors also

Read more: 05 Honda civic catalytic converter replacement do I need new 02 sensors also?

Loud howling noise at rear of my 2002 Honda CR-V?

I just got a 2002 Honda crv yesterday it does have problems with it. Like squeaky brakes/ needs a battery (I think) or a cleaning of the battery posts. That's what the guy told me, an such. But it's making a howling Noise at the rear of the car. It almost sounds like wind. Low pitched. I'm not too sure what it could be? I have to get quite a bit things fixed but just wanted to know if anyone knew, so it would help me out! Thanks:)

Read more: Loud howling noise at rear of my 2002 Honda CR-V?

Honda Pilot VS Isuzu Mu-x?

and why doesn't Isuzu Mu-x have a wikipedia?

Read more: Honda Pilot VS Isuzu Mu-x?

Chevrolet Trailblazer VS Honda Pilot?

Chevrolet Trailblazer VS Honda Pilot? - 1

Read more: Chevrolet Trailblazer VS Honda Pilot?

Clicking noise in my car?

Hello I have a Honda Civic ex 2002. When I turn my car on it don t make no noise, but when the car start moving in make a ticking noise and when I press the brake it stop. What could it be?

Read more: Clicking noise in my car?

Is a BMW sedan more expensive to insure than a Honda coupe?

I just bought a Honda Accord coupe (2 door) and I paid it off in full. Now I want a BMW. Is it more expensive to insure (4 door sedan)?

Money isn t an issue but I already paid off a years worth of insurance upfront. I just wanna know how much extra I d have to pay.

Read more: Is a BMW sedan more expensive to insure than a Honda coupe?

Brand new power steering pump whining?

Brand new power steering pump whining? - 1
Added (1). 2010 Honda Odyssey 90K miles, new pump, fluid, reservoir purchased from Honda
Added (2). Is this common to Hondas, like the famous clunking in the suspension?

Read more: Brand new power steering pump whining?

What does DX Stand for on Honda Accord DX?

What does DX Stand for on Honda Accord DX?

Read more: What does DX Stand for on Honda Accord DX?

Needing Professional Advice on 2000 Honda Prelude Ignition Problem?

Hello, all from the grand state of Arkansas. So let s get to business… A month or so ago, I wrecked my wonderful civic. Serious sadness. There was a cow in the road that attempted to jump the car. Yeah. Needless to say, the civic is toast. So now I am looking into a 2000 Prelude that a mechanically challenged friend of the family owns. He is selling it super cheap with one catch: the car only starts occasionally. I initially thought easy fix but it has been more daunting than anticipated. Here is how it went: we attempted to start the car (using one of the three keys given) and it will turn over to auxiliary but nothing beyond that. No lights or beeper. Battery was dead. We jumped it and once again, it would turn to auxiliary but nothing more than that. Not once did it actually crank or even start. There is the badly worn original key and two other keys that look as though they were born of Walmart. One of the Walmart baby keys was the only key that would turn it to aux. While in auxiliary mode, it would display full lights and emit a beep, thought a green light showed error with the key. Are we dealing with a bad tumbler here or that beast of a security system? Or neither? This car is in prime condition with super low mileage so I want to scour what info I can before abandoning it. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!

Read more: Needing Professional Advice on 2000 Honda Prelude Ignition Problem?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Used honda civic 2006 or used vw polo 2011. My heart says civic and brain says polo?

Used honda civic 2006 or used vw polo 2011. My heart says civic and brain says polo? - 1

Read more: Used honda civic 2006 or used vw polo 2011. My heart says civic and brain says polo?

What is wrong with my Honda z50R?

I have had my dirt bike since I was a kid and I am 19 now. It is a 50cc(well 49) with a 4 stroke and 3 speed 94 z50R 94 model. It never gave me trouble until earlier in the year. It would run very well then occasionally would give up at full throttle. This happened more and more and progressed to the point were I would turn it on and ANY gas would kill it. This happened over about a 2 weeks of 5-10 min rides. At this point it will only idle momentarily with full choke. I cleaned the spark plug with wd40 some of the time and it seemed to work briefly, but ended up doing the same thing. I totally took the carburetor off for about a month(as well as emptied the gas), but did nothing with it. So I put the carb back on yesterday, put the only gas we had(which was mix for the blower) in it, and it started up no problem. It astounded me, I was so happy. I ran it for about 5 min but after that it would just stop firing at full throttle. I can run it at about 70 or 80 percent. If I pick up enough speed I can open her up all the way, but it's just not the same. It will struggle and accualy try and slow down if I manage to go full throttle with already achieved speed. Keep in mined that it had no trouble opening all the way even from a dead stop 5 min before. What is up?

Read more: What is wrong with my Honda z50R?

What would you do if you saw a man in a suit and tie with a Rolex driving Honda Civil?

He could afford a BMW or Audi.

Read more: What would you do if you saw a man in a suit and tie with a Rolex driving Honda Civil?

I need a radio code for my 96 Honda Odyssey?

I need a radio code for my 96 Honda Odyssey?

Read more: I need a radio code for my 96 Honda Odyssey?

Buying second hand motorbike?

Buying a 2010 Honda fireblade with 11 000Km on the clock.

Going to test drive it tomorrow and was wondering what to look for if the bike has been looked after and secondly when riding are their any signs that would tell if the bike has been hammered?

Thanks first time buying a second hand bike

Read more: Buying second hand motorbike?

2011 Honda Accord Cpe EX-L V6, will this save me gas?

2011 Honda Accord Cpe EX-L V6, will this save me gas? - 1

Read more: 2011 Honda Accord Cpe EX-L V6, will this save me gas?

I'm looking at modifying my car, any advice please?

Hello all, my insurance renewal is coming up and I'm thinking of looking for modified car insurance. I have a Honda Civic Type-R GT FN2 and I'm not looking to heavily modify it.

I'm thinking of getting;
A new exhaust
Intake system
MAYBE a remap and spoiler

I'm 23, 4 years no claims and 5 years license held. If you're of similar age and have modified insurance, can you tell me who you insure with and how much your quote is? Thanks:)

Read more: I'm looking at modifying my car, any advice please?

On my honda Dirtbike. There is a oil tank under the seat which says motor oil on it? What is it exactly?

On my honda Dirtbike. There is a oil tank under the seat which says motor oil on it? What is it exactly?

Read more: On my honda Dirtbike. There is a oil tank under the seat which says motor oil on it? What is it exactly?

My car doesnt have a radio. Will any car radio work for it?

I have a 94 nissan Pathfinder and when i purchased it, it didn't have a radio. My girlfriend has a junk 98 honda civic and the radio in it still works. Will it work inside of my car? It's the stock radio.
Added (1). Be gentle i don't know anything about cars

Read more: My car doesnt have a radio. Will any car radio work for it?

2011 HONDA ACCORD, IM 19 YEARS OLD. How much is average for insurance cost? Or liability will cost?

2011 HONDA ACCORD, IM 19 YEARS OLD. How much is average for insurance cost? Or liability will cost? - 1

Read more: 2011 HONDA ACCORD, IM 19 YEARS OLD. How much is average for insurance cost? Or liability will cost?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Shoud I buy the motorcycle before or after I get my license and gear?

I found an interesting offer on a Honda CB500 from 1993 but I don't have my license nor gear. I'm afraid that if I don't buy it now I might loose it. What do you think?
Added (1). Of course I don't plan on riding with no gear. I'm going to store the motorcycle until it's 100% safe

Read more: Shoud I buy the motorcycle before or after I get my license and gear?

Can i jump start my car without sparkplugs (or improperly installed plugs)?

Heres the story:
Its a 2002 honda odyssey.
While driving the lights saying the doors are open were all on, the battery light and emergency brake light were all on while driving and the car died while moving. Over time it went away(a week). Came back and when i tried to start my car it had a hard time. While on, the electronics (radio, window, power locks etc.) Were fading in n out. I got home and changed the spark plugs being told it was the spark plugs that caused the initial shutoff while driving. Now the car makes a rapid clicking noise when trying to start. A friend mine jump started the car but to no avail. When i have the lights on the car doesnt even click which makes me think its the battery. What worries me is the not jumpstarting part. Anyn ideas?
Please help, my wife is about to go into labor any hour/day now and i really need this fixed.
Thanks in advance!

Read more: Can i jump start my car without sparkplugs (or improperly installed plugs)?

Car ac turns off and then just blows?

My car ac is really cold and then just blows. I need help. Recently charged to weight spec for honda. 06 honda civic 1.8L not too sure if its moisture or something.

Read more: Car ac turns off and then just blows?

Any recommendations on a good car for first time driver?

I'm a 22yr old female and am just about ready to finally get my first car. I am wanting something that is generally known for being reliable, good on gas and nothing sporty. I am not interested in Hondas as my brother has gone through two already due to their unreliability. They were both kept up but he was constantly having to put in a lot of money into those cars so I'd like to hopefully avoid those.
Added (1). They were his everyday cars for college, only being driven 4 days a week. One last maybe 2 years and the other a year.
Added (2). Yeah I only have a $5,000 budget for the car so I can't afford anything too new!

Read more: Any recommendations on a good car for first time driver?

Which car is better between the two? Toyota Yaris or honda civic?

Im saying in looks, performance, reliability and practicality.

Read more: Which car is better between the two? Toyota Yaris or honda civic?

1968 honda trx90 spring/valve?

I have a 1968 honda trx 90, I noticed the other day that there is a component that is like a valve or something, it is just outside of the battery compartment, I looks like a small black cylinder with a a coil spring hooked through a rod in the middle of it.

Read more: 1968 honda trx90 spring/valve?

Is it normal to wet yourself in the back of your car?

I just slept in the back of my 98 Honda accord and awoke urinating. I managed to stop it itself halhalf pee the rest out into a bush. However my pants were soaked and i smell. Not good considering my gym is having a refurbishment and I have an interview tomorrow + boo family.

What answers am looking for: how to stop smelling and why did I wee in my car after not weeing in my sleep for fifteen years!

Read more: Is it normal to wet yourself in the back of your car?

FACTORY PRICE OF 1998 HONDA CIVIC LX Preferably in Asia?

FACTORY PRICE OF 1998 HONDA CIVIC LX Preferably in Asia?
Added (1). FACTORY PRICE OF "1998 HONDA CIVIC LX" Preferably in Asia in 1998
Added (2). Even estimate is ok

Read more: FACTORY PRICE OF 1998 HONDA CIVIC LX Preferably in Asia?

Bike won t start! Help! 94 Honda shadow 1100?

Hi guys, I have a 94 shadow 1100. This morning I went out to start it and it just kept cranking over like it was about to start. It was a bit cold out so I figured it would fight me to start. Eventually I ended up draining my battery and said forget it I ll try it later. I hooked it up to a charger and after it was fully charged, I went to start it up. Only this time It didn t do anything. I let it sit for a minute and tried again and I hear a "clunk" sound coming from the bottom of my bike. Almost around my starter. I hear the clunk for like the 4-5 times I press the button then I hear nothing. Again, I let it sit, and the clunk comes back for a few more presses. My kickstand is down, my bike is in neutral and my engine kill switch isn t on. I fear I may have somehow seized my engine or just fried my starter. Anyone know what might be the issue? The bike has been running fine up until now. Hasn t sat for more that a few days since I last rode it.

Read more: Bike won t start! Help! 94 Honda shadow 1100?

Vin 5j6rm48gl012927 What kind of Honda do I have?

Vin 5j6rm48gl012927 What kind of Honda do I have?

Read more: Vin 5j6rm48gl012927 What kind of Honda do I have?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Can anyone give me a estimate on how much insurance would be on a car?

I'm planning on buying a car when I'm 17 and have my Novice drivers, and I'm planning on paying $0-$2200 on a decent car that can take me to work. I'll be in grade 12 with a job that'll pay at least $11.00 an hour and I'll get probably 16 hours in a week more or less. I'm just wondering how much would insurance be on a 2002 model car(Honda Civia)? Does insurance get paid every month or is it different?

Read more: Can anyone give me a estimate on how much insurance would be on a car?

What is the price of a 2010 honda crv 4 wheel drive ELX?

What is the price of a 2010 honda crv 4 wheel drive ELX?
Added (1). 90k miles.

Read more: What is the price of a 2010 honda crv 4 wheel drive ELX?

What is the value of a honda st 1100 with 28,000 miles?

What is the value of a honda st 1100 with 28,000 miles?

Read more: What is the value of a honda st 1100 with 28,000 miles?

Are 2 door, red Honda Civics feminine?

Are 2 door, red Honda Civics feminine? - 1

Read more: Are 2 door, red Honda Civics feminine?

Who designed the older honda civic in the picture below?

please help fast:) any car experts who can figure his out will be greatly appreciated!

Read more: Who designed the older honda civic in the picture below?

1968 Honda CT90 spring/valve?

I have a 1968 CT90, I noticed the other day that there is a component that is like a valve or something, it is just outside of the battery compartment, I looks like a small black cylinder with a a coil spring hooked through a rod in the middle of it. When I pull in the spring the rod in the middle moves, and then returns to where it was when I let go so it is supposed to move, however the spring isn t attached to anything, it s just dangling there. What is this piece and where does the spring attach to?

Read more: 1968 Honda CT90 spring/valve?

Best place too find aftermarket parts for honda trx400 carburetor?

Best place too find aftermarket parts for honda trx400 carburetor?

Read more: Best place too find aftermarket parts for honda trx400 carburetor?

Is getting a manual car worth it?

I was thinking about getting a Honda civic Si Sedan FA5. Is this a good choice for buying for my first car? Thanks in advance

Read more: Is getting a manual car worth it?

My dash indicator won t work?

My oil change was overdue and it dint tell me on my dash indicator, it works when I turn the keys but when I turn the car on it won t, it doesn t tell me anything when The car needs something done, it s a 2004 Honda

Read more: My dash indicator won t work?

Motorcycle popping noise at low rpm and dies?

Hi, I have a 1983 honda nighthawk 550. Bike ran great for its age until one day it just stopped driving. I took the tank off and it turned out the petcock was faulty. I replaced the petcock and gas is definatley flowing fine. I also replaced all 4 spark plugs. Today I jumped the bike and it started but it sounded like gunfire from the exhaust. It ran fine at about 2,500 rpm or higher but if i let the throttle lower than that it pops a lot again and it just dies. Im happy to know my fuel is flowing now, but this is just my next issue. Is it backfiring? It ran perfectly at higher rpms but why does it do this when its lower, and why does it die?

Thanks in advance

Read more: Motorcycle popping noise at low rpm and dies?