Thursday, March 31, 2016
Would you take a 1993 honda accord with 290k miles on a long 1400 Mile trip(700 there and back)?
Would you take a 1993 honda accord with 290k miles on a long 1400 Mile trip(700 there and back)?
Read more: Would you take a 1993 honda accord with 290k miles on a long 1400 Mile trip(700 there and back)?
Do I need to change my 2004 Honda odyssey timing belt at 97kplus miles?
Do I need to change my 2004 Honda odyssey timing belt at 97kplus miles?
Read more: Do I need to change my 2004 Honda odyssey timing belt at 97kplus miles?
Is a squeaking noise when you let off the brake pedal in your car a serious problem?
Whenever I let off the brake pedal in my Honda, I hear a squeak noise. Is this something that likely just needs to be lubricated/cleaned on the brake mechanism, or is it signs of a more serious problem? It is not the brake pads; those have been replaced recently. Is this something I need fixed ASAP, (possible brake failure) or is it something that just simple (not serious ) maintenance?
Read more: Is a squeaking noise when you let off the brake pedal in your car a serious problem?
How to change impeller on a honda 50 boat motor?
How to change impeller on a honda 50 boat motor?
Read more: How to change impeller on a honda 50 boat motor?
Honda TRX 450r customization?
Anybody know some good customization for a fully offroading trx?
Read more: Honda TRX 450r customization?
Kawasaki Ninja 250/300 or Yamaha YZF-R3 or Honda CBR 250r?
I'm a beginner rider looking into buying my first motorcycle.
I'm an 18 years old female who's 5'3".
Bikes with a seat height under 800mm is ideal for someone of my height and experience that is why I've picked out these bikes. The seat heights of these 3 bikes are 780-785mm. I'd like a bike no older than 2007. One with easy maintenance and parts that aren't going to cost my an arm and a leg if something breaks on the bike. I know the 125's are cheaper however I've heard although they are a lot of fun, they aren't all that forgiving and I like the power that 250/300's have to offer - I feel they're better suited for me since I don't want to go selling and having to buying another bike because I want more power after riding a 125 for a couple months.
I like the look of the Ninja's and R3's but ultimately my choice with come down to comfort, affordability, easy to ride and of course forgiving to my beginner self.
I'll be getting a bike second hand for no more than $3500 Australia dollars so your recommendations would be much appreciated.
Read more: Kawasaki Ninja 250/300 or Yamaha YZF-R3 or Honda CBR 250r?
How long can I drive on a Donut (spare tire)?
Well here's the situation. I got a flat yesterday morning on my way to work, I do deliveries (yes with 'my' car) and I had a brand-new spare tire in the trunk (2008 Honda Civic) which was never used til' now.
The thing is, I have tire insurance through my monthly payment arrangements with Honda. I call the claims department, and they said to take the car to a Honda dealership and to call them back to confirm replacement. So I call Honda (where I bought my car) and made an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning (Saturday), to replace the tire.
This was on Friday morning, before I was going to work.
I went to work on a donut spare, and I had to do deliveries (about 40 miles worth of driving) and I was nervous about driving around on a donut too long, so I kept my car under 35 mph for every delivery.
So anyways, next day comes, (Saturday morning) and I called Honda to confirm I'm coming in, then I called the Insurance department, and they were freakin' closed! They're only open Mon-Fri.
So now I can't call them to confirm replacement by the dealership! So I cancelled the appointment, and made it for early Monday morning. But the problem is, I have work tomorrow (Sunday) again, I usually don't get as much deliveries as I did on Friday, but my car is 'still' on the Donut.
I refuse to buy another tire, because I've been paying for this damn insurance for 3 years (additional 10 dollars monthly) for situations like this, and now they're not even available when I need at the moment. So I'm not taking money out of 'my' pocket for something I've 'already' been paying for 3 years. So will I be ok to take this car to work for one more day? Is it safe, even driving safely, and driving the car under a safe speed limit? I'm just furious right now with the claims department, I told them I made an appointment for Honda next day, and they didn't bother telling me they are closed that day. So I'm stuck here. I looked around even for a used tire, and I can't find nothing less than $50, and I don't want to buy anything for this damn car if I have insurance I've been paying for.
So far $10 monthly, for 3 years is $360! And this is ONE tire. I'm gonna pay money out of my pocket for another tire (probably $100) while this insurance walks away with my money?
Does anybody have suggestions? Or have had similar situation or knows anything of what I can do with the insurance company maybe? And I will my donut make it tomorrow for work?
please help.
Read more: How long can I drive on a Donut (spare tire)?
How dangerous is a blown head gasket?
I have a honda integra 1990 had a recent radiator problem lots of over heating all fixed now.
Just discovered recently my head gasket is blown just curious is it worth replacing? What does it exactly do when its blown?
Read more: How dangerous is a blown head gasket?
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Blown Head Gasket, Low mileage Car. Should I replace or fix?
Hey everyone.
I was driving my car yesterday and it started to shake violently. Then a lot of white smoke started coming out of the tail pipe to the point where I thought it was going to blind the cars behind me. Also, my car started to smell like antifreeze. I looked at the oil to see if there was water in it, but it looks normal. Anyways, my dad thinks I might have a blown head gasket.
I have a 1993 Honda Civic DX. I bought it used for around $2000 and it was working fine for about 3 years. It only has about 76,000 miles on it.
Is it worth fixing, because the car has fairly low mileage and I don't have to pay monthly car payments. However, my insurance company said that if I got in an accident (whether its my fault or not), they aren't going to cover my car. Or should I just get a newer car, possibly pay month car payments, and have my car covered my insurers if I get in an accident.
Read more: Blown Head Gasket, Low mileage Car. Should I replace or fix?
What kind of brake fluid?
I have a 1983 Honda Nighthawk 550 that I've been working on and I am new to the motorcycle scene. What kind of brake fluid would be okay to use?
Read more: What kind of brake fluid?
Hyundai Sonata or Honda Accord? Please advise which vehicle is better? I'm really confused?!
Hyundai Sonata or Honda Accord? Please advise which vehicle is better? I'm really confused?!
Read more: Hyundai Sonata or Honda Accord? Please advise which vehicle is better? I'm really confused?!
Does this sound like a faulty O2 sensor?
No check engine light, just wondering if my O2 sensors could be on their way out.
Rough idle, acceleration from idle is very poor. Idling has VERY bad bursts in warm weather, and the acceleration is twice as bad when it's warm outside (anything over 60 degrees F).
No vacuum leaks, throttle body is clean. I am thinking of replacing both O2 sensors as preventative maintenance anyway but am curious if they could be my issue.
I know I don't have a CEL but I've heard O2s can definitely be faulty with no CEL.
Added (1). Car is a 2012 Honda Civic, 180k miles.
Read more: Does this sound like a faulty O2 sensor?
First oil change mileage for Honda Civic?
I have a new 2015 Honda Civic with 2000 miles on it and I'm wondering if it's time for the first oil change?
Read more: First oil change mileage for Honda Civic?
Fixing a crack in transmission case?
Hello all, I have a 1994 automatic honda civic dx coupe a while back i got stuck up on a rock and cracked the transmission case directly on the bottom it's kind of more of a hole it's about the size of a dime. I had put some jb weld on it and it held for about 9 months but then decided to start leaking. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem before some tricks they did? ( I was told you cannot weld my transmission bein as it is aluminum.(the transmission is stock) I was pricing them found one for a 380 but wanted to give something another shot before i pay that and than pay to have it installed. All ANSWERS GREATLY APPRECIATED (;
Read more: Fixing a crack in transmission case?
Changed my fuel filter, car won't start?
i've bought 2 fuel filters for my 1990 honda civic, the first one i couldn't stop the leak, so the 2nd one i made everything was ok ( the 2 copper rings, screwed it straight, the arrows match up, the pipes are correct holes), i did everything by the haynes book. Now when i start it i think theres a very slow leak cause it doesn't start, but i go check the filter and it goes very slowly wet on top ( of gas), my car won't start at all. Now my fuel filter still doesn't have a perfect seal, i can't do nothing about that, i honestly tried for 7 hours yesterday, just taking it apart, applying pressure, thats why today i had to buy a 2nd fuel filter just in case. But even though it has a very slow leak, shouldn't it at least start up for a few seconds? I'm at my wits end here! I'lll buy gasket sealer and seal the damn thing up, but it'll prob just end up leaking some more. The hoses are good, if i tip them upside down gas flows out, the gas tank lid is unscrewed, the banjos are good, it perfectly round, the threads i put sealing tape on it ( i know its not good, but i just wanted to see if it at least starts up)
Read more: Changed my fuel filter, car won't start?
I have a 1996 Honda Shadow ACE. It won t start even though the battery is charged. What can I do?
I just got the battery charged and the bike still wont start. I can hear it trying but it just won t catch. I know very little about engines but could it be the fuel pump or carburetor that needs to be cleaned or replaced. If so, how do I do that? Thank you for the help.
Read more: I have a 1996 Honda Shadow ACE. It won t start even though the battery is charged. What can I do?
Will a 26mm carb will work with a single cylinder 250cc yamaha?
My bikes carb is rotten… So i am planing on fitting a new carburetor for the bike. Currently under the process of fashioning a new spigot and a carburetor manifold to fit the bike. My question is will things work? I am planing on mounting a 26mm slide carb with a custom spigot to the Yamaha SR250 since i don't have a carb. The original carb which came with it is 34mm… As far as i know after doing a little bit of research 32mm and 34mm both work on it… And i know a friend of mine who mounted a Honda AX1 250cc carburetor to the SR 250 and runs fine… So what are the chances i have?
Read more: Will a 26mm carb will work with a single cylinder 250cc yamaha?
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Motorcycle that's been sitting for a while?
My Honda ST1100 has been sitting for a year. (1100cc, water cooled, V4).
I want to get it back on the road. It will need a new battery. But I'm worried about running the engine after it's been sitting so long. Should I put a little oil in each cylinder? Should I run the engine without the sparkplugs connected for a while to get oil circulated through the engine? Or should I just start it up and see if it runs? What do you think?
Read more: Motorcycle that's been sitting for a while?
Do the camshafts of a Honda CBR600 F4i have freeze plugs I can take out on the ends of the camshaft?
Do the camshafts of a Honda CBR600 F4i have freeze plugs I can take out on the ends of the camshaft? - 1
Read more: Do the camshafts of a Honda CBR600 F4i have freeze plugs I can take out on the ends of the camshaft?
1994 Honda Magna 750 not idling?
Hello, everyone. My 1994 Honda Magna Motorcycle is not idling properly. This is a fairly new bike it only has 8 thousand miles. I did leave it in the rain a few times when the rain caught me off guard, and the only other thing I can think of is maybe dirt got into it? When its left alone running the RPMs will go from about 1.5k to 0 slowly and die. To keep it running I must keep gassing the throttle, and when the choke it pulled it kills it. Thank you!
Read more: 1994 Honda Magna 750 not idling?
Why shouldn't I purchase this car?
I just saw a 1996 Honda Civic for $2,996.00 with 89,000 mi on it. I am planning to purchase it from a reputable dealership, I did background check on the car and it had one minor accident from someone hitting the left rear bumper. No odometer changes, no other accode ts, no issues in any other place. I looked at the car and it is in very good condition. I drove it doesn't have any issues thus far. I also plan on getting it a thorough inspection tocmake sure all is in good condition by my mechanic.
Aside from my mechanic's inspection so far everything checks out with it. Is there any reason people aren't jumpinf at the chance to buy up these low mileage cars? Is it because they are old and people just want to keep up with Joneses? I mean it's a clean car with low miles, 31 mpg. Can't imagine why someone wouldn't purchase a car like this aside from the aforementioned.
I'm saving up for my house and so I don't want to add a car payment to my debt, in fact I would like to stay away from debt as much as possible. I just need something for work and possibly just drive to my friends' houses.
Thank you in advance for your responses.
Read more: Why shouldn't I purchase this car?
94 honda accord lx starting problems?
My 94 honda accord lx (224,000miles) has had starting issues for a LONG time, and no one seems to really know what's going on, I've replaced the rotor, and it helped for about a week. The car turns over but won't catch sometimes, usually after running, then turning it off for 10 min or less and trying to restart it. I then have to wait about 10 min before it will do anything other than just turn over. I've tried turning the key and letting the fuel pumps charge or whatever and that doesn't seem to make a difference. It's a very finicky problem that shows up with no apparent pattern. Any help would relieve a LOT of frustration!
Read more: 94 honda accord lx starting problems?
Subwoofers hitting very weak, how to increase?
I have a 2015 Honda civic that I just installed my Sony amp and alpine 10"s with a stock head unit. The amp is on the subs are on but the bass is very light. The stock radio doesn t allow me to control the bass, and the amp doesn t have any knobs on it to control. I d rather not buy a new radio and instal it.
Read more: Subwoofers hitting very weak, how to increase?
Why is my car accelerating on its own?
I have I 1993 Honda del sol(standard) I started having problems with it last week beacuse it was over heating and I still drove it like that I made sure it had water and everything should of been working fine but last night it over heated again when I got home from work. This morning I turn the car on it start accelerating on it s own without hitting the gas. I ve never seen a car doing that I don t know what it could be. Can some help me?
Read more: Why is my car accelerating on its own?
How to remove seat on 1999 honda shadow 750?
How to remove seat on 1999 honda shadow 750? - 1
Read more: How to remove seat on 1999 honda shadow 750?
Im buying a Honda Civic EX Special Edition 2005, with about 130xxx miles, For $5,000. Is it worth it?
Im buying a Honda Civic EX Special Edition 2005, with about 130xxx miles, For $5,000. Is it worth it?
Read more: Im buying a Honda Civic EX Special Edition 2005, with about 130xxx miles, For $5,000. Is it worth it?
Hows the 2016 Honda Civic EX-L for a first car?
Hows the 2016 Honda Civic EX-L for a first car? - 1
Read more: Hows the 2016 Honda Civic EX-L for a first car?
Monday, March 28, 2016
Car insurance 2002 Honda Civic?
I am 16 years old and I am looking to buy a 2002 Honda civic. I have taken drivers training. I m wondering if anyone knows what kind of insurance rate I d have to pay.
Read more: Car insurance 2002 Honda Civic?
Bikes using detuned sportbike engines?
Some bikes use detuned sportbike engines. For example
1)The FJR1300 uses a detuned R1 engine
2)Street triple uses a detuned daytona engine
3)Honda Phantom TA150, a 2 stroke cruiser uses a detuned NSR150 engine
Is it possible to 'retune' these engines so that it churns out the same level of power & performance of the original sportbike? Or is it too elaborate a job involving more then just tuning - changing ECUs, CDIs, remapping, sprockets etc
Sorry if its a dumb question
Read more: Bikes using detuned sportbike engines?
Car Battery died while driving?
Yesterday I had to jump my car ('94 Honda Passport), which I found weird because I hadn't left any lights on or anything. I had about a 20-24 minute drive home, and when I got into my neighborhood, the battery gave out and everything stopped working. The car wouldn't even try to turn over. I'm worried to jump it again, because I'm afraid it will die on me while driving, again. What gives?
Read more: Car Battery died while driving?
First car! Need ideas, suggestions?
My budget is ~$6000. No more then 6500. I either abig truck or a stick shift car. No ford truck cause there ugly af. It's my first car so most of you know, its about the looks as of now although i am sure ill regret that later. Just want a few suggestions and such. I like the look cars such as the honda ccord sport, and i also really like old muscle cars but its impossible to find a cheap, working muscle car. Althought these are obviously way out of my price range. I am willing to do things such as, smoke windows, lift/lower, paint rims ect… Doing this would take me out of my price range but those can be done later on. Just throw some ideas out.
Added (1). my parents dont want me to have a BMW, or mercedes because we live in a richer town and my parents dont want me to have the rich, snobby look if im driving a bmw or mercedes… Im 16 driving a rich mans model.
Added (2). i wnt a 4 door, and no hatchbacks
Read more: First car! Need ideas, suggestions?
Can you add paddle shifters to a Honda Accord?
Is it possible to have paddle shifters added to a car? I have a 2012 Accord LX-S automatic transmission. The steering wheel actually already has a spot and the holes for where paddle shifters would go because the V6 model came with them. Would it be possible to have them added? Would the dealership know, or is this something you would need a shop to handle?
Read more: Can you add paddle shifters to a Honda Accord?
How long will it take to fix my car?
It s a 2007 Honda that I accidentally crashes into a rock. In the process I blew 3 of my 4 tires, and ****** up my front bumper. Plus the rims are kinda bent. I don t even know how I crashed a car that I got within 6 hours, but it happened. Also the side of like the mirror is kinda ripped out a little bit, plus the radiator is blown out. I estimated it ll probably cost ATLEAST $3,000 to get it fixed. But how long will it take to fix the car?
Read more: How long will it take to fix my car?
1996 Honda Passport motor turns over but will not start?
All started when changed the water pump. Motor size is a V6 3.2.
Steps taken:
1. Replaced timing belt an set timing.
2. Replaced Battery.
3. Changed all gas to fresh brand new.
4. Replaced spark plugs.
5. Igniter for ignition.
6. Cam position sensor.
7. Fuel filter.
Read more: 1996 Honda Passport motor turns over but will not start?
Teenage boy trying to find the car I want?
So I m 16 and want a car. Manual transmission is what I want. Also I would like the car to at least be fun and up to date at least a little bit. My budget is 5k maybe a LITTLE higher. Also I m a teenage boy driving already so I don t want something that will spike up my insurance because I will have to be paying for that too. I don t want to sound like a d-bag either but I really only like leather if that s not too much to ask for:p. So summary: manual transmission, cheap, fun to drive(some power). Also I don t want any of the Honda Civic answers or accord or Camry or 240sx or even Acura integra. Sorry I just really hate those cars.
Read more: Teenage boy trying to find the car I want?
On average how many KM does a 4 cyl engine last?
If I take good care of it, If your American you can put miles and ill convert it mysef to km, say for an example a Honda civic hatch
Read more: On average how many KM does a 4 cyl engine last?
Should I buy a 99 Honda Prelude SH?
I found this 1999 Honda Prelude SH for 3,500 and it has 147k miles. Im looking to sell my 06 Civic LX Coupe 5 speed with 162k miles to get some money for this car. I looked at the carfax and there an accident in 2010 and the car needed to be towed. I talked to the owner and he didnt know about it but from what he told me he said he replaced almost everything in the engine. Should I try and go for this car or should i stick with my civic for a while longer? this is the car if anyone wants to help me with looking into it.
Read more: Should I buy a 99 Honda Prelude SH?
Sunday, March 27, 2016
What kind of car should I buy? I'm 20 years old making 35k a year in Los Angeles California?
Hey guys! I currently drive a Honda civic 2004, I've had it for about two years now, I financed it with a super high interest rate ( I wish I should have known better) and was able to pay it off. Now I reduced my car insurance to liability since the car isn't exactly the highest on Kelly blue book. The car has been running like a champ but until recently I'm finding myself repairing different things for the car every month, small things but I feel like this will amount up over time so I have been considering purchasing a vehicle. At first I wanted a Mustang 2015 (the car looks awesome) but doing the math with my car insurance I'd be paying about 800 dollars a month total for the car payment plus insurance so of course that's a no go for now due to my age:( currently I was thinking on getting a Honda Accord 2016, they seem elegant and super safe so my insurance, albeit high due to my age, wouldn't be as high as a Mustang due to its safety features, either a coupe of the four door. What do you guys think? A totally different car altogether? I am not able to get insurance with let's say my parents because the only other driver in the family is my step dad and we aren't exactly friends so he doesn't want to put me in his insurance. Please advise. Thank you!
Read more: What kind of car should I buy? I'm 20 years old making 35k a year in Los Angeles California?
83 honda magna wont crank?
New batery. When i turn the key the lights come on. With the kickstand up and clutch in and the bike in neutral, when i push the start button my lights dim but there is no sound.
The nutral light is coming on.
I already tried bypassing the clutch sensor and i dont think the kickstand has a sensor. The batery is charged and when i jump it with my cars batery it has the same problem.
Read more: 83 honda magna wont crank?
The 5th gear of my car Honda civic 2002 is pulling out, can I keep driving in 4th gear?
The 5th gear of my car Honda civic 2002 is pulling out, can I keep driving in 4th gear? - 1
Read more: The 5th gear of my car Honda civic 2002 is pulling out, can I keep driving in 4th gear?
How much is it to fix a rare view mirror?
I accidentally backed up and hit the gate on my drive way and knock out my driver side mirror. How much does it cost to repair? I have the part since obviously I just knocked it out. No mirror crack. I drive a 95 Honda civic.
Read more: How much is it to fix a rare view mirror?
Can I get oil change done with more than 3000miles?
I have a Honda Accord 2001 EX. I always do regular $25 oil at Firestone (stupid me, I don't remember its name). The technician told me I should get oil change done every 3000miles. But other people said it's just a myth. I'm not sure 'cause my car is not a new and latest model, so that rule might not work. Please help me clarify, thanksss!
Read more: Can I get oil change done with more than 3000miles?
2004 honda civic starts, but wont drive?
Car was in a wreck, but still ran and drove. I was fixing some motor mounts so i jacked up the auto trans. And the motor. After changing them and putting car back together, i started up the car, put it in drive, and it wouldnt move. Same with reverse. It was just running 2 weeks ago when i backed it into my garage. No leaking trans. Oil. So i have no idea what it could be. Anyone know if something might have broken off to cause this? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Read more: 2004 honda civic starts, but wont drive?
Can anyone tell me what year engine i have in my honda odyssey?
i recently replaced the engine in a friends 2000 honda odyssey the she purchased from a local salvage yard and cant finish the job until i find out what year and what vehicle it came from so i can get the proper belt tensioner and belts for it.
the engine codes are as follows: old engine-O65A1, 2119926. New Engine- O35A4, 1026418.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Read more: Can anyone tell me what year engine i have in my honda odyssey?
First car options under 5.5k?
I am 17 and going to be buying my first car in the next few months. My budget is only 5.5k but I can afford to pay monthly insurance of around $230. What are some first car options other than Honda Civic? I am a responsible driver, but I feel like buying a 03 mustang for 5 grand is a bad idea.
Read more: First car options under 5.5k?
Oil for an 83 honda magna?
People keep giving me recommendations on what kind of oil to use. I want manufacturer spec oil! I understand no normal car oil because it throws your clutch out. I just got this bike for pennies on the dollar and i need to change the oil before i can see if it starts… Well and a new batery and some fresh fuel. Oh and how much oil do i need?
Read more: Oil for an 83 honda magna?
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Is a cb77 a good bike to begin on?
This is all theoretical, but I am looking at bikes to begin riding on. Most of my money will be spent on college tuition since I recently found out I was accepted so if I do end up buying a bike it'll most likely be after I get my degree.
Other bikes I have a knack for are:
BMW 65/5 & 75/5
Honda cb750
I guess bikes between '60-'85
Read more: Is a cb77 a good bike to begin on?
98 Honda Civic Terrible Mileage?
I have a 1998 Honda Civic Coupe. Short Ram Air Intake and it has this knob that you can change how much air goes in, it's on high.
I also have a Skunk2 Intake Manifold, Skunk2 Polished Headers, Skunk2 Whole Exaust system.
Brand new tires, lightweight rims.
I'm getting around 200 miles on a tank and it can hold 11.9 gallons which equals to 16.8 MPG which sounds Way off since Google says civics should get around 34 city and 44 hwy
Any ideas? My check engine light is on and it says P0420 which is o2 sensor
Read more: 98 Honda Civic Terrible Mileage?
Honda activa 3 g 110 cc or 125cc which is better?
Honda activa 3 g 110 cc or 125cc which is better?
Read more: Honda activa 3 g 110 cc or 125cc which is better?
I have a problem with my radiator and antifreeze, What could be the problem?
Hi guys I have a Honda civic lx 97, I bought about 7 months ago, since then I have bought a new radiator because the old one had a huge leaking problem, anyways I never new How long a gallon of antifreeze could last me. I now know I use too much (I ve bought two gallons once the first time i changed the radiator, again today[spand time of 4 months]) antifreeze I don t see any leakage, what could the problem be?
Read more: I have a problem with my radiator and antifreeze, What could be the problem?
2003 honda civic overheating at idle?
i have a 2003 honda civic lx with 229k miles on it. Last year i noticed that it started overheating at idle but cools down again when i start moving. So i replaced the radiator, timing belt, water pump, and valve cover gasket(because it was leaking oil). This seemed to solve the problem for the whole year until a month ago i noticed it started doing the same thing again. It seems to go away when i top it off with coolant then about a couple days later it starts doing the same thing til i top it off with coolant again. There are no visible leaks. So far this is what ive done to diagnose the problem with no avail.
1) pressure tested the head gasket, everything seems fine
2) radiator holds pressure when i had a pressure test performed on it
3) engine oil doesn't look milky
4) no white smoke coming out of my exhaust
5) no visible oil leaks. Overflow resevior is full
I had a trusted mechanic suggest it could be a blown head gasket.
Read more: 2003 honda civic overheating at idle?
Can I return a used car I just bought?
I just bought a 2012 Honda Accord se with 35k miles yesterday from a small used car dealership and I had my family mechanic look at it today. I got the news that the rotors are heavily rusted and need to be replaced (all 4), break pads need to be replaced (all 4) and the front drivers side wheel bearing needs to be replaced. When I was at the dealer I was told that the car had no internal issues, and the only flaws were the cosmetic ones (I am aware and okay with the scratches that are on the vehicle). While driving it home off the lot I took notice of the grinding noises coming from the car, which is why I immediately took the car to my mechanic. To get all of these things fixed is going to cost me a lot. Since the salesman didn't tell me about the issues before hand, am I allowed to bring the car back and return it? I'd rather go elsewhere and buy another car that won't cost me anything for repairs a day after I get it. I live in Connecticut. The price of the car is $13,900 plus after taxes, fees and interest on the loan I got it comes out to almost $20k, and to pay that much for a vehicle that needs work just makes me angry and I feel ripped off. The salesman told me the car was in perfect condition and the Kelly blue book value was over $16,500, but it's actually KBB value is around $14,000. The salesman/owner of the dealership stated we have a 60 warranty if anything happens but he wasn't specific on as to what it covered no matter how many times we asked.
Read more: Can I return a used car I just bought?
Can I be taught to drive in a taxi in Manhattan?
Ok so I'm 18, I live in Manhattan, and I have a regular class D learners permit. My dad has a CDL class B licence and a taxi licence. He owns a black Honda CRV but has taxi plates on the car in order to drive for Uber. I know that if I had my full licence that I could not drive the car on my own without a taxi licence. My question is am I legally allowed to drive the car if my dad with the taxi licence was in the car with me? Just in case no this is not to pick up customers and get around the taxi and limousine commission but for regular use like going to the store or on a trip upstate.
Read more: Can I be taught to drive in a taxi in Manhattan?
Estimate/average of power window repairs?
I have a 1997 Honda Civic EX Coupe 2 Door. Both my driver and passenger windows do not work. I have replaced the motor & regulator, replaced the driver's door switch, and checked the fuses. I know location prices varies. I'm just looking for estimates or averages of prices so I have a sense of how much I should save up for.
Read more: Estimate/average of power window repairs?
Honda cr v vs Kia sorento?
I need a new vehicle. About to have my third kid. I have a five-year-old a three-year-old and soon to be a new born. All three kids to use a car seat of some kind. Which one of these vehicles do you think would be best with gas mileage and room to spare.
Read more: Honda cr v vs Kia sorento?
Friday, March 25, 2016
Americans why do you guys allow foreign franchise in your country?
Like Toyota, Sony, Toshiba, Kumon, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari, Maserati, Yamaha, Kawasaki, etc. I understand that every company here in America from banks to retail from restaurants to department stores from cell phones to candy/chips/beverage/beer/water/cigarett… From brands to even gas stations everything is American. But there are some companies from outside that exist in the US mostly cars and certain electronic companies as I mentioned above. Don't Americans have any idea that these countries mostly Japanese and European are making money off of the US that's a bad thing. Why won't Americans discontinue foreign franchise if they care about their country so much. This is a question that I have been wanting to get answers from for so many years. Is America trying to be like Mexico where you guys want farmers to lose jobs and immigrate outside why aren't you guys doing anything to quit foreign franchise from invading your land?
Read more: Americans why do you guys allow foreign franchise in your country?
Please I want to know the radio cord of my car.Honda 09?
Please I want to know the radio cord of my car.Honda 09?
Read more: Please I want to know the radio cord of my car.Honda 09?
What is the radio code for a 2001 Honda accord ex?
What is the radio code for a 2001 Honda accord ex? - 1
Read more: What is the radio code for a 2001 Honda accord ex?
97 honda accord running hot at idle?
I have a 97 honda accord that was running fine until it got hot outside. It runs fine in the mornings at abt 50 degrees or less. In the afternoon abt 65 degrees or high it starts to get hot at an idle or stop. And by that i mean it goes past the middle line. I just got it back from a mechanic they replaced the whole fan motor and also found a bad oil leak and replaced the vtech valve. I drove it back home abt 35 min away and the car did well until i got abt 5 minutes home through red lights and it started running hot again. It didnt go to the red but it went a little above the middle and highest being between hot and the middle line. I called the mechanic back and he told me to run the ac while i drove home to see if that would help the fans kick on. While running the ac if at a stop it stayed a tad above the middle line. What could this be? After i turn the car off you can hear the fans on.
Read more: 97 honda accord running hot at idle?
Dropped motorbike won't start! Help?!
I recently bought a second hand Honda CG125, 2008 and everything has been fine - until now.
I did a stupid, put it on the stand on a hill and of course it tipped and fell onto it's right side (if you're sat on it).
There is some cosmetic damage and the front indicator bulb has gone, but the biggest problem is it won't start now!
Something leaked when it fell over (?), but I got it up with in a minute, didn't try to start it just rolled it in neutral into my yard.
Once in the yard I tried to start it and the engine rolled over and there was a loud ticking sound. I stopped, waited for a minute and then tried again and there was NOTHING - no ignition, no engine. I turned the bike off, did some quick googling and went outside to try it again, this time the electrics weren't working at all!
It's been an hour or two since now, and the electrics have started working again. The ignition is on a button, and when I press it the lights dim, but still absolutely no ignition or engine.
Any ideas what's happened? Is there any way I can get it started at home myself?
I am inexperienced with bikes, so please include details!
Help is GREATLY appreciated!
Read more: Dropped motorbike won't start! Help?!
Karcher Honda Pressure Washer 2400psi Low Pressure?
Hello every one I have a Karcher Honda Pressure washer 2400psi, when every I pull the trigger the first time it works fine. Then when I take the vavle unloader and the end where the air filter is on the pump,it works after a while for only one trigger pull. What's wrong?
Read more: Karcher Honda Pressure Washer 2400psi Low Pressure?
I don't know a lot about cars, but I've always though Mazdas are very pretty. Are they good cars?
How do they compare to something like Hondas in terms of relability?
Read more: I don't know a lot about cars, but I've always though Mazdas are very pretty. Are they good cars?
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Honda is reading po135 but o2 sensor changed(twice), check engine light still on?
My Husband and I bought a car. 2004 civic coupe LX automatic. Check engine light came on, we got it read and it came up po135, a code for camshaft position sensor intermittent signal and the Electronic load detector. We got everything we needed and bought some extra tools. My husband fixed the timing belt that was just changed previously (it was off a tooth), changed everything it said to fix, but the code is still on. He went to a dealership, had it reset, drove home engine light went back on. We tested the O2 sensor it was good but replaced it just in case. My husband checked the wires for the circut, everything was fine from what he could tell, He checked fuses, tested resistence, checked for a open or grounded wire, basically a lot. The P0135 code still comes up. My husband suggests a new PCM install it, big surprise, not the PCM. The car runs just fine and other than the check engine light you would not know there is a issue. Is their anything else we could do before we spend hundreds of $ we do not really have to get this car on the road? Its too late to sell, we have lost so much money might as well go for fixing the darn thing.
Read more: Honda is reading po135 but o2 sensor changed(twice), check engine light still on?
Cant get my honda recon atv in reverse or neutral?
Cant get my honda recon atv in reverse or neutral?
Read more: Cant get my honda recon atv in reverse or neutral?
Newer Honda Civic idle low/uneven - would fuel system cleaner help?
All of a sudden I keep noticing that the idle on my Civic is low or uneven and it seems like it might stall out sometimes. I'm wondering what different things it could be and could it possibly help to use on of those additives that supposedly clean the fuel system.
Read more: Newer Honda Civic idle low/uneven - would fuel system cleaner help?
What are the public responsibility of honda company?
What are the public responsibility of honda company?
Read more: What are the public responsibility of honda company?
I need an aux cable for a 07 Honda Pilot?
I need an aux cable for an 07 Pilot, but I don't want the ones with the "box" that comes with it because it seems like I have to find a way reroute it to fit inside the car (Im not lazy believe me, I just dont need the extra). I keep trying to look for one, but they are made for other vehicles like Mazda, Hyundai, Nissan, and such.
I would just buy a custom radio, but I'm 17 and cant afford to buy one right now, but I can install something like an aux cord by myself.
Please help me. Thanks!
Read more: I need an aux cable for a 07 Honda Pilot?
Can you link two same spec generators together to double the wattage?
I have two nearly identical unregulated Honda 2.2kva generators.
The only difference between them is that one can do 230v and 115v
While the other can do 115v and 57v.
The alternators are identical besides their winding count.
What I want to know is if I can wire the 230v alternator for 115v in parallel, and then wire the 115v alternator for 115v by wiring the two 57v winding in series. Then wiring the alternators together in series for 230 again but higher wattage?
Will it also change the output Hz from 50 or remain the same with two generators running at 50Hz?
And what would happen if one generator cutout? Would I need to make some automated switch off circuitry?
Also if this can't be done, I'd like to know the physics behind it as I'm always willing to learn!
Read more: Can you link two same spec generators together to double the wattage?
4th gen honda prelude fuel tank?
Do I have to drop the fuel tank? Replacing the fuel pump cause my car dies randomly.
Read more: 4th gen honda prelude fuel tank?
How many times would I have to refill my gas tank for a road trip to Chicago?
I live in California near LAX. The car I would be using would be a 2004 Honda Civic Coupe I believe it has 33 mpg. Please help! It would be around 2000 miles
Read more: How many times would I have to refill my gas tank for a road trip to Chicago?
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Honda spree headlight bulb # and place to order one?
Honda spree headlight bulb # and place to order one?
Read more: Honda spree headlight bulb # and place to order one?
How much does Honda charge for ECM or software update on recalled vehicles such as 2005 Honda Civic?
I have a check engine light on as I took it to an autoshop they said that there is a updated version on my vehicle that needs to be done otherwise it would not scan correctly due to its current version. They looked up the fault P0139 Code on 2005 honda civic and they said that there are recalls on this model. Which leads my CEL on and its probably a false reading.
Read more: How much does Honda charge for ECM or software update on recalled vehicles such as 2005 Honda Civic?
How much does honda charge for a software update on 2005 Honda Civic?
How much does honda charge for a software update on 2005 Honda Civic?
Read more: How much does honda charge for a software update on 2005 Honda Civic?
Too much oil in engine, white smoke?
I excessively overfilled my engine with oil (more than 5 quarts) in my 2001 Honda Civic EX. I drained the excess oil out after the car would not allow me to acclerate. After draining the excess oil and refilling it to its correct levels, smoke keeps coming out from the exhaust when the car is idle and when I drive it around the block for several minutes. The smoke is rather light in color (almost white or light grey). What could possibly be wrong with my car and how should I go about this? Thanks.
Read more: Too much oil in engine, white smoke?
What is a better car to purchase: 2016 Honda accord sport or a 2016 mazda 6 touring?
What is a better car to purchase: 2016 Honda accord sport or a 2016 mazda 6 touring? - 1
Read more: What is a better car to purchase: 2016 Honda accord sport or a 2016 mazda 6 touring?
Is it worth it to mod a 2002 honda civic hx?
Is it worth it to mod a 2002 honda civic hx?
Read more: Is it worth it to mod a 2002 honda civic hx?
Rough idle and hesitation, symptoms of a vacuum leak but seemingly normal fuel trims?
Rough idle and hesitation, symptoms of a vacuum leak but seemingly normal fuel trims? - 1
Added (1). My car has had a very annoying hesitation / performance issue with a rough idle. It feels like bursts of vibrations when stopped (not a motor mount), almost like a vacuum leak. However my fuel trims are around 5-15% total fuel trim.
Added (2). I have no check engine light. I have also noticed sometimes when accelerating from a stop, the car has a very slightly delayed response and kind of jerks, and then accelerates.
Added (3). Today I have been smelling a slight gasoline smell outside of my car after I turn it on. Any ideas? I m pretty lost. Thanks!
Added (4). (Sorry, Y!A is screwed up and I have to post "Updates" with my info)…
One more thing, it's not a leaky injector (had them all checked and cleaned at a Honda dealer).
Read more: Rough idle and hesitation, symptoms of a vacuum leak but seemingly normal fuel trims?
What car is the best to get?
I am almost 25, and i want to buy my first car. My credit isnt where i want it yet but i really need a new car. Im going to build up my credit first but in the mean time i can continue to shop around. So far im looking at these options:
I want something reliable!
Added (1). oh BTW I HAVE A JOB. ;)
Read more: What car is the best to get?
Being heavily steered towards getting a car however I want and know that a motorcycle is best for me?
I am on a ~$4000 budget, which is perfect for a new Honda Cb300f or Cbr300r and seeing as I work a full-time minimum wage job, I just do not see a car being practical for me. Too expensive, gas, insurance, and I wouldn't even be getting a good car on my budget, I would be getting a car that has been driven to hell and looks like sh*t on my budget. I am willing to take all Motorcycle safety classes and wear all protective gear, (I have been riding bicycles heavily to and from work/school for the past 5 years of my life), but my ignorant mom still insists me getting a piece of sh*t car is better for both me and her. I want to learn, I am willing to learn however I just feel like this is best. Is that so bad? Or should I just continue on riding a bicycle well into my adult years?
Read more: Being heavily steered towards getting a car however I want and know that a motorcycle is best for me?
Bad headgasket, Why is my coolant not returning to the engine?
I know I have a bad head. Anyway the coolant overflows out the overflow tank and fails to return to the engine. Figured that CO2 was displacing the coolant and the vacuum created when cooling then was minimal. BUT, when i removed the coolant overflow lid and took the little hose in it and exposed it to air THEN removed the rad cap. My lower and upper hose collapsed/sucked in. What does this indicated?
Added (1). BTW it is confirmed with a block check chemical test. 2000 Honda civic Dx. Aluminum engine. Car overheats only intermittenly after long drives and coolant only needs to refilled because it is overflowing. Also my thermo is working as well as fans.
Read more: Bad headgasket, Why is my coolant not returning to the engine?
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Can I make my 04 Honda Civic faster?
I have a 2004 Honda Civic ex automatic that I want to make it faster. But can I? And how?
Read more: Can I make my 04 Honda Civic faster?
Why do car guys hate Hondas so much?
I'm looking to buy my first car, I wanted a manual, something I could tune, reliable, and semi good fuel efficiency. I found a 1996 Honda Civic EX 5spd. I could get it for around 1500-2000 dollars. I don't plan on putting a fart can exhaust on it, just a turbocharger kit. I mean I feel like it's a good car, but I know there is alot of judgment around Hondas, why is that?
Read more: Why do car guys hate Hondas so much?
How can we find honda civic ek3 and es8 has vtec engine?
I want to know how find civic car has vtec Engine or not when not marked it on the engine head near the honda name placed
Read more: How can we find honda civic ek3 and es8 has vtec engine?
Why is the eco light coming on in my 2012 honda accord?
Why is the eco light coming on in my 2012 honda accord? - 1
Read more: Why is the eco light coming on in my 2012 honda accord?
Hi I own a 2.0 petrol honda crv on a 52 plate can anyone tell me please if it's a mk1 or mk2?
Hi I own a 2.0 petrol honda crv on a 52 plate can anyone tell me please if it's a mk1 or mk2?
Read more: Hi I own a 2.0 petrol honda crv on a 52 plate can anyone tell me please if it's a mk1 or mk2?
Buying a new dirt bike. Finding right size. Help?
I'm 15 1/2, 6ft and 150 pounds and I'm thinking about buying a Honda crf150f dirt bike. A lot of people say I'm too big but I have 0 experience. I hear it's a good learning bike. Help?
Read more: Buying a new dirt bike. Finding right size. Help?
How much to fix this transmission issue?
2001 Honda accord 4cylinder It slips from 1st gear going into 2ND gear. When I start from 0 mph it gets to 20mph then the rpms go really high so I have to let off the accelerator and let the gears change.
How much can I expect to get charged?
2 years ago I blew my engine on my 2003 Chevy trailblazer and they charged me $1,200. Should I expect something like this or less?
Thanks guys. It is my daily driver so I really want to get it fixed but am a poor college student ðŸ˜Â
Read more: How much to fix this transmission issue?
How much can I expect to get charged?
2 years ago I blew my engine on my 2003 Chevy trailblazer and they charged me $1,200. Should I expect something like this or less?
Thanks guys. It is my daily driver so I really want to get it fixed but am a poor college student ðŸ˜Â
Read more: How much to fix this transmission issue?
I think my honda accord 2012 was crashed because that rear bumper feels like plastic idk?
Shouldnt it feel hard? I touched another accord 2009 and it the rear bumper felt hard, mines felt soft
Read more: I think my honda accord 2012 was crashed because that rear bumper feels like plastic idk?
Engine light on 2003 Honda Accord?
Changed sensors but light keep coming on and only average 20 mpg
Read more: Engine light on 2003 Honda Accord?
Monday, March 21, 2016
1985 honda magna v30 flywheel rotor bolt torque specs?
1985 honda magna v30 flywheel rotor bolt torque specs?
Read more: 1985 honda magna v30 flywheel rotor bolt torque specs?
Can I modify a 2012 Honda Civic LX ECON?
I recently bought a 2012 Honda Civic LX ECON as my first car. I m really into JDM/Stanced Cars, but also in saving gas. I ve owned the car for a good 6 months and in really thinking about customizing it to my likes. I m thinking about dropping it low and adding a body kit to it. I also would love to add an exhaust and intake to it as well, but I m not sure is the ECON feature would get in the way of my engine mods. Enough explaining the question I want answers to is…
Read more: Can I modify a 2012 Honda Civic LX ECON?
So I put aftermarket rims on my 2000 honda accord coupe and they pull side to side when driving and ideas why?
So I put aftermarket rims on my 2000 honda accord coupe and they pull side to side when driving and ideas why?
Read more: So I put aftermarket rims on my 2000 honda accord coupe and they pull side to side when driving and ideas why?
What tire size do you have on your 2012 Honda CRV?
I have the original equipment size which is 215/70R16. I'm thinking about putting a 225/65R17 or 225/60R18. I did a comparison online ( and looked at the pictures online. It both looks great, but hard for me to decide. Which do you think it's best for me
Read more: What tire size do you have on your 2012 Honda CRV?
2006 honda cr-v radio light does not work. Is there a bulb somewhere I can change?
2006 honda cr-v radio light does not work. Is there a bulb somewhere I can change?
Read more: 2006 honda cr-v radio light does not work. Is there a bulb somewhere I can change?
Running a fridge off 12V?
I'm about to be homeless so I'm looking to get a small refrigerator in my Honda Civic. I see they make 12V refrigerators, but what should I do about my electrical system? The refrigerator needs to be ran 24/7, so it will drain my battery. Should I get a few of those deep cycle batteries? Can I keep them charged by paralleling them to my stock battery? Is my alternator gonna be able to power all that?
And what do I need to look for to make sure I won't run out of power? Watts for the fridge & Kw/hrs for the batteries?
***Millennial with student debt.
Read more: Running a fridge off 12V?
How to import a Japanese Honda Hornet chassis 150 bike to Sri Lanka?
How to import a Japanese Honda Hornet chassis 150 bike to Sri Lanka?
Added (1). I'm thinking about buying a Hornet 250cc chassis 150. In a brand new condition. So help me out guys.
Read more: How to import a Japanese Honda Hornet chassis 150 bike to Sri Lanka?
Honda es8 fuel consumption?
I want to buy a honda es8 I just want to know how is its fuel consumption v tec and non vtec? And other common problems of vehicle?
Read more: Honda es8 fuel consumption?
What is the most prolem in honda cb 110 engine?
What is the most prolem in honda cb 110 engine?
Read more: What is the most prolem in honda cb 110 engine?
How many YEARS will my 2006 Honda Civic LX last?
I have a 2006 Honda Civic LX sedan, with 73,300 miles. I am now down to driving only about 4000 miles/year (I run a home-based business), so clearly miles not going to determine when my car dies.
I would like to own it for a total of 16 years (until 2022), by which time the car might still be no higher than 100,000 miles.
Clearly, miles are not what will make this car old, but rather calendar time.
So my question is, what sort of maintenence based on calendar time should I be doing? I am in California, so no salt, ice, or exteme heat working against my car.
1) Waxing - I want the car to look good even when it is old, of course. How often should waxing be done? I am parked in outside covered parking, so it is shielded from the sun and rain, but not from horizontal forces like blowing dust…
2) Tires - I am not wearing my tires down in miles, but how about years? How often should they be changed if the rubber is getting old?
3) What other sort of maintenance should be done on a time schedule rather than a miles schedule?
Read more: How many YEARS will my 2006 Honda Civic LX last?
Sunday, March 20, 2016
97 CBR 600 F3 shuts off every time I pull the clutch in?
I have a 97 Honda Cbr 600 F3 that has been in the shop for 8 months every time I get it back the bike shuts off after 30 miles of riding it, it does this as soon as I pull in the clutch coming to a stop. That is until I lost compression in the motor and all but one cylinder stopped firing. Does anyone have any ideas as to what happened?
Read more: 97 CBR 600 F3 shuts off every time I pull the clutch in?
Would you rather a honda accord or a honda pilot?
Would you rather a honda accord or a honda pilot?
Read more: Would you rather a honda accord or a honda pilot?
Motorcycle for 3 hour trip?
Wich motorcycle is better for a 3 hour trip a ninja 250 or a honda rebel 250 and can you ride with a passenger?
Read more: Motorcycle for 3 hour trip?
What happened to my steering on my Honda Civic?
So I was driving today and I made a u turn and about 3/4 way through the turn I heard I kind of popping noise and instantly after straighting the wheel the wheel wouldn t turn anymore. Like it kind turn maybe 20 degrees with a ton of effort but it can t turn all the way and it takes really a lot of force. What could this be? It s a 2003 Honda Civic coupe. Thanks a bunch.
Read more: What happened to my steering on my Honda Civic?
Better motorcycle for a beginner?
Wich one is better for someone whos never ridden a bike a harley davidson street 500 or a honda ctx700
Read more: Better motorcycle for a beginner?
Hesitation problems gone in cold weather? - 1
2012 Honda Civic LX, 180k miles.
First, can a transmission mount affect acceleration performance? I've been having hesitation issues (lack of acceleration power) in my Civic. The problem goes away almost completely in cold weather (anything below 35 degrees F). However in warm weather, my car struggles to accelerate quickly and it sounds kind of like it's growling.
I do believe I have a bad transmission mount due to a vibrating/rough idle that goes away whenever I shift to N or R. So I will get that replaced, but I'm not sure this can cause hesitation?
Does this sound like a dirty TB?
Fuel trims are normal. Thanks
Added (1). P.S. I'm doubtful it is the mount. I'm leaning towards a dirty TB or other air restriction since the cold/denser air pretty much gets rid of the problem (likely not vacuum leak due to normal fuel trims).
Read more: Hesitation problems gone in cold weather? - 1
2008 Honda Fit rear wheel alignment is out of specification and is not adjustable, what can I do?
2008 Honda Fit rear wheel alignment is out of specification and is not adjustable, what can I do?
Read more: 2008 Honda Fit rear wheel alignment is out of specification and is not adjustable, what can I do?
2016 Honda Accord sport, exl v6 or the 2016 Buick LaCrosse leather with the v6?
2016 Honda Accord sport, exl v6 or the 2016 Buick LaCrosse leather with the v6?
Read more: 2016 Honda Accord sport, exl v6 or the 2016 Buick LaCrosse leather with the v6?
Can I put 2013 Parts on my 2009 Honda Accord Coupe?
Can I put 2013 Parts on my 2009 Honda Accord Coupe? - 1
Read more: Can I put 2013 Parts on my 2009 Honda Accord Coupe?
Hesitation problems gone in cold weather?
2012 Honda Civic LX, 180k miles.
First, can a transmission mount affect acceleration performance? I've been having hesitation issues (lack of acceleration power) in my Civic. The problem goes away almost completely in cold weather (anything below 35 degrees F). However in warm weather, my car struggles to accelerate quickly and it sounds kind of like it's growling.
I do believe I have a bad transmission mount due to a vibrating/rough idle that goes away whenever I shift to N or R. So I will get that replaced, but I'm not sure this can cause hesitation?
Does this sound like a dirty TB?
Fuel trims are normal. Thanks
Read more: Hesitation problems gone in cold weather?
Saturday, March 19, 2016
My car has a new battery but wont crank?
As I turn the engine on there's no click but the lights on the dashboard works. When we do try to jump the battery the starter wants to crank but as soon as we remove the jumper wires no crank nor a click, any advise?
2001 Honda Civic
Read more: My car has a new battery but wont crank?
Bought a Honda Civic with a turbo already installed. What are the 3 switches on the dash for?
The guy i bought it from didn't know what they were for either. They are mounted just above the boost gauge which doesn't read anything. Neither do the 3 gauges next to the door jam. Do the switches maybe turn on and off the turbo somehow? Cause driving the car, it doesn't feel boosted. Feels like driving a normal car.
Read more: Bought a Honda Civic with a turbo already installed. What are the 3 switches on the dash for?
What are these in my car?
My car is a 1996 Honda Civic ex and there is two tubings with a blue cap sorry it wouldn't let me post a picture and I was thinks it was my a/c tubes but I don't know which one is which
Read more: What are these in my car?
I m having alternator like problems with my 2004 Honda Accord after replacing the starter. The battery is new?
I m having alternator like problems with my 2004 Honda Accord after replacing the starter. The battery is new?
Read more: I m having alternator like problems with my 2004 Honda Accord after replacing the starter. The battery is new?
Crank, but no start Honda Accord Lx 1990?
So my Accord was stolen last week, and now that I've recovered it, with for some ridiculous reason only the hood rod and a radiator hose missing it won't start. The thieves removed the covers to my steering panel and left wires exposed, I managed to plug them all back in but now I crank and I get no sign of life. However, my horn and brake lights to activate. What could this possibly be?
Read more: Crank, but no start Honda Accord Lx 1990?
Where can I find car parts for new cars online?
I m looking for a rear door for a 2014 Honda Accord and can t find one anywhere? I also need a quarter panel I found one but it was almost $600. If you can help me find a door for a 14 accord 4 door it would be much appreciated.
Read more: Where can I find car parts for new cars online?
What year gas tank willfit 1999 Honda shadow?
What year gas tank willfit 1999 Honda shadow?
Read more: What year gas tank willfit 1999 Honda shadow?
Why my 2001 Honda Accord Lx Ac light stays on when car is off?
Why my 2001 Honda Accord Lx Ac light stays on when car is off? - 1
Read more: Why my 2001 Honda Accord Lx Ac light stays on when car is off?
Not used to my newfangled Honda, why does it do this?
I've always owned manual transmission cars and just recently due to age and some other factors traded my last one in for a Honda. It's automatic obviously. My eyes still automatically look at the tach all the time though and I've noticed that when I go to pass someone on the freeway, it will rev up to about 2500rpms and then go back down. As if it is downshifting. Why does it do this?
Read more: Not used to my newfangled Honda, why does it do this?
Friday, March 18, 2016
Do anyone knows a good place to take my 14 honda civic to a dyno tune shop around los angeles? Thanks?!
Do anyone knows a good place to take my 14 honda civic to a dyno tune shop around los angeles? Thanks?!
Read more: Do anyone knows a good place to take my 14 honda civic to a dyno tune shop around los angeles? Thanks?!
Should I get an Automatic or Tiptronic transmission car?
There are some 2nd hand 2004 and 2005 Honda Accords I'm looking at, one of them has a Tiptronic transmission and another has an automatic. Are they any disadvantages such as costs when comparing an automatic and tiptronic?
Read more: Should I get an Automatic or Tiptronic transmission car?
Will ANY honda replacement remote key be programed for my Odyssey 2003?
I have an extra remote key I bought from Kijiji for my Honda Odyssey 2003. Problem is I don't know what model that extra remote it for. It does though look just like my original Odyssey remote.
Will it program with my Odyssey or should I throw it out and buy a new extra remote?
Read more: Will ANY honda replacement remote key be programed for my Odyssey 2003?
Hai, how to bring back shine on car after wet sanding?
I had wet sanding my car with only 2000 grit sand paper. Now the surface is dull. How to shine it back? Mine is 2014 honda city black pearl.
Read more: Hai, how to bring back shine on car after wet sanding?
What material are Honda Rebel CMX 250 seats made of?
What material are Honda Rebel CMX 250 seats made of? - 1
Read more: What material are Honda Rebel CMX 250 seats made of?
My 1999 honda accord Lx sedan shits off while driving randomly. What can the issue be?
I got the car in june of 2015 and it was working well but then i had a problem with my car shutting off randomly st times and i come to find out my car had a bad distributor. I got it fixed and it was going well for about 4 months. But now all of a sudden its doing it again every couple days it will randomly shut off the drive fine for a 3 days. My car revs up but doesnt start at times as well i can see the check engine light and my radio and wi dows work so i cant identify what it is… People are saying its the ignition switch or main relay but i cant tell which one
Read more: My 1999 honda accord Lx sedan shits off while driving randomly. What can the issue be?
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Buy out Car or New Lease?
I currently have a 2012 Honda Civic EXL and can buy it out for $13000 tax included in August. Would this be a better option then getting a new lease as I will save money over the long-term? The car has 60000 kms on it and I currently make between $40-50K
Read more: Buy out Car or New Lease?
Honda - CRV, my check engine light is on. The mechanic said I cylinder is bad?
Honda - CRV, my check engine light is on. The mechanic said I cylinder is bad? - 1
Read more: Honda - CRV, my check engine light is on. The mechanic said I cylinder is bad?
How long can i go before oil change?
Before I use to change my oil every 4k miles using regular oil. However now i move to fully synthetic oil by mobile 1 5w-20 for my 05 honda accord 140k miles how many miles can i go before the next oil change? People is saying 7-10k mile easy im almost up to 7500 miles and it worries me because i am so use to changing it ever 4k.
Read more: How long can i go before oil change?
Why is my car shaking so much at high speeds?
I drive a 2000 Honda Civic. Has about 160k miles on it. When I drive over 60 mph my steering wheel starts shaking bad. It shakes vigorously for about 3 seconds and then stops for about 2 seconds, shakes for 3 seconds and stops for 2 seconds. It continuously does this the entire time when going over 60 mph. This has been occurring for over a year now and the shakiness has been getting worse. When I apply my brakes at this speed they also shake but nothing like the steering wheel.
In January 2016 I had both tie rods replaced. I also got 2 new tires and they are on the back.
On March 12, 2016 I got all my tires balanced. I took my car in to have the rotors resurfaced but they told me I would be wasting my money. My rotors looked good.
After I got all tires balanced my car still shakes in the same intervals but it seems a 'little' less than before.
My car is up to date on all maintenances, just got it an oil change last weekend. The only thing that needs to be replaced is my right rear bearing. But the shakiness is all in the steering wheel so I don't think my back bearing is causing much of that shakiness.
Does anyone have an ideas on what could be causing this? I know I have an older car and I expect my car to shake but it shouldn't be shaking this bad. I know something is causing it.
Read more: Why is my car shaking so much at high speeds?
My motorcycle will not recharge the battery. Any help would be appreciated?
When replacing my reg. Rec. On my 1996 Honda VFR 750 I cut all three wires that lead from the stator to the reg. Rec. Without keeping track of the order. (not my brightest moment). I have since fried my regulator rectifier trying to figure out the order the wires should go. Is there any way to figure out which wire should go where? Any help would be appreciated.
Read more: My motorcycle will not recharge the battery. Any help would be appreciated?
New 2016 Honda Accord making loud humming noise?
I leased a 2016 Honda Accord LX. Its not even 3 months old and it has 620 miles. Ive noticed a loud humming noise in the engine and not really sure what it is. Im skeptical to take it to the dealership cause Im tight on money right now and scared it could cost alot. But I also know a new car shouldnt be having any problems. Does anyone know if this is normal or is I should get it looked at?
Read more: New 2016 Honda Accord making loud humming noise?
Can I pay my Honda payment at my local dealer?
Can I pay my Honda payment at my local dealer? - 1
Read more: Can I pay my Honda payment at my local dealer?
Honda NAVI is better than scooter and bike or not?
Honda NAVI is better than scooter and bike or not? - 1
Read more: Honda NAVI is better than scooter and bike or not?
Will Honda NAVI will be a hit or a flop story?
Will Honda NAVI will be a hit or a flop story?
Read more: Will Honda NAVI will be a hit or a flop story?
Should I wreck my car or let the bank have it back?
I have a 04' Honda accord which I still owe about 7grand on. The car is junk and didn't reliaze it until a year later. I know I shouldn't have bought the car at all. But I did. The motor can give out any day now. Should I wreck it or let the bank have it back? I'm more concerned about my credit.
Read more: Should I wreck my car or let the bank have it back?
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
How to put transmission fliud in a manual 89 honda accord?
How to put transmission fliud in a manual 89 honda accord? - 1
Read more: How to put transmission fliud in a manual 89 honda accord?
Indian people: what does sting on a car steering wheel mean?
I work for honda and I see some indian people come in with red and yellow sting on the steering wheel.
Read more: Indian people: what does sting on a car steering wheel mean?
Blew the alternator in my 1994 Honda accord and replaced it. Now fluid isn t circulating to the bottom hose?
We replaced and and checked to see if the fluid is circulating and it isn t. And Heater is also not working as good. What could the problem be?
Read more: Blew the alternator in my 1994 Honda accord and replaced it. Now fluid isn t circulating to the bottom hose?
2000 honda accord won t start. Last time it was air in the gas line how do I fix that?
2000 honda accord won t start. Last time it was air in the gas line how do I fix that?
Read more: 2000 honda accord won t start. Last time it was air in the gas line how do I fix that?
Nothing electrical works? I have a brand new battery? Start button caused it. All fuses are fine?
I tried installing a push to start button in my honda civic 95. Because before ive been having to push start it. (Its a 5 speed) and i dont think the ignition is wired up. But i bought a new battery, and a new starter. Wired my power from my cigarette lighter to my 2 pin button. And from the other pin to the starter. When i tested the button for the first time it killed everything electrical in my car. No dash lights. No head lights. Nothing. And yes i have checked all of the fuses. Ive put so mutch money into this car and now cant drive it because i have no idea whats wrong with it.
Read more: Nothing electrical works? I have a brand new battery? Start button caused it. All fuses are fine?
Honda accord temp gauge showing hot?
I have a 97 honda accord and the temp gauge has been running hot. Its not low on oil, coolant, water, ect. In the mornings when about 50 to 60 or less it does not have a problem and runs normal but in the afternoon when its 70 plus it wants to get hot. It fluctuates when stopped at a red light it gets worse and then droving kind of cools it down. Any ideas
Read more: Honda accord temp gauge showing hot?
98 honda accord stalls out, whats wrong with it?
98 honda accord stalls out, whats wrong with it?
Read more: 98 honda accord stalls out, whats wrong with it?
1996 honda accord needs a new harmonic balancer… Is there a repair kit that will fix it?
1996 honda accord needs a new harmonic balancer… Is there a repair kit that will fix it? I saw something on but do not understand how it works
Read more: 1996 honda accord needs a new harmonic balancer… Is there a repair kit that will fix it?
Read more: JERKING WHEN PUT IT IN D FROM PARK honda accord?
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Should I trust craigslist for my very first car?
So I'm looking for my first car! I'm looking on Craigslist, and my price range is sadly under $3000… I'm looking at Honda accords or Toyota camrys. All have at least 150k miles… Should I trust those cars with over 150k miles? I won't buy it until o get drive it and hopefully get all of the mechanical history of the car. Any advice?
Read more: Should I trust craigslist for my very first car?
I bought some seafoam spray today?
I know some people don't like seafoam and that's fine. All I want to know is how to use the spray on my 2001 Honda Civic. So I guess what I'm asking is where is my air intake? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks, Chase
Read more: I bought some seafoam spray today?
Honda cbr 125, 2007 too small for me?
I am 5'9 and weight 170lbs, I feel like my motorcycle is too small for me, what bike would be better for my size?
Added (1). I have 2 years riding experience, I am 18.
Read more: Honda cbr 125, 2007 too small for me?
Hondas and Toyotas with 200k+ miles?
Looking to get my very first car! I'm looking to get a Honda Accord probably 1999-2002. The only ones in my price range the mileage ranges from 150k-300k. Is that bad? I heard Hondas run forever. But I want a reliable one! What about toyota camrys of corollas 1999-2002, with that much miles? Reliable? Thanks!
Read more: Hondas and Toyotas with 200k+ miles?
Flooring and Launching a CVT Trans?
hi, im interested in launching my cvt transmission (honda civic 2016 specifically) but I wonder if it will damage my car? If I hold the brakes while reving the gas pedal then releasing the brake to get that launch feeling will it affect my car transmission? Also is it bad for the transmission to floor the gas?
Read more: Flooring and Launching a CVT Trans?
Will a 2000 Honda civic front bumper fit a 1999 civic I'm talking bout a 1999 civic dx?
I have a 99 I'm in need of a new front bumber and I'm looking on Craigslist and a found a 2000 civic front bumper that's dope and it's cheap so I'm asking if it would fit perfect or what adjustments would I have to make is it worth it pretty much thanks
Read more: Will a 2000 Honda civic front bumper fit a 1999 civic I'm talking bout a 1999 civic dx?
Can you drive a car with penetrating oil on spark plug?
1997 Honda civic LX. We were trying to replace spark plugs on Honda we bought but one refused to budge so we put penetrating oil and tried again. Nothing. So we read you can leave overnight and it might be better… But I work in 7 hours and wake up a few hours early to try again and hope it works. Otherwise… We would have to try again after work… So my question is, can the car be driven… Or am I going to set the car on fire? Is uber a better idea? Thanks.
Read more: Can you drive a car with penetrating oil on spark plug?
Calculate the weigh of the car in newtons if a Honda civic weighs about 2700 lb?
Calculate the weigh of the car in newtons if a Honda civic weighs about 2700 lb? - 1
Read more: Calculate the weigh of the car in newtons if a Honda civic weighs about 2700 lb?
Why do people flash their high beams and drive like idiots around me?
I drive a boring base 2015 Honda Civic and commute for a couple hours a day and just tonight at least four cars flashed their high beams at me when there wasn't a cop or had my high beams on. Two different cars actually put them on and stayed behind me in the right lane when they easily could have passed. I just put on cruise control and try to relax the entire trip because it's so stressful. Should I just avoid the highways altogether even if it takes a little longer or am I being paranoid?
Read more: Why do people flash their high beams and drive like idiots around me?
Monday, March 14, 2016
Do I have to get a synthetic oil change?
I drive a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid and for my past two oil changes, I've gotten synthetic. I've read online that Honda actually says to use conventional, but does that also apply to the hybrid? Can I use a synthetic blend or just switch completely to conventional?
Read more: Do I have to get a synthetic oil change?
Do I have to use synthetic oil?
I drive a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid. The last two oil changes I ve had, I ve used synthetic oil. Do I have to keep using synthetic? Can I use a blend or switch to conventional altogether? I ve done some research, and I keep finding that I Honda recommends conventional, but is that an issue with the hybrid?
Read more: Do I have to use synthetic oil?
Honda Accord 1999, should I trust it?
I'm looking into getting my very first car. I found a Honda Accord, they're selling t for 1,800$. There's 179k miles on it. They mentioned that the transmission will need work in the future. How bad is that? Is it completely fixable? How much would it cost? Other than that, should I trust this car. Thanks!
Read more: Honda Accord 1999, should I trust it?
How to make a Honda grom quieter then stock?
How to make a Honda grom quieter then stock?
Read more: How to make a Honda grom quieter then stock?
1999 Honda Cr-V is burning raw gas, and a cylinder is not firing. Any ideas on what the problem could be?
I recently purchased a 1999 Honda CR-V for a low price due to a miss in the engine. After replacing spark plugs, wires, Distributor Cap/roter, and ignition coil, the problem continues. I had suspected the fuel injector was bad, but the CR-V is made is such a way that checking the injectors is harder than it should be. Giving codes P1399, and PO304. This is because cylinder 4 is not firing at all. Pulling plug wires while the engine idles shows that pulling cylinder 4 has no change. Swapped park plugs and wires with a different cylinder and they work fine. Raw gas and black residue on exhaust pipe. Has a hard time when starting up, but once the engine warms up it runs perfectly. Shuts off when put into reverse before engine is warmed up, RPM too low.
Read more: 1999 Honda Cr-V is burning raw gas, and a cylinder is not firing. Any ideas on what the problem could be?
How much is it to replace motor timing belt for 1992 Honda prelude?
How much is it to replace motor timing belt for 1992 Honda prelude?
Read more: How much is it to replace motor timing belt for 1992 Honda prelude?
Car window gap when rolled down?
I'm currently having a problem where my car windows won't touch my weatherstripping at the bottom of the window. When the windows are rolled down even partially there's a gap there so if I roll down the windows all the way while they're wet, they'll still have all the water on them when I roll them back up. This is happening to both of my windows.
2001 Honda Prelude
Read more: Car window gap when rolled down?
My car was smashed and the driver left?
I m beyond upset, my car was just hit in front of my apartment complex. This would be the second time, this time I m not so lucky the driver took off my boyfriend tried to chase after him in his car but he is gone. I hate my life right now. My car is done. Now there s no insurance to pay for it. I have liability anyway. It s a 2007 Honda Civic coupe paid 11,000 for it cash 2 years ago. What can I do now?
Read more: My car was smashed and the driver left?
Would this be breaking Copyright?
Im making a design on redbubble and its a B18 honda motor. Im not gonna be putting the log on. Just the "Vtec Dohc". And along with that l the intricate details of the motor and im gonna add a turbo to the design. Im making the design for myself but im just gonna put the design for sale because why not. Might make a buck or to while im at it. But I just wanted to make sure im not breaking any copyright while im at it. Is it?
Read more: Would this be breaking Copyright?
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Need to take seat off 1982 Honda CM250c. Why is this so difficult?
My Suzuki GS750e has no issue with getting the seat of but this bike. I've tried to look things up on Google & I'm finding nothing. There has to be an easier way. There's three little bolts under the seat but I've try to shop for a tool that could fit up under the seat or even bend & NOTHING! This is not a Honda Rebel seat, This is a Honda CM. Please help me! I'm trying to get to the tank to paint it.
Read more: Need to take seat off 1982 Honda CM250c. Why is this so difficult?
How to change the clock on a honda crv - 2008?
How to change the clock on a honda crv - 2008?
Read more: How to change the clock on a honda crv - 2008?
Bike Ti,Tik Sound Problem,?
MyQuestion is. I hear a Tik,Tik Sound From My Honda 70cc Bike When Engine Is Hot. When Engine Is Cold The Sound Disappear. Or when engine take force it make tik,tik Sound. Please Help Me, Friends,
Read more: Bike Ti,Tik Sound Problem,?
How to remove the rotors on a 2005 Honda CRV 4 wd?
How to remove the rotors on a 2005 Honda CRV 4 wd?
Read more: How to remove the rotors on a 2005 Honda CRV 4 wd?
Tail and dash lights not working honda civic 2001?
Just replaced a fuse as my tail and dash lights were out on Honda Civic 2001. This solved the issue, worked fine on next journey, back home, out a short time later and lights weren't again. Any help with this please? Can't be replacing a fuse after her trip!
Read more: Tail and dash lights not working honda civic 2001?
2002 Honda Civic Cassette player?
So I just bought an 02 Honda and it has a stock tape player. I'm still trying to figure why the hell there isn't a cd unit INSIDE the car. But when I opened the trunk there was a 6 disc cd changer. Is there a way to control which CDs are playing without having to switch them around in the trunk? I literally have no idea how to work the damn thing.
Read more: 2002 Honda Civic Cassette player?
How to make my honda civic dx faster with out adding turbo?
How to make my honda civic dx faster with out adding turbo? - 1
Read more: How to make my honda civic dx faster with out adding turbo?
Yamaha FZ16 or honda cb unicorn 150? My age is 21?
Yamaha FZ16 or honda cb unicorn 150? My age is 21? - 1
Read more: Yamaha FZ16 or honda cb unicorn 150? My age is 21?
Saturday, March 12, 2016
How much can I sell car for and to whom?
It s a 02 Honda Accord 280k miles, transmission needs replacing, body condition fair, salvage title and needs other major repairs. I have done recent repairs and all tires are relatively newer (recently replaced) so I know it s junk but I would like to get some money back from something. Please help!
Read more: How much can I sell car for and to whom?
Does anyone else enjoy their commute to work?
A few co-workers think I'm crazy for living 1 hour away from work, but honestly it doesn't really bother me. I enjoy driving, it gives me time to relax and actually helps me clear my head before work because I am concentrating on driving, esp in heavier traffic, rather than thinking about work.Although maybe my opinion is slanted because I do work 3- 12 hour shifts in a week. Even with wear and tear on my car, the cost of living near where I work is substantially higher, and it wouldn't make sense to rent when I'm only paying 15 dollars per week in gasoline driving an old Honda.
Would you rather be closer to work and pay 875 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment, or live an hour away and own an older small 2 bedroom house for 500 a month?
Read more: Does anyone else enjoy their commute to work?
What s wrong with my motorcycle?
Hello, in the start of fall I accidentally jump-started my Honda cm185t Twinstar 1978 with reversed polarity. I saw a wire on the rectifier smoking and replaced it with a new wire. No fuses I can see are blown Once I put the rectifier back on the bike,it started up and turned over. Both cylinders fire only when I press the starter button and hold it in. It also doesn t Rev correctly without the starter button being held in. I need to know what do in order to have my motorcycle working correctly, Any advice you could offer is greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask any follow up questions you need. Thank you.
Read more: What s wrong with my motorcycle?
Friday, March 11, 2016
Does anyone in Colorado know any cheap ways to get a catalytic converter/manifold exhaust leak repair?
I took my car into Goodyear today and found out I have a manifold exhaust leak and that I need a new catalytic converter. I drive a 2001 Honda Civic LX and am incredibly inexperienced with cars. The price estimate was $883.37 and I was wondering if anyone in Colorado Springs know of a mechanic that will do the repairs cheaper or a mechanic that will install maybe an aftermarket cat converter? If I looked for aftermarket converters, what would I need?! Thanks, Chase.
Read more: Does anyone in Colorado know any cheap ways to get a catalytic converter/manifold exhaust leak repair?
How to remove the door panel from a 2013 honda crv? I need to replace the mirror?
How to remove the door panel from a 2013 honda crv? I need to replace the mirror?
Read more: How to remove the door panel from a 2013 honda crv? I need to replace the mirror?
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