Saturday, October 31, 2015

Does anyone know what the top speed and horsepower of a honda element is?

Does anyone know what the top speed and horsepower of a honda element is?

Read more: Does anyone know what the top speed and horsepower of a honda element is?

Honda CR-Z s+ button? Please explain?

I have used the s+ button a couple times just for fun now on a CVT transmission. I was wondering what exactly is it? How much boost does it give? Is it bad to use often like for the battery and/or engine?

Read more: Honda CR-Z s+ button? Please explain?

97 Honda passport/Isuzu rodeo spare tire carrier bolt size for tire?

i recently bought a stock spare tire carrier for my 97 honda passport/isuzu rodeo and it did not come with the bolts to attach a spare tire to the carrier and i do not know the bolt size and need to know what size bolt holds a spare tire on the carrier… Someone help please

Read more: 97 Honda passport/Isuzu rodeo spare tire carrier bolt size for tire?

Will a motor corporation such as nissan, toyota, honda etc. Hire felons for service technicians?

Will a motor corporation such as nissan, toyota, honda etc. Hire felons for service technicians?

Read more: Will a motor corporation such as nissan, toyota, honda etc. Hire felons for service technicians?

How much would i be charged for car insurance?

I had a 08 honda civic with 60 000 km, and i was paying 330 a month on insurance when i was about 18 but decided to sell it for about 10 grand.

about 2 years later, i'm thinking of getting a g35 coupe for about 7500

i haven't gotten into any accidents or gotten any tickets

how much do you guys think my insurance would be?
Added (1). 2005 infiniti g35 coupe

Read more: How much would i be charged for car insurance?

1999 Honda Accord. V6. Auto/Trans. Please identify the 2nd gear shift solenoid?

1999 Honda Accord. V6. Auto/Trans. Please identify the 2nd gear shift solenoid?

Read more: 1999 Honda Accord. V6. Auto/Trans. Please identify the 2nd gear shift solenoid?

Como quitar la lus srs Honda civic 2002?

Como quitar la lus srs Honda civic 2002?

Read more: Como quitar la lus srs Honda civic 2002?

Why my car does not stay on?

I have a 1997 Honda Accord LX 2.2l non VTec, the car starts fine but in an instant the car suddenly goes off, I have already replaced ignition control module, distributor seal and distributor cap. Before all that was replaced I took the car to auto zone for a check engine light diagnostic, it gave me speed sensor, MAP sensor and oxygen sensor. Please help me.

Read more: Why my car does not stay on?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Which is a better car to buy maruti suzuki celario manual transmission or honda brio SMT manual transmission?

Which is a better car to buy maruti suzuki celario manual transmission or honda brio SMT manual transmission?

Read more: Which is a better car to buy maruti suzuki celario manual transmission or honda brio SMT manual transmission?

I have a knocking noise in the rear end of my Honda CRV when I drive up steep hills?

I have a knocking noise in the rear end of my Honda CRV when I drive up steep hills?

Read more: I have a knocking noise in the rear end of my Honda CRV when I drive up steep hills?

Tires are cupped. Bad struts or bad alignment?

Brought my Honda Accord 6 months ago. Passenger side rear wheel had hit a curb(before I brought it) and blew the strut.

The cheap dealer only replaced the passenger side rear strut to "make things right". 6 months later(now) I m looking at my tires and I m noticing minor cupping on the inside edge of the DRIVER side rear wheel(side with original strut that wasn t replaced).

I read that it could possibly be alignment that is causing the cupping, or it could be the strut. How do I find out for sure if it s alignment and not strut/vise versa?

Tires are Yokohama Avid Envigors. Car has 45,000 miles. I don t notice any major toe/camber issues with the wheels.

Read more: Tires are cupped. Bad struts or bad alignment?

Can a 195/50/r15 tire fit into a 2002 Honda Accord?

I have 97 civic I sold but I have this 195/50/r15 tires with rims would it for my new 2002 accord

Read more: Can a 195/50/r15 tire fit into a 2002 Honda Accord?

My 1996 Honda passport door is stuck. The back doors won't open. Any suggestion to what to do?

My 1996 Honda passport door is stuck. The back doors won't open. Any suggestion to what to do?

Read more: My 1996 Honda passport door is stuck. The back doors won't open. Any suggestion to what to do?

1998 Honda Civic? Good buy? Or stay away?

Hi. I'm looking at a 1998 Honda Civic with 108k miles and was wondering if 108k is way too many miles for a Honda? Or if it should have life left on it? Not looking for the car to last me forever. Just need it for about a year or two until I'm out of college

Read more: 1998 Honda Civic? Good buy? Or stay away?

For the ultimate reliability to pack on many miles on a sports bike?

Im thinking Honda's CBR250R and CBR600F4i but is their any other bikes that you may know for extremely good reliability with fuel injection and in my budget of $3,000?

-I really don't care if its a sports bike/cruiser/standard/ or even a scooter because riding is riding

Read more: For the ultimate reliability to pack on many miles on a sports bike?

Honda Civic with front end problem?

I bought a 1993 Honda Civic cheap a couple months ago when my car got stolen. The car runs well and goes down the road fairly decent. I just got a flat in a front tire. I noticed the tire wore through the tread on the inside part of the tire while the tread on the outside is like new. The other front tire is wearing the same way. When I had the car jacked up I noticed the front wheel has a wiggle when pushed/pulled a little. Do I need to replace the wheel bearings and/or I get the front end of the car checked at a shop? Does the car need an alignment?

Read more: Honda Civic with front end problem?

How come my car (1996 honda accord lx) cranks but wont start but then later when I try again it starts up?

I try to start my car up and it just cranks and cranks but doesnt start up. I was at it for 30 minutes turning the car on and off and it was just cranking alot but not starting. I dont think its the battery because i jumped the car and tried starting it up and i got the same results (just alot of cranking), so i just give up but then an hour later when i come back and try to start it up it works! The car starts up. Does anyone know what could be the problem? Why does it do that at times? Its like it works at times and other times it doesnt. Oh and i noticed this problem has been occurring more when it gets cold out like during early mornings.

Read more: How come my car (1996 honda accord lx) cranks but wont start but then later when I try again it starts up?

Honda Shadows Reliability?

I know its a Honda but does still have the same great reliability since its a V twin

Read more: Honda Shadows Reliability?

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I have a 2012 Honda ruckus that stopped working:?

It ran fine a week ago and I took the front frame apart for some painting and put everything back together and now it won t make any noise or no lights will turn on when I switch the key to on. I took the battery to get checked and they said it was good. I don t know much about scooters so any help would be awesome. Just want to get it running again:( I noticed a fuse looked like it might be bad but would a bad fuse cause the relay to not click?

Read more: I have a 2012 Honda ruckus that stopped working:?

98 Honda Accord power door lock and windows not working. Out of ideas?

So I'll try to cover everything I've done to my car at this point. I had to replace the battery about 3 months ago. Power locks and windows were still fine. I installed a new touch screen stereo, wiring was a little tricky and I blew my headlights fuse but have got that replaced. After installing the stereo I installed a Viper Alarm system. Power locks and windows were still fine. Roughly 2 weeks after that, my car started acting up. It mainly had acceleration problems and would die when I stopped at a stop sign or a red light. I did some maintenance to include changing oil, coolant, and spark plugs and spark plug wires.

After changing the spark plugs, the power locks didn't work anymore. There's no click or any sound of that nature. Not only that, from the driver's side I couldn't control the power windows on the passenger's side of the vehicle anymore (front right and bottom right). My Viper alarm system also doesn't lock the vehicle though it still arms and disarms normally. I've checked all the fuses and they're all fine.

Come to find out, the acceleration problems was because of my map sensor so I got that taken care of but that didn't fix the power door lock and window situation.

I am literally out of ideas. Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope!

Read more: 98 Honda Accord power door lock and windows not working. Out of ideas?

What is the difference between Honda CBR650F and Honda CBR650FA or Kawasaki EX650E and Kawasaki EX650EC?

What is the difference between Honda CBR650F and Honda CBR650FA or Kawasaki EX650E and Kawasaki EX650EC?

Read more: What is the difference between Honda CBR650F and Honda CBR650FA or Kawasaki EX650E and Kawasaki EX650EC?

I am wondering where i can find engine parts for a 1985 Honda ATC 350x?

I am wondering where i can find engine parts for a 1985 Honda ATC 350x? - 1

Read more: I am wondering where i can find engine parts for a 1985 Honda ATC 350x?

Which is better over all 2006 Nissan Murano or 2008 Honda Accord? Explain?

I'm trying to choose between these two and I'm stuck because the gas on a Honda is better, Honda reputation is better, I love the feel of being in the Mirano and it's an suv. The price is very different as well so hard to choose.

Read more: Which is better over all 2006 Nissan Murano or 2008 Honda Accord? Explain?

Will a alternator from a 91 geo prizm fit in a 86 honda accord?

The geo has engine damage and the honda has a dead alternator. I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me if I pulled the alt from the geo and put it in the honda if it would fit and work. I just need it to work for a few weeks until I could afford a new one. Any help would be appreciated.

Read more: Will a alternator from a 91 geo prizm fit in a 86 honda accord?

How much will it be to install a remote engine starter for a 2005 Honda Civic?

How much will it be to install a remote engine starter for a 2005 Honda Civic?

Read more: How much will it be to install a remote engine starter for a 2005 Honda Civic?

Good sounding muffler for 2004 honda accord?

Pretty much in title. I'm looking for one but don"t want one to loud or high pitched. I want a low rumble one but one that doesn't sound like it should be on a muscle car. Thanks

Also, my friend recommended a Dynomax Race Bullet?

Read more: Good sounding muffler for 2004 honda accord?

I have an idle problem. What could it be?

I have a 1994 Honda Civic. After a cold start, probably after 40 seconds, the RPM gauge starts jumping up from 1000 rpms to 2300 rpms continuously. This happens while being parked and while driving.

Due to some research and advice from other whom have had the same issue, I've cleaned out the air idle control valve for any clogged up junk, the manifold too, looked for any vacuum leaks, and also checked the cooling system to see if there's any air in it. Nothing has changed really.

Today, I had the problem where I turned on the car but it turned off on in about 2 seconds. It will stay on if I step on the gas pedal right after I turn on the car. Also, before it gave me this issue, after every drive and while having on the heater, I always got this smell of gasoline. Does this have anything to do with my idle problem?

Let's keep in my mind that I am no mechanic. So any help or advice will be very well appreciated guys. Thanks!

Read more: I have an idle problem. What could it be?

SUPERTECH 5w-30 longevity?

My dad drives a 2010 Honda Accord with the basic 2.4l 4-banger and drives about 100 miles a day, for five days a week… Now all he uses is SUPERTECH 5w-30 and he changes it at 6-8k miles when the Honda "oil/maintenance" light comes on. Keep in mind this is DINO or conventional oil. Is he harming his car following the oil change minder over the 3-5k lifespan of typical conventional oils. Both my parents act like its no big deal oil is just "oil" I never believed that. So thought I'd ask you guys with more knowledge and experience. I always use Liqui-Moly or Mobil 1 Extended Performance for my vehicles but. Anyways?

Read more: SUPERTECH 5w-30 longevity?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Does the 1998 Honda Crv come with an Aux cord input?

I have a 1998 Honda Crv and for the the 2 months I've had it, it feels like a sports car! However, i got one problem, the entertainment in my car is dry. I don't have any CDs and listening to the same music on the radio is boring. I have all these hot tracks on my phone that I cant play. Please if there is an aux cord input somewhere can someone please tell me where it is or how to hook one up. Thank You.

Read more: Does the 1998 Honda Crv come with an Aux cord input?

2015 honda civic si financing?

Help on budgeting.

Monthly payments:

Car: $360
Insurance: $520
Student loan:$140
Phone: $70
Estimated gas: $150

Total: $1240

I feel like I can afford all of it. Monthly income is $1600-2000. Im 23 years old. All I care is having a car. No more buying clothes or any other expenses. I'll be able to save up anyway for those kind of stuffs especially the maintenance or set ups for the car. What do you think?

Read more: 2015 honda civic si financing?

Can I sue if my car should have been totaled but was not?

In March of 2015, I was involved in an accident in which I was at fault. My vehicle was significantly damaged. My car was towed to my insurance s (State Farm) "preferred repair shop". Initially, the car was appraised at $17,500 with $8,000 (including replacing the driver s side airbag) in repairs and labor, meaning it was salvageable. It was also quoted the vehicle would be repaired in two and a half to three weeks, which seemed reasonable, considering the damage. In the end, after haggling back and forth with the shop, it took roughly a month and a half. After reviewing the paperwork with the details on what was done to my car, they repaired closer to $14,000 in parts and labor, meaning my car most likely should have been totaled. I now have constant issues with the vehicle (2013 Honda CRV, less than 30,000 miles). My question is, is there anything I can do about the fact that 1) close to half of the cost of the repair was not disclosed to me nor State Farm and 2) my car should have been totaled but was not due to the shop, I m assuming, wanting a big pay day.

Read more: Can I sue if my car should have been totaled but was not?

Two vehicles to choose from, what do you think?

1998 Honda CR-V AWD 1200$
337,000 km


2003 Volkswagen Jetta 1.8 2000$
Added (1). I was told the honda is cheaper to fix and maintain hands down?

Read more: Two vehicles to choose from, what do you think?

Honda 450 cuts out while driving?

Honda 450 cuts out while driving?

Read more: Honda 450 cuts out while driving?

How hard is it to replace the piston rings in an 80's Honda 10hp?

I have a 1980's Honda 10hp, in one cylinder I have 105psi of compression and in the other I have 60 psi of compression. I believe this is greatly effecting the performance of it as it can't get my 12ft zodiac planing at full throttle with more than one person in it. I was wondering how difficult it is to replace the rings in it. I have a two stroke dirtbike so maybe that coil be a scale as to the difficulty? I know that being a four stroke it is more tricky because you have to deal the the timing and all but is it really that much harder?

Read more: How hard is it to replace the piston rings in an 80's Honda 10hp?

1996 Honda Civic DK Hatchback value?

Recent Work:
New radiator
New exhuast
Valve cover gasket replaced
New cam shaft seals
New oil pan gasket
Car just has been aligned
Front two tires are new from les shwab
Breaks have been inspected and are good
New wheel barring in one of the wheels
No rust, clean body
Car has just been tuned up, new spark plugs
Battery is 4 years old

Cars problems:
Cracked windshield
Needs oxygen sensor
Trunk leaks a little

Any idea what I should be paying for this?
The guy is asking 2,300.

Also the car is green if that helps.

Read more: 1996 Honda Civic DK Hatchback value?

Groaning noise on 2015 Civic LX?

Hi, the question says it all.
I recently leased a new 2015 Civic LX and I started noticing that there s some kind of groaning/squeak when I press on the brakes if I am parked. The noise seems to be coming from the back brakes.

Also, I started noticing that my brakes are grinding if im stopping at low speeds.

Could this be an issue that needs to be addressed to honda? Or could it be that the car is still breaking in since its new.
Added (1). The groaning noise also happens when I apply the e brake

Read more: Groaning noise on 2015 Civic LX?

Are there any models of audi vehicles built by honda?

Are there any models of audi vehicles built by honda?

Read more: Are there any models of audi vehicles built by honda?

College Student! Need money/car advice?!

Okay so I saved up money and got my first car, a 97 Honda Civic for $900. I had it for about 4 months when I found out I needed a new crankshaft position sensor, timing belt, and water pump. I found a mechanic who gave me a great deal and fixed it for $750. About 2 weeks later, I was driving at night and HIT A DEER. Very traumatic experience, may I add. The hood is pretty banged up and I believe the radiator is busted. We haven't opened the hood yet to see if the frame is bent because the person who is supposed to check my Honda out has not come around yet. I have no money left to move forward. Luckily, a refund check from financial aid for school came in, it was $2,000. I used this money to get a new car in a rush. I am stupid. I bought a 2003 PT cruiser. I took it to the mechanic, it needs a new waterpump, timing belt, and thermostat. The repairs will be over $1000. I have absolutely NO money left to my name and I am trapped. No one is offering to buy the PT cruiser I posted on craigslist and I am stuck with 2 broken cars and no money to fix either. Help ME! What do I do?!

Read more: College Student! Need money/car advice?!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Does anyone know where I can get cheap full coverage car insurance? I'm looking for something under $200?

I'm 23 I've been driving since I turned 18 I've had 3 speeding tickets 2 no insurance. I'm paying $334 for a 2015 Honda Civic on a 3 year lease.

Read more: Does anyone know where I can get cheap full coverage car insurance? I'm looking for something under $200?

If I make 50k a year, is 16k too much to spend on a car?

I recently graduated from college and got a job as a web developer, making 50k a year. I have about 12k in student loan debt, and I am still living at home with my parents. I am currently driving a 2005 Chrystler town and country (Van) with 200,000 miles on it, and I have been pouring thousands of dollars into it for maintenance. Would it be wise to buy another car now? I am looking into getting a 2013 Honda Accord, which costs about 16k. Is this too much to spend on a car based on my salary?

(Hour commute to work every morning)

Read more: If I make 50k a year, is 16k too much to spend on a car?

Why wont my bluetooth syncup Iin my honda accord?

Why wont my bluetooth syncup Iin my honda accord?

Read more: Why wont my bluetooth syncup Iin my honda accord?

What could be causing my hesitation? 2012 Honda Civic?

I've been having acceleration issues in my Civic. When the blower motor is on (doesn't matter if A/C is on, it could just be the vent) my car hesitates and accelerates at a 'weak' pace. It's noticeably not as powerful. Along with this I've noticed sometimes my car shifts kind of harshly. It shifts between all gears but randomly I will feel a 'jerk' when letting off the gas and other times I feel my car struggling to shift a bit but if I press a bit harder on the gas, it finally shifts.

Both hesitation + shifting issues started together. I have no check engine light (never have), brand new OEM Denso spark plugs and ignition coils.

I have a collapsing front-right engine mount that I am getting fixed that was causing a rough idle, but could this cause hesitation/shifting issues? Just like the acceleration issues, I've noticed the rough idle gets a lot worse when I turn on the blower motor and gets smoother when I turn it off.

Alternator was tested OK, but could this be a voltage regulator? Or a shift control solenoid?

Read more: What could be causing my hesitation? 2012 Honda Civic?

Is there bluetooth problems with honda accords?

Is there bluetooth problems with honda accords?

Read more: Is there bluetooth problems with honda accords?

Moving to Valdez, AK in Jan. What can I expect?

My husband and I will be moving to Valdez in Jan. He is in the Coast Guard. I have done some research, but would like some personal opinions. We just bought a newer Honda Civic (before we found out). Will we be able to get by with it? What can we do to prepare the car? Coming from California, how can I get used to the snow and weird times the sun is out?

Read more: Moving to Valdez, AK in Jan. What can I expect?

My new honda acoord wont sync up with my lg g4 properly they hear me but all I hear static?

My new honda acoord wont sync up with my lg g4 properly they hear me but all I hear static? - 1

Read more: My new honda acoord wont sync up with my lg g4 properly they hear me but all I hear static?

Is Rs 20000 a good price for Honda Activa 100 cc of 2007 model?

Is Rs 20000 a good price for Honda Activa 100 cc of 2007 model?

Read more: Is Rs 20000 a good price for Honda Activa 100 cc of 2007 model?

I have a Honda 1996 civic it had been overheating and too much presser build up?

I have a Honda 1996 civic it had been overheating and too much presser build up?

Read more: I have a Honda 1996 civic it had been overheating and too much presser build up?

Why can't I get my bluetooth to work in my new honda accord?

Why can't I get my bluetooth to work in my new honda accord? - 1

Read more: Why can't I get my bluetooth to work in my new honda accord?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Honda and Toyota Supply chain management?

Honda and Toyota Supply chain management?

Read more: Honda and Toyota Supply chain management?

How to reset the airbag light on a 2001 Honda Passport without diagnostic tool?

How to reset the airbag light on a 2001 Honda Passport without diagnostic tool?

Read more: How to reset the airbag light on a 2001 Honda Passport without diagnostic tool?

How much is insurance for a 2000 Honda Civic dx sedan 4 door?

How much is insurance for a 2000 Honda Civic dx sedan 4 door? - 1

Read more: How much is insurance for a 2000 Honda Civic dx sedan 4 door?

Oil safety switch on Honda big red?

Oil safety switch on Honda big red?

Read more: Oil safety switch on Honda big red?

Cost of rebuiding a 91 honda civic 4 speed manual transmission?

I am planning of rebuild the engine and I want every major component to be as reliable as possible.

My current 4 speed manual transmission is working flawlessly, sometime it is a bit difficult to get in reverse. But I think it is normal. My concern is if I have a rebuild engine and a new clutch, I would like a new/reman transmission to match reliability.

Option 1: reman 5 speed tranny, which would run about $700. It is a little too much for my budget. And what am i going to do with the old 4 speed tranny?

Option 2: Rebuild myself. Rebuild kit is about $200. Question is if I have time and what if I mess up? Is it easy to do? Anybody has done that? Looks like you will have to replace a few bearings, seals and sychronizers.

Option 3: Pay shop to rebuild it. Anybody knows how much it would cost?

Option 4: Leave the current transmission. Worry about it when it goes bad… I don't know if I like this option. I want get everyting done at one shot and I don't have to worry about it latter…

What's your opinion?

Read more: Cost of rebuiding a 91 honda civic 4 speed manual transmission?

Can a home be taken away due to car repossession?

Long story short, my mother who owns a home was unaware that my father was going to lease a car. She thought it was going to be financed, not leased so she signed the documents with her name on top, the payments have been behind for about 2 months already. If the car is repossessed and she is sued can she lose her home? This is with Honda financial. What are some options?

Read more: Can a home be taken away due to car repossession?

Proper type of gas recommended for 1992 honda accord?

Proper type of gas recommended for 1992 honda accord?

Read more: Proper type of gas recommended for 1992 honda accord?

Can I adjust the gas pedal or brake (to lower or heighten it) on my 2014 Honda CRV?

Can I adjust the gas pedal or brake (to lower or heighten it) on my 2014 Honda CRV?

Read more: Can I adjust the gas pedal or brake (to lower or heighten it) on my 2014 Honda CRV?

What is the best All Season Tire for a 2013 Honda Civic Sedan LX, FWD?

What is the best All Season Tire for a 2013 Honda Civic Sedan LX, FWD? - 1
Added (1). I live in the North East, we have very hot summers and very cold snow filled winters, I'm looking for the best All Season Tires that are great in the summer and very safe in the winter, I want good tires that will last for years, price is not an issue, I want high quality, the best. Thank you!

Read more: What is the best All Season Tire for a 2013 Honda Civic Sedan LX, FWD?

2016 Honda HRV - how do you reset all the Bluetooth phone and delete them. Can't find it in the manual?

2016 Honda HRV - how do you reset all the Bluetooth phone and delete them. Can't find it in the manual?

Read more: 2016 Honda HRV - how do you reset all the Bluetooth phone and delete them. Can't find it in the manual?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Honda jazz 2005 1.4 engine with 160000 miles or vw lupo year2000 with 80000 miles? What to choose?

Honda jazz 2005 1.4 engine with 160000 miles or vw lupo year2000 with 80000 miles? What to choose?

Read more: Honda jazz 2005 1.4 engine with 160000 miles or vw lupo year2000 with 80000 miles? What to choose?

Do guys like girls even if they have old crappy cars?

This is my first year in high school, and I just bought my first car, which is a 20 something year old Honda. Will guys be turned off when they find out I drive this old piece of junk?

Read more: Do guys like girls even if they have old crappy cars?

I've gotten cheated at honda dealer in garden grove ca.what should i do?

I've gotten cheated at honda dealer in garden grove ca. What should i do?

Read more: I've gotten cheated at honda dealer in garden grove ca.what should i do?

Honda big red won t start after no oil in it?

I have a Honda big red fourtrax 250, 2007 I think. I ran with no oil in (didn t check oil) and it cut out. I immediately put oil in and it won t start back up. There is a spark and petrol getting to it. I have cleand carb and and put a bit petrol into wer the spark plug is going. The lights flash wen touching wires so could it be an electrical fault?

Read more: Honda big red won t start after no oil in it?

I have a honda accord 2001, and i want to know if a 2001 honda accord coupe front bumper would fit mine?

I have a honda accord 2001, and i want to know if a 2001 honda accord coupe front bumper would fit mine? - 1

Read more: I have a honda accord 2001, and i want to know if a 2001 honda accord coupe front bumper would fit mine?

Car parts companies that sell small metal steel phillips head screws for 2005 Honda automatic srarter fobs?

car parts companies that sell small metal steel phillips head screws for 2005 Honda automatic starter fobs

Read more: Car parts companies that sell small metal steel phillips head screws for 2005 Honda automatic srarter fobs?

Honda Secondary H23 Intake Manifold Control via F22B1 VTEC?

Honda Secondary H23 Intake Manifold Control via F22B1 VTEC?
Added (1). As far as I understand the H23A1 uses P14 ECU, My F22B1 VTEC has VTEC Control but no Seconardy control. What would be the ideal ECU of choice for both? Would prefer stock ECU to do both jobs plug n play in the 95' ACCORD EX 5-Speed. However if the P72 is the best choice then let me know. Thanks
Added (2). By the way, my 95' Accord EX F22B1 VTEC 5-speed will soon be running an H23 Secondary intake manifold. Unless you guy's know of another Secondary manifold that would be plug n play along with the ECU to use the Seconardies as well as VTEC. Thanks Again

Read more: Honda Secondary H23 Intake Manifold Control via F22B1 VTEC?

Someone knowledgeable about car trouble? 1996 Honda Accord rough idle check engine light blinking?

It just started all of a sudden. Very rough idle, check engine light at first only blink after about 15 seconds at idle but now it doesn't blink at idle and instead only when at higher speed. Weird. I took it to mechanic he said low compression cylinder 3. I got synthetic oil change and put some Engine Restore in. Also replaced plugs they were pretty fouled. No change at all after 200 or so miles. Got codes ran at auto zone. Cylinder 3 and 5 misfiring, multi cylinder misfire, and VSS which I know about my speed sensor is shot. Easy fix tho. So my spark wires are new pretty much but I am wondering is it really the low compression doing this? I am thinking maybe cap and rotor or coil? My car used to smoke from burning oil but it stopped after this started. Yes I kept my eye on oil level. So what you think?

Read more: Someone knowledgeable about car trouble? 1996 Honda Accord rough idle check engine light blinking?

1990 Honda accord won t start?

Ok so my car has a new fuel pump, a new main relay, a new sending unit, a new egr valve and I just had the head gasket done and I had it re timed after it wouldn t start the first time. For some reason the fuelpump won t come on and there s no spark any ideas as to why?

Read more: 1990 Honda accord won t start?

Is a 2009 Honda Fit too good for a first car?

I am interested in getting a 2009 Honda Fit for my first car which in average is around $7,000. Is that too much for a first car?

Read more: Is a 2009 Honda Fit too good for a first car?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The headline in my 2007 Honda Accord is loose, how can i fix?

The headline in my 2007 Honda Accord is loose, how can i fix?

Read more: The headline in my 2007 Honda Accord is loose, how can i fix?

Which car do you think is better?

i mean better in terms of aesthetics, fuel economy, performance and lifespan.
I'm going to get my first car from one of these brands. Please don't judge me and tell me that i should get a better car. I am just using it for daily commute.

1998 nissan altima, 1998 honda accord, or 1998 nissan axima?

Read more: Which car do you think is better?

Where s the fuel pump relay in a 2004 Honda accord coupe?

Where s the fuel pump relay in a 2004 Honda accord coupe?

Read more: Where s the fuel pump relay in a 2004 Honda accord coupe?

How to start a honda civic with a jump starter?

How to start a honda civic with a jump starter?

Read more: How to start a honda civic with a jump starter?

Can a audi a4 2006 car speakers fit a 2001 honda odyssey ex?

Just wondering cause i want to replace my honda speakers an my audi speakers with after market speadkers.

Read more: Can a audi a4 2006 car speakers fit a 2001 honda odyssey ex?

Im needing some new tires?

I have a 2009 Honda accord coupe v6 and I'm needing some new tires soon for it.
what kind souls i get?
( i don't really know much about tires for cars but I've heard the term "summer tires". I don't really know what that means )
Added (1). *should lol

Read more: Im needing some new tires?

I need a wiring diagram of the radio pin connector for Honda frv ex?

I need a wiring diagram of the radio pin connector for Honda frv ex?

Read more: I need a wiring diagram of the radio pin connector for Honda frv ex?

How to can I change the screen language in Japanese cars?

I would like to make money buy going to a car dealership that sell Japanese manufactured cars and changing the built-in Tomtoms language. It would be easy but it's all in Japanese! I don't want to be too specific with the car manufacturer but I'll just day for example, Honda. I know that different models have different Tomtoms so I'll just day the Honda Fit and the builders of the Tomtom is something like 'Eclipse'. Can someone please help?

Read more: How to can I change the screen language in Japanese cars?

My motorcycle engine gets relatively hot than it used to. Any suggestion to install a diy cooling system?

My motorcycle engine gets relatively hot than it used to. Any suggestion to install a diy cooling system? - 1
Added (1). My motorcycle engine gets relatively hot than it used to. Any suggestion to install a diy cooling system - 1
This is the BIke I have… Honda VT250F 1980s

Read more: My motorcycle engine gets relatively hot than it used to. Any suggestion to install a diy cooling system?

Which Honda Civic coupes have CVT transmissions? (06-09)?

I plan on buying a Honda Civic coupe between the years of 2006-2010 and I'm trying to figure out if any of those Honda civics have CVT transmissions. I test drove a 2013 Honda Civic coupe EX (automatic) and it felt as if I was driving a manual because you could feel the gears change, it sounded amazing and I loved it. So I'm wondering if any of those years have that same feeling.

Read more: Which Honda Civic coupes have CVT transmissions? (06-09)?

Friday, October 23, 2015

What year did the Honda Civic coupe s switch over to a CVT transmission?

What year did the Honda Civic coupe s switch over to a CVT transmission?

Read more: What year did the Honda Civic coupe s switch over to a CVT transmission?

Will a 1996 honda civic window fit in a 1999 honda civic coupe?

Yeah just looking for a window and seeing if it will fit. Any combo information will work like will a coupe go into a 4 door or 4 door go into a coupe. My car is 1999 honda civic coupe ex.

Read more: Will a 1996 honda civic window fit in a 1999 honda civic coupe?

Why does my A/C Compressor keep going bad?

In mid August, I changed the A/C compressor in my 2003 Honda Civic EX because it was making a horendous screeching noise every time I turned on the A/C and eventually, cold air stopped coming out. A couple of days ago, my car started making the same screeching noise when I turned on my A/C. Why does my A/C compressor keeping going bad? Is there a different part in my car the could be causing my compressor to fail?

Read more: Why does my A/C Compressor keep going bad?

What is the estimated labor time and cost for fuel line and break line replacement on a 1998 Honda Accord LX?

What is the estimated labor time and cost for fuel line and break line replacement on a 1998 Honda Accord LX?

Read more: What is the estimated labor time and cost for fuel line and break line replacement on a 1998 Honda Accord LX?

Honda Civic 2015 type L retarded?

yes I own this car. A piece of onion went inside the gap of the emergency break and there is no way to take it out? Come on…

Read more: Honda Civic 2015 type L retarded?

Rim and tire fitting on honda?

Alright so I just got some xxr 527 rims their 18 I forgot the exact dimensions but it's pretty deep and I went on a website ( and it said it wouldn't fit I got a 2013 accord coupe ex-L v6 but I know there's people that can make it fit adjusting things and what not but I wanna know what would have to be done and how much it would be by doin it your self or to pay some one thanks

Read more: Rim and tire fitting on honda?

Ok so I m 15 and I m planning on buying a $30000? - 1

Ok so I m 15 and I m planning on buying a $30000 car in 2 or 3 years and I have plans to buy junkie cars and fixing them up with my dad and making profits off of that and working a regular job and basically saving every penny but I was wondering if anybody had any ideas for getting more money for me to reach my goal. Please don t say that I can t do it and to buy a Honda and blah blah blah because I m very determined and I m really serious about this. Also please don't even comment if you don't have advice to give. Thank you.

Read more: Ok so I m 15 and I m planning on buying a $30000? - 1

Ok so I m 15 and I m planning on buying a $30000?

Ok so I m 15 and I m planning on buying a $30000 car in 2 or 3 years and I have plans to buy junkie cars and fixing them up with my dad and making profits off of that and working a regular job and basically saving every penny but I was wondering if anybody had any ideas for getting more money for me to reach my goal. Please don t say that I can t do it and to buy a Honda and blah blah blah because I m very determined and I m really serious about this

Read more: Ok so I m 15 and I m planning on buying a $30000?

Why did my gas tank start rusting after I washed it out with muriatic acid?

I have a 1978 Honda Express 49cc moped, the gas tank had rust collecting in it and I ve tried everything before going to muriatic acid. When I drained the tank out I was surprised, it was super clean, and I was happy. Until I came back out four hours later to see it had started rusting again. I rinsed it with water, blew it out and sloshed it around with gas. Why does it keep rusting? Do I need to use a sealant? What should I do? Please help me!

Read more: Why did my gas tank start rusting after I washed it out with muriatic acid?

I lost my key to my 1997 xr100r Honda deity bike how can I crank it?

I lost my key to my 1997 xr100r Honda deity bike how can I crank it?
Added (1). I lost my key to my 1997 xr 100r dirt bike how can I crank it up. With out my key?

Read more: I lost my key to my 1997 xr100r Honda deity bike how can I crank it?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Was the 1999 Honda CBR600F4 fuel injected or carbonated?

Was the 1999 Honda CBR600F4 fuel injected or carbonated? - 1

Read more: Was the 1999 Honda CBR600F4 fuel injected or carbonated?

Is 120,000 miles bad on a Honda Accord 2008-2010?

So I have been looking around to buy my first used car but have a budget of $9,000. I have seen Honda Accord coupe around that price or less but mileage around 90,000 miles to 130,000 miles. I know to get the lower mileage but I am not trying to spend a lot. Also I am thinking to keep the car for only 2-4 years. So if anyone can give any information about mileage more than 100k on Honda, if it will have any type of problem.

Read more: Is 120,000 miles bad on a Honda Accord 2008-2010?

Apakah honda blade cocok menggunakan lampu depan LED?

Apakah honda blade cocok menggunakan lampu depan LED?

Read more: Apakah honda blade cocok menggunakan lampu depan LED?

Strange rumbling/vibration when I drive my car over 40 miles an hour. What's wrong with it?

So over the last week whenever I drive my car over 40 miles an hour I hear this sort of rumbling noise and feel a vibration underneath my feet. It seems to be getting worse every day. It almost sounds like a machine gun or something. Any idea what could be wrong with my car?
Added (1). This car is a 97 Honda Accord. Mileage is 109,000. I usually keep up to date with any issues that arise, it's a good car but old and there's always something wrong with it lol. I just got 4 new tires recently I was thinking that the noise came from that, that's when everything pretty much started, it's just gotten worse over the last few weeks. I also need to get my car realigned, could that be the cause?

Read more: Strange rumbling/vibration when I drive my car over 40 miles an hour. What's wrong with it?

Is my tail light coming off because my exhaust?

I bought a muffler from pep boys and some piping, i cut off the stock muffler and clamped them on. I know it wasn t professional or anything. But now my tail light above the muffler is slowly coming off and the bumper is too! Any idea what i can do to stop it from coming off? Please and thank you. Its a 2012 honda accord.

Read more: Is my tail light coming off because my exhaust?

Should I buy this honda hawk gt650?

Im looking into buying my 2nd bike used (started on a Suzuki gz250) and what im basically asking is if you think this is a good deal ( obviously i dont expect anyone to know the mechanical condition of it but one thing i noticed was some blueing/discoloration at the exhaust headers)

Read more: Should I buy this honda hawk gt650?

Cam my honda accord use 10w-30 full synthetic?

Cam my honda accord use 10w-30 full synthetic?

Read more: Cam my honda accord use 10w-30 full synthetic?

Motorcycle is sputtering, what s going on?

I ve had in the shop twice with a carb clean, since cleaning them 3 times by myself didn t work. Each time I pick it up from the shop, it runs great for a week or 2. No vacuum leaks that I can find, runs same without air filter. I ordered a fuel filter which I don t have now. Anything else?
2000 Honda Nighthawk 750

Read more: Motorcycle is sputtering, what s going on?

What causes thick-mashed potato like substance on/in a radiator?

I picked up a free car, it's a 2002 Honda Civic that he said needed a head gasket. (He doesn't know ANYTHING about cars) all he said was that it overheated and just googled and of course everyone says head gaskets.

I brought it home, checked the fluids and nothing is mixed. Oil is just oil, coolant is nasty dirty, but just coolant. I put about 3/4 gallon of water in the radiator to top it off and the car runs and drives just fine. Didn't ever get past halfway on the temp gauge, heat works great, AC works great as well.

The only thing I noticed odd, was this thick white paste looking stuff that seemed like it boiled over or something out of the radiator. I've saw milky oil and coolant before, this is nothing like that. It's literally thick and gritty like mashed potatoes or something. I'm gonna do a flush with the radiator cleaner stuff and replace the radiator cap off the bat, but I'm just curious what that stuff could be?

2002 Honda Civic EX, 159k miles

Read more: What causes thick-mashed potato like substance on/in a radiator?

I only have 10w-30 synthetic oil for my 94 Honda accord lx?

I only have 10w-30 synthetic oil for my 94 Honda accord lx?

Read more: I only have 10w-30 synthetic oil for my 94 Honda accord lx?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How much should it cost to replace a front-right engine mount in a 2012 Honda Civic?

How much should it cost to replace a front-right engine mount in a 2012 Honda Civic? I recently had a rough idle diagnosed and it came back to a collapsing (not yet collapsed) front-right engine mount.

Quote was $350 for parts and labor.

Read more: How much should it cost to replace a front-right engine mount in a 2012 Honda Civic?

My car won t stop beeping! Help?!

I have a 1990 Honda Civic I ve had it for 4 years. First some background info on the beeping. When you turn the car off and leave the key in the ignition the car beeps and won t stop until you take the key out of the ignition. It s a simple 4 quick beeps about one second long occurring every other second. I assume it s a feature that prevents you from leaving your keys in the ignition. Cool makes sense. Ok so here s the problem. About 4 months ago it started doing that same beeping but not when the car was off and the key was left in the ignition but when I was driving. It would beep a few times then stop. It was a very occasional thing. Over the next 3 months the beeping happened more frequently and stayed beeping longer and finally about a month ago the beeping started every time I turn the car on and continues until I turn it off and remove the key. Over this month I ve just turned the music up loud enough to mask the beeps but it s a really loud annoying beep. I just want it to stop. Today while trying to figure out how to stop the beeping I discovered that if I open the driver door it stops. If the car is off and the key is in the ignition and beeping if I open the door the beeps stop but as soon as I close it they start again. Same with if the car is in accessory mode beeping away if I open the driver door suddenly the beeps stop but as soon as the door closes they start up again. Same if the car is running.

Read more: My car won t stop beeping! Help?!

My 2000 Honda Xr100r won t start anymore?

I was riding it one day and it ran fine, then 2 days later i tryed to start it and it wouldn t start, all my gas was pissing out of the flood on the bottom of my carb, continuously, turned my gas off, let it sit for couple days, turned on gas, instantly coming out the flood again, at one point it even started leaking out of the bottom of my air box. Bought an entire new carb and throttle cable, put it in, now leaking out the petcock not carb anymore. No idea whats happening. Its getting spark, ive almost given up hope.

Read more: My 2000 Honda Xr100r won t start anymore?

Hankook Optimo tires: Are they any good?

Hankook Optimo tires: Are they any good?
Added (1). I got new tires at the Honda dealership today. Yesterday they quoted me a price of $415, so I got them today. I thought they were replacing the Dunlops with Dunlops, then I got home and noticed they are Hankook. The size is 175/65 R15. Should I gp back and ask them what is going on?
Added (2). H426

Read more: Hankook Optimo tires: Are they any good?

Will a bad solenoid stop the starter from turning over in a 2003 Honda Odyssey?

Will a bad solenoid stop the starter from turning over in a 2003 Honda Odyssey?

Read more: Will a bad solenoid stop the starter from turning over in a 2003 Honda Odyssey?

BMW X5 vs Honda Civic as a first car?

Im getting my first car soon and I am 17 going to college next year, Honda Civic would be the better option I'm guessing if Im paying for my gas and insurance myself, but the bmw is sort of fuel efficient w just a 7 mpg difference and nicer, would I be delusional to assume that I could keep up with the expenses of a bmw without any help from my parents? (not paying for the car myself)

Read more: BMW X5 vs Honda Civic as a first car?

Which car company is more popular in Japan, Honda or Nissan?

Which car company is more popular in Japan, Honda or Nissan?

Read more: Which car company is more popular in Japan, Honda or Nissan?

Having some Honda problems any ideas?

I was riding my 2006 crf 250r and it just had a top end rebuild and it was running fine for a while but I just took it out a couple days ago and after riding for about an hour the compression in the kickstart got really stiff and a couple times it backfired when I kick started it and I couldn't start if at all. Any ideas what it could be?

Read more: Having some Honda problems any ideas?

How to buy a motorcycle at 18?

I'm 18.
I have a good paying job and was looking into buying a sports bike but I called an insurance company and they told me I would have to have full coverage to get a bike and at 18 I couldn't get full coverage because I have no history or whatever. All of this is confusing.

I was asking about a 2009 honda cbr600rr.
So does that mean I can't buy a bike? I wouldn't get approved for a loan so how am I supposed to afford a $7000 bike without cash in hand?

No one is gonna cosign with me so am I just outta luck?
I don't know anything about the process of buying a vehicle of any kind and this just confused me even more.

It's been my dream to get a sports bike ever since I was a kid and now that I can afford one, I still can't get one? Really?

Read more: How to buy a motorcycle at 18?

What does the code p1259 on the check engine light on a 2003 honda civic?

What does the code p1259 on the check engine light on a 2003 honda civic?

Read more: What does the code p1259 on the check engine light on a 2003 honda civic?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Should I replace timing belt on 04 Honda Civic that I just purchased?

Should I replace timing belt on 04 Honda Civic that I just purchased? - 1
Added (1). I bought an 04 Civic with 123k on it. The dealer doesn't know if the TB was replaced but said his mechanic thinks it "looks" fine. My co-worker insists that if the car has made it to 123k without the TB breaking that it must have been replaced, and thinks I should risk not replacing it right now. Does that seem like a reasonable assumption? Just want to get some opinions, I know I might just have to replace it for peace of mind anyways.

Read more: Should I replace timing belt on 04 Honda Civic that I just purchased?

What causes a screeching noise in my Honda civic when I back up?

What causes a screeching noise in my Honda civic when I back up? - 1

Read more: What causes a screeching noise in my Honda civic when I back up?

Can I tie a queen mattress down on top of my car?

This maybe a stupid question, but it s for the sake of not paying my fiancés step dad to haul a queen size mattress in a gas guzzling truck, but I own a 2004 Honda Crv and if it helps with any laws I live in Arizona. I want haul a queen size on top of my car. I have no rails on my car also. First of all is it legal for me to haul that size mattress on my car and if it is how would I tie it down? Thanks for any help. Just wanting to make my our move simple.

Read more: Can I tie a queen mattress down on top of my car?

I've changed the oil in my 2011 Honda CRV. How do I reset the dashboard monitor to this fact?

I've changed the oil in my 2011 Honda CRV. How do I reset the dashboard monitor to this fact?

Read more: I've changed the oil in my 2011 Honda CRV. How do I reset the dashboard monitor to this fact?

These 2016 car models are already out and advertised, right?

Chevrolet Trax
Hyundai Elantra
Acura RDX
Nissan Maxima
Honda Pilot

While there is still a model year closeout for Toyota, these other 2016 cars I mentioned are already released and advertised, right?
a) yes
b) no

When you answer, can you give me an explanation?

Read more: These 2016 car models are already out and advertised, right?

Best colour for Honda amaze guys?

Best colour for Honda amaze guys?

Read more: Best colour for Honda amaze guys?

Good ways to make Honda shadow rs 2013 faster increase hp?

Good ways to make Honda shadow rs 2013 faster increase hp? - 1

Read more: Good ways to make Honda shadow rs 2013 faster increase hp?

Where can I get a ignition coil to fit a 2004 Honda trx250tm atv?

Where can I get a ignition coil to fit a 2004 Honda trx250tm atv? - 1

Read more: Where can I get a ignition coil to fit a 2004 Honda trx250tm atv?

How to get daytime running lights to work?

I have a 2014 Honda Cbr500r and recently bought flush mount led front turn signals. The turn signals only have 2 wires (yellow and black) and the bike has has 3 (orange, green, orange/white one one side and then blue, green, blue/white on the other) I know to connect the green to black as they are the grounds, and I know to connect orange to yellow on one side and blue to yellow on the other. My question is where do I put the other wire on each side? Without the striped wires everything works other than daytime running lights. How to get daytime running lights to work

Read more: How to get daytime running lights to work?

Can you estimate the price of a mechanic to repair: cam seal and crank seal for my 1996 honda accord?

Can you estimate the price of a mechanic to repair: cam seal and crank seal for my 1996 honda accord?
Added (1). .

Read more: Can you estimate the price of a mechanic to repair: cam seal and crank seal for my 1996 honda accord?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Normal for motorcycle to have a stubborn shift pedal/transmission when sitting for a few days?

My 1993 Honda Nighthawk 750 I sometimes skip days between drives. This time I haven’t driven it for a week. I always start in neutral and when I put it in 1st the bike died, which happens often when I first start it. So I started it again and dropped it into 1st but with a little throttle this time. I drove it in first gear and as usual, it wouldn’t go into second initially. I drove it in first for a minute and kept trying to shift to second. It took a few blocks, but then it started to shift into second. It seems it just gets stiff when I don’t drive it every single day. Is that usual?
After driving it for several minutes on main roads, the shifting was a breeze. And also I could shift out of neutral into first and it wouldn’t die. In an unrelated issues-The carburetor also responded better after fully warmed up. Usually the throttle has very sluggish responsiveness when I do a cold start and take offâ€Â"meaning I can hold the throttle halfway down and it takes off slowly…slowly.faster… a little faster. And finally up to where it should be with RPM.
These problems are always happening like it’s a warm-up sequence. Is it? Should I take it for repairs? I put in a new clutch cable and a new oil change which didn’t fix any problems, and I didn’t think they would. I think since these problems leave in five minutes, I don’t think it needs a shop.

Read more: Normal for motorcycle to have a stubborn shift pedal/transmission when sitting for a few days?

Should I install a touch screen stero/ navigation system in my car?

I've been thinking about doing it for awhile now. I have a 2012 honda accord and i dont like the radio system. I think my car would look way better with it. And the Bluetooth would work really well. Any opinions? My reviews say dont do it but i think it would look great

Read more: Should I install a touch screen stero/ navigation system in my car?

Honda civic 1996 speedometer jumping to 20mph then staying there?

i recently bought this honda civic, had the check engine light and the only code that popped up was p0501, i ended up replacing the vss as thats what i thought the problem was but my speedometer still doesn t work. I dont know much about cars so i dont know what else to do.

also everything else on the dash work like gas gauge and stuff. Thanks in advance.

Read more: Honda civic 1996 speedometer jumping to 20mph then staying there?

2008 Lexus IS350 or 2008 BMW 335i?

So I currently have a 04 Accord Coupe V6 that I just finish paying off, it has 105k miles on it and my title is coming in the mail in a few weeks. So for months I've been comparing these two models. I've driven the IS350 but never really drove the 335i. I want a four door car, want something reliable, want something that I can have fun with when I'm by myself, I want something that looks somewhat sporty as well. I want something quick, at least a v6 when I need that extra power or when I want to play around on the track. I'm basically looking for a family car when necessary, and a sports car when I want to have fun. I do want to get into modding it in the future. Here are the facts about these cars that I know.


1. Reliable
2. Has a better interior
3. Looks more modern
4. More room in the back seat
5. Cost more used (Holds value better)
6. Cheaper to maintain
7. Naturally aspirated (don't have to worry about replacing turbos)
8. Better Navigation sytem


1. Comes in AWD (something to think about for all types of weather)
2. Faster
3. Can be tuned to produce more power
4. More expensive to maintain
5. Better driver experience (from what I see and hear)
Added (1). I just can't decide. I've seen the 335i's for around 11-13k with around 80k miles on it, I've seen the Lexus for around 12-15k with 80k miles on it. I just cant decide what to get. I want the BMW because it is more of a performance car, and I want the IS350 because I'm scared of the Maintenance of the BMW lol

I will be using the money I get from my Honda as a down payment on one of these cars.

Read more: 2008 Lexus IS350 or 2008 BMW 335i?

Is it the car timing? 2000 Honda Civic LX?

On Tuesday, I was pulling in to the driveway when I noticed that my car temperature was going up towards the hot. But as I pressed on gas it went back to the normal in between hot and cold. On Wednesday, I drove a far distance and I noticed my car temperature went all the way up past the hot red Mark. Then the white smoke came from under the hood. I pulled over and it was smoke around the engine. We put water on the car and antifreeze. But it poured out on the left side of the front. The mechanic came and said it was the water pump and the timing belts. He replaced them and the car was good. Then as I'm driving the car it feels like it cut off for 1 second and cut back on. It does it while I'm driving and it's worse when I stop. Help!

Read more: Is it the car timing? 2000 Honda Civic LX?

What would make a gx 390 honda modified race engine kick back after a race and break the timing key?

What would make a gx 390 honda modified race engine kick back after a race and break the timing key? - 1

Read more: What would make a gx 390 honda modified race engine kick back after a race and break the timing key?

Catalytic Converter needs replacement on my Honda, how much $ to eat?

Catalytic Converter needs replacement on my Honda, how much $ to eat?

Read more: Catalytic Converter needs replacement on my Honda, how much $ to eat?

What type of catalytic converter does my 1997 Honda civic requires?

What type of catalytic converter does my 1997 Honda civic requires? - 1

Read more: What type of catalytic converter does my 1997 Honda civic requires?

2002 Honda Accord P1457 EVAP faulty bypass solenoid valve?

I have a 2002 Honda Accord with 115k miles which recently gave a ECL. The Honda dealer identified this a P1457 and says that the EVAP bypass solenoid valve needs to be replaced

1) is this referring to this valve?

2) The dealer says that once this valve is replaced, they will have to check if ECM/PCM needs to be replaced. They said it is a 50/50 chance that ECM will need to be replaced (Another $1100)

3) I don't want to spend $500 to replace the solenoid valve and then realize that ECM also needs to be replaced. So, if I do nothing, what is the worse case scenario (ECL is ON; PCM gets "fried")?

4) Where is the bypass solenoid valve located under the car (front/back, left/right)?


Read more: 2002 Honda Accord P1457 EVAP faulty bypass solenoid valve?

Do high school girls care if a drive this car?

So I drive this Honda Pilot 2008 and is all black. I was wondering if a girl would turn me down because I drive a Pilot. Here's a pick to see what it looks like. Thanks for the help everyone:)

Read more: Do high school girls care if a drive this car?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Who is Al Lamb's Dallas Honda?

Who is Al Lamb's Dallas Honda?

Read more: Who is Al Lamb's Dallas Honda?

2001 Honda Civic Sometimes Cracks, but doesnt start, smell gas?

Hello, I have a 2001 honda civic that lately has been giving me the same problem. It cranks, but doesnt start until i do it a few times. Sometimes it fires up fine after a few times and sometimes it gets a bit shaky. Then Recently i started smelling gas. Only things i have gotten done recently was that i got a master kay made at the dealer, and had a remote entry installed. That was a few months ago. Its been happening a lot these past 2 day. I would appreciate any help.

Read more: 2001 Honda Civic Sometimes Cracks, but doesnt start, smell gas?

Do I need to fix the TPSM light on my 2011 Honda Civic, or can I leave it for now?

It is NOT the tire pressure light (the!). I assume it means one of the sensors are not working, or the system isn't working. I checked my tire pressure and they are all fine. I have no time to bring it to my local mechanic. Can I leave it for now and just check my tire pressure periodically, and bring in the car when I have the time?

Read more: Do I need to fix the TPSM light on my 2011 Honda Civic, or can I leave it for now?

How long can engine oil last in motorcycle?

I just bought a Honda CBR 250r from a friend. He bought it brand-new at the end of 2012, so it s 3 years old now. But the milage is only about 160, pretty low. Most of the time it just stays in his garage, without any maintenance. I ve been using it for two weeks since I bought it, and added another 150 miles to it. I wonder if I need to change the engine oil and do some other maintenances now? I also checked the oil, it is full and looks pretty clear.

How long can engine oil last in an unused and brand-new motorcycle? I tried to make an appointment to the dealer and schedule a maintenance but the local Honda dealer here won t be available until a month later. Thanks a lot.

Read more: How long can engine oil last in motorcycle?

When ignition engagedi my 1997 Honda accord only there a fuse for the starter circuit.thanks?

When ignition engagedi my 1997 Honda accord only there a fuse for the starter circuit.thanks? - 1

Read more: When ignition engagedi my 1997 Honda accord only there a fuse for the starter circuit.thanks?

Honda Civic 2004 Check engine light coming on while going up hill?

So my Honda Civic 2004 has an extremely difficult time going up hill. If I start to climb a hill and my rpm's approach anywhere near 3600-4000 rpm's my car begins to do what I describe as "stutter up the hill." My check engine light turns on instantly. In addition to this, I can start going up the hill at 70 mph; however, when the "stuttering" occurs my gas peddal feels like it almost gets stuck and won't push any further (even though it can go further down) and my speed declines drastically and quickly. My check engine light will usually go off 24 hours after I return to a flat surface and have driven on the flat surface for about one hour. I can always tell when the light goes off, because the tension in the gas pedal is relieved and my car drives much smoother. I have had the code read twice, and the mechanic said it was throwing a different code each time so he is not sure what's going on. I have had new spark plugs put in and I keep up with my oil changes if that helps.

Read more: Honda Civic 2004 Check engine light coming on while going up hill?

When ignition key engaged in my 1997 honda it only clicks?

When ignition key engaged in my 1997 honda it only clicks?

Read more: When ignition key engaged in my 1997 honda it only clicks?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

How to replace 2007 Honda Civic VTEC 2.0 clutch?

How to replace 2007 Honda Civic VTEC 2.0 clutch?

Read more: How to replace 2007 Honda Civic VTEC 2.0 clutch?

How hard is it to replace a head gasket on my own?

I have a 2005 Honda Accord EX 4 cylinder and have been getting bad misfires & used to have white smoke coming out the tail pipe but i put KW sealer in the radiator and it was a temporary fix, I've driven about 500 miles since but now I'm having really bad misfires again.

I've already replaced the spark plugs but I'm still having the issue. I believe it's a bad head gasket & i can order one but don't have 1,000 dollars on hand to pay a mechanic to replace it so i want to do it on my own but have no experience, but I'm extremely willing to learn.

Can anyone give me any tips or advice?

Read more: How hard is it to replace a head gasket on my own?

Can I register a car from another state in New Hampshire?

Am I able to finance a car (2008 Honda Accord LXP) in my state (Rhode Island), get the temporary plates, and then drive up to New Hampshire to get my car registered and the plates?
P.S I don't have any car registered at all right now, no plates need to be transferred or renewed.

Read more: Can I register a car from another state in New Hampshire?

How to Change the Tail Light on a 2010 Honda Odyssey?

None of the online videos show how to replace the tail light replacement for the bulbs located on the tailgate (NOT the middle brake lamp bulb).

There are small access panels on both sides of the tailgate interior behind the lamp assemblies, but how do I get the panel off without damaging it?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Read more: How to Change the Tail Light on a 2010 Honda Odyssey?

Honda accord unplugged hose?

I have a 98 Honda accord and my bf texted me saying he unplugged a hose and that if I use my car its gonna be hot. Does anyone know what hose he could be talking about? I need to do some running around today and there is no telling when he will be home. Please

Read more: Honda accord unplugged hose?

Tire pressure light keeps coming on?

I just got new tires for my 2009 Honda Civic Hybrid last month after they kept getting flat and the warning light was on. I drove my car today and the light came on again. I don't understand how they keep getting flat or if this is a common problem with these cars? Any help? I don't wanna keep buying tires.

Read more: Tire pressure light keeps coming on?

Got a Honda Accord LX 2014 4 door.can't afford payment anymore.want to refinance but bad credit? Options?

Got a Honda Accord LX 2014 4 door.can't afford payment anymore.want to refinance but bad credit? Options?

Read more: Got a Honda Accord LX 2014 4 door.can't afford payment anymore.want to refinance but bad credit? Options?

Friday, October 16, 2015

My honda s65 seen to choked when more gas is added. Please advise of solutions?

My honda s65 seen to choked when more gas is added. Please advise of solutions?

Read more: My honda s65 seen to choked when more gas is added. Please advise of solutions?

Is 1972 Honda qa 50 a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?

Is 1972 Honda qa 50 a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?

Read more: Is 1972 Honda qa 50 a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?

Would it be dumb or at least possible to take the engine from a v6 accord and put it into a 2002 Honda Civic?

Would it be dumb or at least possible to take the engine from a v6 accord and put it into a 2002 Honda Civic?

Read more: Would it be dumb or at least possible to take the engine from a v6 accord and put it into a 2002 Honda Civic?

Which car z best Ciaz Hybrid or Honda City (diesel)?

Which car z best Ciaz Hybrid or Honda City (diesel)?

Read more: Which car z best Ciaz Hybrid or Honda City (diesel)?

Brake replacement on a 2012 Honda Civic expensive?

I have 2012 Civic that has close to 51 thousand miles. When I bought it it had 48 thousand. I doubt the brakes have been replaced as I have already replaced the tires. But when Im braking I feel like I have to slam my foot on the brake. I have no brake warning lights in the car letting me know if thats an issue so ill just get them replaced. It has front discs and rear drums. Will it cost like 100 bucks?

Read more: Brake replacement on a 2012 Honda Civic expensive?

Can i get a electric car as a taxi?

can i get a small electric car 1/2 the size of a Honda accord (yes its closed in ) and put a taxi sign on it when im fourteen it says you don't need a license. I dont have a a taxi driver certificate it only goes 20-32 mph

Read more: Can i get a electric car as a taxi?

Selling a financed car & release of liability?

I'm selling a financed vehicle and we're doing a bill of sale and i will user the buyers cash to mail in to Honda for the pay off amount.

The buyer will be taking the car until I get the title, but the car will already be paid off with a cashiers check from the buyer( i will be present with buyer when getting check)

so my question is do i fill the release of liability when he takes the vehicle with bill of sale? Or when i get the title and send him the title?

Read more: Selling a financed car & release of liability?

Motorcycle problem 2003 vtr250?

Motorcycle problem 2003 vtr250?
Added (1). i recently purchased a honda vtr250 2003 model with 20,000 miles on the tach. There is 2 major problems.
1 being that the bike does not rev past 5 k rpm (no sputtering,backfiring or jerking). Its almost like there is a rev limiter at 5k.
2nd being that the tach needle bounces alot at all rpm ranges.

Any help or input would be highly appreciated,thanks.

Read more: Motorcycle problem 2003 vtr250?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

New radio for a 2008 Honda Fit?

As the question states, I obviously have a 2008 Honda Fit. The only problem is that I want a radio that has AUX capabilities. My radio has an AUX button, but no AUX outlet to plug a phone into. Are there any radios out there that are the same size and shape with AUX capabilities? I ve been looking, but I can t find anything.

Read more: New radio for a 2008 Honda Fit?

Whats make a 2002 honda accord 2.3L it's start and stop what does that?

Whats make a 2002 honda accord 2.3L it's start and stop what does that?

Read more: Whats make a 2002 honda accord 2.3L it's start and stop what does that?

Is the creaking noise in my car to be of concern?

I drive a 98' Honda Accord EX. It is the US model and I've had it over a year and done hardly any maintenance on it. It makes a creaking noise sounding more like a groan than a squeak and it occurs when I turn the wheel at low speeds around town and my car also creaks as the suspension reacts to the road surface. Any idea what this might be? I don't know much about cars.

Read more: Is the creaking noise in my car to be of concern?

I have a 1999 honda civic automatic what transmisson fluid do i use?

I have a 1999 honda civic automatic what transmisson fluid do i use?

Read more: I have a 1999 honda civic automatic what transmisson fluid do i use?

I've bought a lemon car BIG Help?!

Hello everyone. I'm a young teen in my youth and i need so much help!

a few days ago i was sitting in my fathers car and saw a car (honda accord euro)
and it looked good.

my father liked it very much we're both mechanically knowlegable
(1st year tafe automotive)

and we paid for the car and what's happened is the man said to us that the car was a 2006 but it started to rain and so we went into the office and once it was done. ( putting a deposit without even test driving)

i went out to get a picture and the rain had washed off the 2006 but the 2 is still there i'm so depressed as the car has major transmission failures my heart hurts so much from this the dealer told us it was checked out by a mechanic and everything was fine. I'm in so much heart pain just writing this

can anyone please help me

if someone could photoshop the 2006 into the car and make it look realistic i would thank the heavens

we're such hardworking people my mother has 2 jobs and my father has 2 jobs
and i'm stressing out so much i'm so sad

can someone help me with any of this i'm from NSW Australia Sydney

Read more: I've bought a lemon car BIG Help?!

Oil for 1995 HONDA ACCORD 2.2L 4-cyl VTEC Engine?

what oil should i use i m the 3rd owner that i know of with it has about 150,000 miles an i dont think the others took very well care of it so if anyone knows of a great part place that wont kill my wallet or break the bank
Added (1). I live in Mid-Atlantic region of the United States so we get hot summers an cold winters

Read more: Oil for 1995 HONDA ACCORD 2.2L 4-cyl VTEC Engine?

Anyone know of any car clubs in my area?

I own at 1998 Honda Civic Ex Coupe, and I'm getting more and more into the car scene because I just simply love it. I am always watching videos of differ t car meets and I've been modding my car to the best of its ability. I've been really interested in joining a car club and it doesn't have to be specifically just Honda but diverse is cool to. I just want to share the same passion that k have with my car with people that love the same too. Some serious answers would really help a lot Thanks Everybody

Read more: Anyone know of any car clubs in my area?

98 Honda passport tailgate handle is broken. How do I fix this?

98 Honda passport tailgate handle is broken. How do I fix this?

Read more: 98 Honda passport tailgate handle is broken. How do I fix this?

Will Honda civic wheels fit on a Honda fit?wheels not tiers?

Will Honda civic wheels fit on a Honda fit?wheels not tiers?

Read more: Will Honda civic wheels fit on a Honda fit?wheels not tiers?

98 Honda passport tailgate is broken?

98 Honda passport tailgate is broken?

Read more: 98 Honda passport tailgate is broken?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hey guys, I'm looking for a complete wiring diagram for a 2002 Honda nighthawk cb750. Thanks?

Hey guys, I'm looking for a complete wiring diagram for a 2002 Honda nighthawk cb750. Thanks?

Read more: Hey guys, I'm looking for a complete wiring diagram for a 2002 Honda nighthawk cb750. Thanks?

Where can I get a new ignition coil for a 2004 Honda trx250tm atv?

Where can I get a new ignition coil for a 2004 Honda trx250tm atv?

Read more: Where can I get a new ignition coil for a 2004 Honda trx250tm atv?

How much does honda civic 2003 fender costs? Thanks?

How much does honda civic 2003 fender costs? Thanks?

Read more: How much does honda civic 2003 fender costs? Thanks?

Looking for a nice first bike?

Im gonna buy a motorcycle in January 2016. I want to get a cruiser but I don't know where to start. I don't want to pay too much and my friends are telling me to get 1100 cc because that's the only way to keep up on the freeway. I really like the Honda Shadow line but all I see is 750cc does anyone know ones that look simular to like a Honda Shadow Aero that's 1100cc?

Read more: Looking for a nice first bike?

Would it be possible to swap a f20c1 engine into my 1998 honda accord?

I have 1998 Honda Accord 5 speed manual and I was wondering if it's possible to swap out my f23a1 for a f20c1 (s2k motor) . Would it be possible since my car already has an F series in it? Or what motor swap would do best for me?

Read more: Would it be possible to swap a f20c1 engine into my 1998 honda accord?

I can't decide if I want a 250 or 150 big wheel both Hondas dirtbike. Any suggestions?

I'm 5,8 girl, my arms are sorta weak but I feel like I'll out grow the 150 real quick

Read more: I can't decide if I want a 250 or 150 big wheel both Hondas dirtbike. Any suggestions?

Blue Devil head gasket sealer bad results?

I am at my wits ends here. My 2003 honda civic was overheating, after an hour or so. I had ASE master techs inspect it and they all determined it to be a head gasket issue. They quoted me at 1200+ for the job. I foolish chose to try blue devil and now my car is even worse. After I followed the directions I see white chunks in my radiator. And when I go to drive it it overheats within a few minutes. I can't believe I did this… Please help is there any way I can fix this or at least bring it back to the way it was before blue devil? Like flushing the system. I am guessing that the blue devil has gummed up the works and now the coolant can probably circulate so it just overheats and steams off.

Please any and all advice are appreciated.

Read more: Blue Devil head gasket sealer bad results?

Trading in a car I still owe money on and getting a lease?

A year ago I financed a used 2005 Honda Accord EX V6 that currently has 125,000 miles on it. I still owe 7,000 on the car. The car is starting to have transmission problems. I was on the BMW website and saw some good lease deals. My question is, can i trade in my used car and use that money towards a lease? I know I probably won't get much for this car, assuming they even accept it. What are my options?

Read more: Trading in a car I still owe money on and getting a lease?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to test a starter on your 1999 Honda civic coupe?

How to test a starter on your 1999 Honda civic coupe?

Read more: How to test a starter on your 1999 Honda civic coupe?

Gear layout on a honda cbr125r 2015 model is it 1 down 5 up?

Gear layout on a honda cbr125r 2015 model is it 1 down 5 up?

Read more: Gear layout on a honda cbr125r 2015 model is it 1 down 5 up?

Will this engine oil work for my car?

I have a 2012 Honda odyssey 3.5L and I usually use 0W-20 oil for it. My friend had some full synthetic 10W-30 that he gave me. Will that work just fine or should I just use the 0W-20?

Read more: Will this engine oil work for my car?

Honda Civic leaking axel cap?

Honda Civic leaking axel cap?
Added (1). Honda dealership says I have a leaking axel cap and it will cost 400 to replace.

I'm trying to figure out what the hell that means. Is anyone familiar with that term?

Read more: Honda Civic leaking axel cap?

Honda Civic leaking axel cap? - 1

Honda Civic leaking axel cap? - 1

Read more: Honda Civic leaking axel cap? - 1

Doe's a honda goldwing 1986 1200 gl have a catalytic converter?

Doe's a honda goldwing 1986 1200 gl have a catalytic converter?

Read more: Doe's a honda goldwing 1986 1200 gl have a catalytic converter?

Having problems with my cars ac system?

I have a 1998 Honda Accord and my vents are blowing air even when all lights are off. The ac control knob is also in the off position. This usually happens at higher speeds. Will stop when I'm at a stop sign or at a red light. Is this going to be a big fix for me? Will it cause any problems for the battery? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Read more: Having problems with my cars ac system?

Should I get the honda accord 2010 or 2008 BMW 328i?

Well my parents are giving me the BMW as a first car problem is that I feel the BMW is for advanced drivers. The steering wheel feels very stiff when turning it. To move the car I have to press the gas down hard just to move it. Comparing to a Toyota corolla I can easily tap it to move the car. The steering wheel feel very smooth to turn not stiff at all. Is there a reason why the steering is stiff while turning or pushing on the gas on the BMW? Which car should I get?

Read more: Should I get the honda accord 2010 or 2008 BMW 328i?

I need a new clone engine for my 1965 Honda s65 motorcycle. Which will fit?

I need a new clone engine for my 1965 Honda s65 motorcycle. Which will fit? - 1

Read more: I need a new clone engine for my 1965 Honda s65 motorcycle. Which will fit?

Accidentally put cvt fluid in an automatic transmission 2005 honda civic have not driven the car?

Accidentally put cvt fluid in an automatic transmission 2005 honda civic have not driven the car?

Read more: Accidentally put cvt fluid in an automatic transmission 2005 honda civic have not driven the car?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Book value on 1994 honda accord blowed gaskethead?

Book value on 1994 honda accord blowed gaskethead? - 1

Read more: Book value on 1994 honda accord blowed gaskethead?

What is the foot lever on the right side of a 2001 honda TRX35FE for/is it a break?

What is the foot lever on the right side of a 2001 honda TRX35FE for/is it a break?

Read more: What is the foot lever on the right side of a 2001 honda TRX35FE for/is it a break?

2005 honda civic trouble cranking?

I have a 2005 honda civic that has been costing me so much money and never getting fixed

It takes a very long time to crank up I have to try atleast 3 times before it starts then it will randomly lose power for example when I go from reverse to drive or when I'm accelerating normally.

Things I've done so far.

-Fuel pump
-02 sensor
-Spark plugs
-Crankshaft sensor
-Cam sensor
-New Battery

TIA =)

Read more: 2005 honda civic trouble cranking?

How much will this cost? (Insurance)?

How much to insure a bike for liability? Honda CB300F, 17 years old, new rider, 4.0 gpa, California, male, recreation and not for commuting. No previous accidents.

Read more: How much will this cost? (Insurance)?

Will my car be ok being parked up for 6 months?

I have a Honda Civic EP2 VTEC sport. I have just been banned from driving for 6 months so I have declared it off road and parked it in my garage. I will start it every other day and leave it running for a while but I was just wondering if things will start to seize up etc.

Will it be better if I get someone else insured on it, pay for tax etc. So they can maybe drive it around every other week?

Thank you in adv.

Read more: Will my car be ok being parked up for 6 months?

Grandson wants to race my '69 Mustang 428?

He just got his license and wants to beat his friend's Honda. I'll be damned if my grandson has to hear any more bragging outta those fellows with their sissy Jap car!

Should I let him do it? He said they know a good place to race about 3 blocks from the police station. I told him what to do if the cops start coming. Gotta get your buddy ridin' shotgun to shoot out their tires the old fashioned way. She'll outrun the police helicopters with the 428 engine.

Read more: Grandson wants to race my '69 Mustang 428?

How come car still overheating and also getting check engine code light?

Bought car used from dealer on sept. 7. Honda Civic 03 EX.

I took it back multiple times and they replaced the thermostat with a plug as well.

Head gasket and just got the car back last week on wednesday. Also I replaced the radiator cap myself.

The car continues to overheat after driving for some distance and I stop on a red light or leave car on drive on idle or parked.

Once I start to move the car again the needle starts to go down showing car cooling down. How come this still happens after getting

most of the repairs that would cause overheating?

Please help cause I will need to drive to barstow this weekend from Los Angeles.

They checked water pumps and no problem either.

Also I am getting an engine error:

P1259: Code reads:

1. VTEC System Failure
2. VTEC System B1 Failuer

After that happens, Car wont go passed 3 and if I put it on D3 (Drive 3) up hills or normal car feels like its pushing, Like it speeds up then slows down and its just going back and forth until I go back down to 3 and not using D3
Added (1). Oh and after leaving car to rest up or just turn off for a bit, car will work on D3 again and speeds up without any issues. Only if I push it up hill or a bit too fast then it does it again.

Read more: How come car still overheating and also getting check engine code light?

Can I buy a motorcycle from a dealer being under 16?

If I go to a dealer can I buy a motorcycle if I don't get a loan on it. I live in California. Also what should I expect would they give me a hard time or ask my parents if they're sure about they're decision and make them sign papers. Or will it be simple and I could just walk out the door with my new Honda Grom.
Added (1). I pay for it in full cash could I get it?

Read more: Can I buy a motorcycle from a dealer being under 16?

Do you parental consent to buy a motorcycle?

I m 16 and I m going to go buy a honda grom but my parents can t be with me when I go to pick it up from the honda dealership. When I m there will they try to see if I m 18 or make me come back with my parents? I live in California by the way.

Read more: Do you parental consent to buy a motorcycle?

Need Honda unicorn wiring diagram?

I need the wiring diagram of Honda unicorn. I am trying to add some modification to my unicorn but without the wiring diagram it makes me difficult to work on it so kindly please help me, if you have a wiring diagram of it attach it or share with me. And i need the new modal unicorn's wiring diagram (2014}.

Read more: Need Honda unicorn wiring diagram?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Location of heater blower on 2004 Honda crv?

Location of heater blower on 2004 Honda crv?

Read more: Location of heater blower on 2004 Honda crv?

Got Honda Civic si rims and they don't fit?

I have a 07 Honda Civic hybrid and I just put 07 Honda Civic Si rims on it and just when I moved the car, it made a scratching sound from the front wheel, I read online and some say I need spacers, but can you let me know what king of spacers and size? Please try to send a link with the website that sells them.

Read more: Got Honda Civic si rims and they don't fit?

Where's the battery on a CTX 1300 E honda?

Where's the battery on a CTX 1300 E honda?

Read more: Where's the battery on a CTX 1300 E honda?

How to fix a cv joint on a 2003 honda accord?

How to fix a cv joint on a 2003 honda accord? - 1

Read more: How to fix a cv joint on a 2003 honda accord?