Sunday, May 31, 2015
Will I be punished somehow by the police?
Okay just a few hours ago I was leaving my house in my stepdads Honda shadow (motorcycle) and I was going up a hill at the speed limit or 15 mph I believe I don't recall. The lane is a 2 way one going up and one coming down. As I was going up the hill a car (who had a stop sign) jumped in front of me and when he saw me he stopped sudendly and I had no time to react. I did press both breaks on the bike and down shifted if I wouldn't have done that I would of died probably. The only thing that hit the car was my front tire and it dented his car door. Not too much but you could see it. After that we argued about whose fault it was and I know for a fact it was his. He had a stop sign and this bike is pretty damn loud and he just went for it he said I was blocked by cars parked. But if you can't see when you're on a stop sign don't you have to come out little by little until you are clear to see? But again he just launched and It didn't give me reaction time to fully stop. Now after that he got in his car and I left the. He followed me honking at me saying we have to report it. So I stopped and I told him you understand it was your fault because frankly it was. He's the one who suffered jumping out blindly luckily I had time to break because I wasn't going that fast and so after that I just left and he got in his car. Now my question is… If he reports it somehow will I get punished? Any suggestions to this problem. I'm leaving for marine boot camp in about 15 days. Help
Read more: Will I be punished somehow by the police?
2004 Honda Civic Heating and Cooling?
I have a question for anyone, including mechanics or mechanical engineers who are familiar with the heating and cooling system of a vehicle. So basically I will break down my experience into high speeds (freeway over 65mph) and low speeds (around 35-50mph).
At low speeds when I turn on my heat, nothing but air comes out and the needle slowly creeps up to read hot (H) in the panel. AC typically works but has been back and forth, sometimes it does and sometime it doesn't.
At high speeds when I turn on my heat, AC and heat typically works and the engine runs at normal temperature, until I get off of the freeway then it heats up and cools down again.
My fluids are full, thermostat is working, and there is no visible leak.
Timing belt and water pump are due for replacement.
Coolant hasn't been changed, car is at 140,000 miles.
My diagnosis is that since the water pump is due for a change, maybe its not working hard enough to pump the coolant through the system until enough centrifugal force is reached at high speeds from the timing belt.
Secondary diagnosis is that I have a clog somewhere in cooling system causing my vehicle to overheat because fluids are not reaching the radiator since I have never flushed the system.
Recently, a lot of steam (coolant) has been spitting out of the coolant overflow by the cap, indicating that the engine is running hot and the thermostat is activated via return hose to radiator, car runs hot regardless of an open thermostat.
Help please!
Read more: 2004 Honda Civic Heating and Cooling?
What would changing my ecu do?
Hi i have a 1997 honda civic dx coupe automatic. I have a stock ecu in it. I also have a p2p ecu and a p28 ecu. What would happen of i were to swap them out. Would i have increase power. Or what would happen. And do i need anything speacial to swap?
Read more: What would changing my ecu do?
What is there to do at the Honda Welcome Plaza Aoyama in Tokyo?
I'm going to Japan next year and I've heard this is a good place to visit. What is there to see there?
Read more: What is there to do at the Honda Welcome Plaza Aoyama in Tokyo?
Why are electricity generators so expensive?
Are generators really worth $1500? I'm looking around for a semi decent generator and Hondas/Yamahas are thousands of dollars. Even cheap chinese made ones run about $400 or more. Why are they so expensive? I know the engines are pretty simple, is it the motor that creates electricity that's expensive?
Read more: Why are electricity generators so expensive?
What car has better acceleration/top speed?
What car would be better, 2000 Toyota Avalon or 2002 Honda Accord coupe. For the sake of the argument let's say both cars are in perfect condition.
Read more: What car has better acceleration/top speed?
Best ECU to use for a Honda h22?
Looking for best ecu/chip combination to run on an h22A… I have a P28 right now but not sure if there's anything better, thanks for any help
Read more: Best ECU to use for a Honda h22?
What wrong with 93 Honda civic can t hear fuel pump come on?
Checked relay it's good checked all fuses put new pump in it an distributor
Read more: What wrong with 93 Honda civic can t hear fuel pump come on?
Changing automatically transmission fluid?
I have a 97 honda civic with a 1.6L SOHC (D16Y7) and i want to know if it would be a good idea to replace the trans fluid. I bought the car with 135xxx miles and its currently at 141. The trans fluid is very dark. Nothing is wrong with the trans as far as i can tell. I want to replace it, i would be doing a drain and fill. Any thoughts on it?
Read more: Changing automatically transmission fluid?
Help review about Volkswagen POLO Petrol (India) Mileage, Maintenance, performance as I'm planning to buy?
This car I like because of looks & quality make…
I am not sure about PETROL Mileage, Performance & Maintenance cost.
Will this be better then following:
Maruti Suzuki Swift? (Diesel)
Honda Amaze? (Petrol)
Chevrolet Sail? (Petrol)
Thank you.
Read more: Help review about Volkswagen POLO Petrol (India) Mileage, Maintenance, performance as I'm planning to buy?
I am not sure about PETROL Mileage, Performance & Maintenance cost.
Will this be better then following:
Maruti Suzuki Swift? (Diesel)
Honda Amaze? (Petrol)
Chevrolet Sail? (Petrol)
Thank you.
Read more: Help review about Volkswagen POLO Petrol (India) Mileage, Maintenance, performance as I'm planning to buy?
Saturday, May 30, 2015
What is the tyre pressures for my honda jazz tyre size 185/55 r 16?
What is the tyre pressures for my honda jazz tyre size 185/55 r 16? - 1
Read more: What is the tyre pressures for my honda jazz tyre size 185/55 r 16?
Are auction cars ok to purchase?
Where in St. Louis I can find used cars toyata yaris and honda fit?
Read more: Are auction cars ok to purchase?
Which states have most Honda Civic drivers?
I know Honda civics are produced for every state. But what states do you spot Honda Civics more often.
Read more: Which states have most Honda Civic drivers?
My 87 honda civic DX randomly stalls?
Okay my step dad have me this piece of junk 87 honda civic DX and he didn't even look at car when it's messing up he told me try fuel filter since he just change girl pump so I changed fuel filter which still didn't work it stalls at random moments though like approaching a stop sign it'll just Die or mostly it stalls when I get gas like there's days it will stall and days it won't and I need to figure out what's wrong
Read more: My 87 honda civic DX randomly stalls?
Who makes a better japanese truck between honda,nissan,toyota?
Who makes a better japanese truck between honda,nissan,toyota? - 1
Read more: Who makes a better japanese truck between honda,nissan,toyota?
Will advance auto bleed my hydraulic clutch and refill it?
I have a 1984 Honda magna and I was told there is air in the hydraulic line and I don't know how to bleed them I'm just wondering if advance auto can bleed and refill my line.
P.s I'm leaving for a road trip in 8 hrs and really need it done
Read more: Will advance auto bleed my hydraulic clutch and refill it?
What do i need to convert to vtec?
Hi i have a 1997 honda civic coupe with the stock d16y7 motor. I wanna keep the block stock but want to switch the head to vtec. I have the vtec head with intake and all which is the d16y8 head vtec… Do i need anytging special? If there is a video of someone doing the swap please leave a link. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks.
Read more: What do i need to convert to vtec?
Should I Buy a 2004 Honda Accord?
I'm a college student and I've had nothing but trouble with my first car and I'm finally at a enough money to start looking for a newer used car, I have my heart set on Honda because of the reliability Honda carries with its name. I found one locally that's privately owned it's a 2004 Honda EXL V6 fully loaded, it has 166,000 miles on it. The owner says that it's been salvaged and I asked him why he told me that the salvaged was on the car when he bought it in 2004 and nothing has ever shown apparently he doesn't know why. My father is going to bring it to our mechanic which he's close friends with to check it out. The owner wants $3200 for it but I don't think I'm going to pay anymore than $2600. Can anyone please give me some tips/thoughts on buying this vehicle? I need something that's going to last me with minor repairs for at least 2-3 years thank you.
Read more: Should I Buy a 2004 Honda Accord?
Wanting to Turbo my 1996 honda civic EX d16y8 1.6L?
Wanting to Turbo my 1996 honda civic EX d16y8 1.6L? - 1
Added (1). So i plan on wanting to turbo my Civic as seen above. So as of now everything is on stock interal and the engine is only at 84k miles. Im about to get the timing belt replaced next week. And ive had the car for 2 and half years now and it runs good. And im looking to push about 6-8 psi. So i want to dump money into this car im 19 an i want to get experience with cars on this car before i try and safe for a more expensive car.
Added (2). and im looking to upgrade alot of stuff. So apart from getting a turbo my main question is what should i get on my car preferbly before my i put a turbo in to make my car withstand the turbo better. And you know i plan on gettin on the turbo every know and then but im not gonna rally it 24/7 because i would like to try and make it last a little longer. How long do you think it will last?
Read more: Wanting to Turbo my 1996 honda civic EX d16y8 1.6L?
What is the top speed of the 2015 honda MN4 motorcycle?
What is the top speed of the 2015 honda MN4 motorcycle? - 1
Read more: What is the top speed of the 2015 honda MN4 motorcycle?
Friday, May 29, 2015
Are compact and subcompact cars safe?
I ask because my mom says that, for example, a Honda Fit or even a Civic aren't safe cars. She says the smallest Honda I could drive is an Accord (and I know they don't have a sedan larger than that). So, is it true that cars like the Civic and Fit aren't safe?
Read more: Are compact and subcompact cars safe?
Car compression issues valve 3 and 4?
I took my 2000 Honda Accord to a mechanic and they called back asking when the timing belt was changed and I said I don't know because I bought it as a used car recently and they said it could be a blown head gasket because they did a compression test and valve 3 and 4 ( or there were issues when switching from gear three to four )have issues. I don't really speak car so can someone explain what are valves, how does this all correlate.
Read more: Car compression issues valve 3 and 4?
Will a 98 acura integra sunroof fit a 97 honda civic?
Will a 98 acura integra sunroof fit a 97 honda civic?
Read more: Will a 98 acura integra sunroof fit a 97 honda civic?
1995 honda civic will not start?
Had tad to jump start it. That helped. Next day thought it didn't start again. Took the battery to get checked. I was told the battery wasn't holding. So I bought two used ones just to get the car to start. Both didn't work. The car won't even crank. If it's not the battery what else could be the problem?
Read more: 1995 honda civic will not start?
What is the purpose/pro/cons of stretching and lowering a sportbike?
I'm looking at bikes and found a really nice Honda CBR 600 but it is stretch and lowered and I'm wondering what this effects.
Read more: What is the purpose/pro/cons of stretching and lowering a sportbike?
I own an 09 jetta wolfsburg?
I own an 09 jetta wolfsburg still making payments on it. This is my first german car ever, and i come from driving hondas. I always hear that germans car are terrible. My question is should i get rid of it or keep it? Nothing wrong so far 60k miles barely on dash
Read more: I own an 09 jetta wolfsburg?
Can a Honda Orthia Headrest fit a Honda Civic 1992 car seat?
My Honda Civic 1992 model car seat lost one headrest, the metal rods broke. I've been searching for headrests for sale through the net because I can't find one in any local stores here. A friend from Facebook sells an Orthia Headrest and the rods look like the ones in My civic's headrest, even the distance between the two rods looks the same. But I'm still not sure. I like the headrests he's selling me but I'm not sure if it will fit my cars seat. Has anyone tried this? Does it fit? I have three pictures here the first one is the Orthia headrests and the 2nd and 3rd pics are my 1992 Civic car seats 
Read more: Can a Honda Orthia Headrest fit a Honda Civic 1992 car seat?
Read more: Can a Honda Orthia Headrest fit a Honda Civic 1992 car seat?
First Motorcycle, Changing fluids?
Hello, i just bought my first motorcycle. Its an 84' Honda vf700s, 4 cylinder liquid cooled. I was advised by the previous owner to change the fluids before i tried to ride it, because it sat for 2 years. I work on cars for a living, however have never owned or worked on a bike. I probably sound really stupid, but gotta learn some how right? I found the oil filter, dip stick & drain. There is another cap, im not sure if its the oil filler? Or if i add threw the dip stick hole? Also, does any1 know if the trans & oil share the same oil on this bike? And finally, how does one go about changing the rad fluid? And heres one more question… Sorry… Is there any other fluids i should change? This is my first bike sorry if i sound like a beginner
Read more: First Motorcycle, Changing fluids?
2012 Honda Civic won't start up unless I step on the gas pedal and turn key simultaneously?
I have already changed 3 batteries over the course of approximately 90,000 miles. I recently changed the 3rd battery as well as the spark plugs, but the car still wouldn't start unless I step on the gas pedal first.
Read more: 2012 Honda Civic won't start up unless I step on the gas pedal and turn key simultaneously?
Thursday, May 28, 2015
How many gallons would I need to go 28 miles in a 2001 Honda v.6?
How many gallons would I need to go 28 miles in a 2001 Honda v.6?
Read more: How many gallons would I need to go 28 miles in a 2001 Honda v.6?
Why does my honda turn off at the light?
so this happened twice already.
1st time was last month. I had just turned on my car and right as i drove away at the stop sign it turned off. I pressed the brake it was super hard, sterjng wheel was locked and i couldnt switch geers. I turned it back on right away. The radio was still playing tho.
and today after a few minites of driving at the light it turnes off again. But this time the brakes were not hard and the steering wheel was not locked and radio still on and i was able to get it started right away too this time.
i had just bought a new battery and dont thjnk it could be that cuz the radio was still on. Im worried it could be that the car gets too hot cuz my car hood ia cracked open a bit.
if not then what could this be! Please help.
i have a 92 honda accord about 220,000 miles. Ive owned for more than 3 years and this is the first issue ive had wirh it.
a few other deatils that might help is that my gas gauge is broken. Ac dont work. Car heat thing stays stuck in the middle.
Read more: Why does my honda turn off at the light?
Standard Sprocket Size for Honda CD125K?
What is the standard sprocket size (Stock) which comes with Honda CD125 K or K3?
Read more: Standard Sprocket Size for Honda CD125K?
Honda 250r dirt bike! Advice FROM SOMEONE WHO knows their dirt bike stuff?
I would really appreciate some one to help educate me in motobikes 10 points for best answer. First off what does the r stand for? Like theirs t and f for 4 stroke and 2 stroke but what is r? Ok so i want a honda 250 r because apparently they r good dirt bikes for racing and jumping on. I have a honda 230f but apparently they r not for racing on or for jumping on, i want something that my more experienced dirt biker friends will think is cool and somthing i can race them with and something i can do some cool jumps on. On my honda 230f i only go into 3rd gear. Ive heard the 250r is really powerfull and fast. How fast and powerfull is the honda 250r? To fast and powerfull for somone who only goes into 3rd gear on a honda 230f? I am female of big build. Not really big just a lil bit over weight is this the bike for me or am i not experienced enough? If not how much experienced do i have to be before getting one? What kind of dirtbikes do most 15 yr old teenagers who live on farms and have been riding since young age have? Coz i want a bike like most 15 yr olds who have been riding since younge age on farms. Long story short i want one like my friend who is ^ but i cant ask him im to shy. What kind of bike would he most likely have. He is 15 and have lived on a farm with his dad and has been riding since younge age? I only started riding bout 3 years ago. I started on a kawasaki and now i have a honda 230f and wondering bout a 250r?
Read more: Honda 250r dirt bike! Advice FROM SOMEONE WHO knows their dirt bike stuff?
Do you think honda will overtake Toyota as the world's most popular car manufacturer?
Do you think honda will overtake Toyota as the world's most popular car manufacturer? - 1
Read more: Do you think honda will overtake Toyota as the world's most popular car manufacturer?
Are Honda motorcycles better for tall people?
This probably seems like a strange question, but I rode a Honda CBR250 and it fit me perfect. I sat on a Ninja 250 and my legs were so cramped I didn't think I could safely ride it (I am 6'4"). I sat on a Yamaha YZF250 and it was cramped. There is also a guy on youtube named "6foot4honda". He obviously is tall and rides a Honda.
Are honda bikes better suited for tall people for some reason? Or is my experience just coincidental?
Read more: Are Honda motorcycles better for tall people?
Where can I go to get a Honda Emblem painted?
Do I have to or order a emblem from a website or can I take it somewhere so they can paint it?
Read more: Where can I go to get a Honda Emblem painted?
Honda Pilot Tire Change Help Want to Size Up?
If I currently have 235/70/16 's on my lifted Honda Pilot with stock rims, and i chose to put 245/75/16 's on the same rims which are 6.5 inches wide, would this drastically affect my SUV's maneuverability? Or would it be essentially the same? The difference in diameter between the stock tires and the tires i want (BF Goodrich All Terrains) is 1.4 inches.
Read more: Honda Pilot Tire Change Help Want to Size Up?
07 Honda Civic ex jumping?
When I slow down for a stop light my car slightly jerks when I get down to 5mph or so. I just had the transmission fluid changed and the mechanic said he didn't feel what I was feeling and everything looked ok. Is this normal for my car to do or is the transmission bad?
Read more: 07 Honda Civic ex jumping?
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Is 190560 miles on a 98 Honda civic lx considered high mileage?
My sister gave me her civic and it runs great. There's hasn't been major problems since I've had it, other than the coil. With the right amout of money it was an easy fix. I've been wanting to change the oil but the guy at Wal-Mart suggested that I use the high mileage oil. I don't think it'll really hurt my car at any rate but is my car really high mileage?
Read more: Is 190560 miles on a 98 Honda civic lx considered high mileage?
What's the most I could get for my used Honda Accord?
I'm going to bet not much.
It's an '03, with about 180,000 miles. The top layer of paint has come off in several places… It's not pretty to look at, to say the least. But it still runs fine and it's been an amazing car. What else comes into play here? I'm just toying with the idea of trading it in/selling it.
Read more: What's the most I could get for my used Honda Accord?
Honda Fit front ride side noises?
My car makes a tin foil in the wind or whistling sound as if steam is hitting metal on the right side. (With window rolled down) Inside the car windows rolled up it sounds like metal scraping or dragging it stops when I break but it off and on and not all the time making the noise when I drive. I notice it when i turn right it seems to start but it sometimes does it without the turning
Read more: Honda Fit front ride side noises?
Is it bad to use slap shift in a Honda prelude?
Is it bad to use slap shift in a Honda prelude?
Read more: Is it bad to use slap shift in a Honda prelude?
91 accord coupe quarter glass help?
Hello I have a 1991 honda accord coupe. Im replacing the latches in the quarter panel glass because they are leaking. But there are two plastic clips that hold in the front of the glass to the body of the car. Mine disintegrated when I undid the screws. Does anyone know where I can get some replacement clips? I have looked everywhere and cant find them. They seem hard to find. I can post pictures of one I have if need be. Thanks for looking!
Read more: 91 accord coupe quarter glass help?
Can my car be short circuited?
I took off the positive side of the car battery and I was trying to turn it on but forgot that it was off. Clicking to turn it onIy then realized and replaced it back to the battery. When I did that I noticed that my dash instrument cluster went freaky.
Nothing is reading as it should. Like gas or the temp. Not even my speedometer works. Now noticing not even the lights in the cluster works.
The only reason why I haven t took off the negative is cause it was fastened down and couldn t gotten it moved.
Can anyone tell me what may have happen and how to fix?
Thanks for reading
It s a 1993 Honda Accord EX
Read more: Can my car be short circuited?
OK, What is the market value for a 2004 Honda Accord EX with 94,000 km on it?
Silver color and kilometer odo are actual. I paid C$8,000.00
Read more: OK, What is the market value for a 2004 Honda Accord EX with 94,000 km on it?
How much worth is a 2006 Honda CRV with 150K miles on it?
How much worth is a 2006 Honda CRV with 150K miles on it? - 1
Read more: How much worth is a 2006 Honda CRV with 150K miles on it?
Why did Honda discontinue the CR-X and the Civic 4dr Wagon?
Why did Honda discontinue the CR-X and the Civic 4dr Wagon?
Read more: Why did Honda discontinue the CR-X and the Civic 4dr Wagon?
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
How much does it cost to full up a whole gas tank up for a honda?
How much does it cost to full up a whole gas tank up for a honda? - 1
Read more: How much does it cost to full up a whole gas tank up for a honda?
My cars (2003 Honda accord EX 4 cyl) RPM is really low when my car is idle and makes my car shake?
When driving the RPM will also lock up or drop low randomly and make my car shake, like it doesn't want to go. Yesterday I was on the highway and the RPM was stuck barely above 2,000 when I was going almost 75-80 MPH which is usually at almost 3,000. It felt like my car didn't want to go much faster than that.
Read more: My cars (2003 Honda accord EX 4 cyl) RPM is really low when my car is idle and makes my car shake?
Poor pick up on my Honda CD125K?
I am in the process of restoring an old honda CD125K. Bike doesn t have CDI, and runs on points. I have changed the oil, fixed a new carburetor with a new air cleaner, new spark plugs, etc. But it has very poor pick up on the 1st gear… Engine revs very well but the pick up is really bad. How do i improve this? Please help
Read more: Poor pick up on my Honda CD125K?
Honda accord '91 window won't go up, help?
Honda accord '91 window won't go up, help?
Added (1). The window in the drivers seat won't go up correctly. Basically when you try to roll it up there's always a slight gap in the alignment of the door frame and where the window is supposed to be. When you roll it down, however, it's just fine. Any solutions to this annoying problem? Thanks a bunch (:
Read more: Honda accord '91 window won't go up, help?
Added (1). The window in the drivers seat won't go up correctly. Basically when you try to roll it up there's always a slight gap in the alignment of the door frame and where the window is supposed to be. When you roll it down, however, it's just fine. Any solutions to this annoying problem? Thanks a bunch (:
Read more: Honda accord '91 window won't go up, help?
How much horse power dose a 98 honda civic ex have?
How much horse power dose a 98 honda civic ex have?
Read more: How much horse power dose a 98 honda civic ex have?
Is a 2009 Honda Accord coupe with 110k miles for $9,000 a good buy?
Is a 2009 Honda Accord coupe with 110k miles for $9,000 a good buy?
Read more: Is a 2009 Honda Accord coupe with 110k miles for $9,000 a good buy?
Read more: Is a 2009 Honda Accord coupe with 110k miles for $9,000 a good buy?
Car trouble with a honda accord 2001?
I have a 2001 Honda accord and my car jerks sometimes and when it does it sometimes act like it's going to cut off but thank God it doesn't. If you don't know what wrong with it can you please tell me where I can take it to get checked out. Thank you so much
Read more: Car trouble with a honda accord 2001?
Thoughts on the new 2016 Mazda 6?
I m a new college graduate and am thinking about buying a new 2016 Mazda 6. I just wanted to know how reliable and dependent the new generation (3rd generation) of mazdas are? It looks very nice aesthetically inside and outside. I m thinking about the new Honda Accord or the Mazda, but the Mazda looks nicer in my opinion. So what are your thoughts on the car, and it s reliability. If anyone knows any problems plaguing Mazda, please let me know.
Read more: Thoughts on the new 2016 Mazda 6?
Radiator fan only turns on when my car is off?
I'm going to a mechanic tomorrow, but I'd like to have an idea of what the problem is before I go in, so they don't overcharge me for repairs I don't really need.
I have a 1992 honda accord. It has a lot of problems, but has been, for the most part, drivable. I've had problems with the fan in the past; it doesn't turn on when my a/c is on, so my car will overheat. I pretty much just ignored that though (would rather save money for a new car than spend it on a repair that isn't 100% necessary) so I just dont use the a/c. But today, I noticed my car overheating while driving. A/c was not on. So I pulled over, checked the antifreeze, etc. After playing around with it for a bit, I noticed that the radiator fan only turns on once the car is off. So the fan itself is still functional, and when the car is off, it recognizes that it's too hot. But when the car is on, the fan will not turn on, no matter how hot it gets. What do you think could be the problem?
Read more: Radiator fan only turns on when my car is off?
What to do if you overfill transmission fluid in a Honda odyssey van?
What to do if you overfill transmission fluid in a Honda odyssey van?
Read more: What to do if you overfill transmission fluid in a Honda odyssey van?
Read more: What to do if you overfill transmission fluid in a Honda odyssey van?
Monday, May 25, 2015
What happens if I do not avoid potholes when I am riding the 2012 Honda CBR250R sport bike motorcycle?
What happens if I do not avoid potholes when I am riding the 2012 Honda CBR250R sport bike motorcycle? - 1
Read more: What happens if I do not avoid potholes when I am riding the 2012 Honda CBR250R sport bike motorcycle?
Buying a used car and looking for some honest mechanical advise?
Long story short, I'm a college student on a tight budget. This week I need to find a new car and am between a 2005 Honda Civic with 104,000 miles on it and a 2003 Chevy Malibu with 57,000 on it. Both cars are free of rust and I'm going to have them checked by a mechanic of my choice before purchase.
I'm leaning towards the Honda since I've been told they are such reliable cars. Both are within the same price range.
I'm really looking to know which of these cars will last longer and give me the most for my money.
Added (1). Both of the cars will cost between 4500-5000. I haven't yet tried haggling, due to the fact that it's holiday weekend.
Added (2). The Malibu has a clean carfax and the Honda has records showing oil has been changed + Timing Belt
Read more: Buying a used car and looking for some honest mechanical advise?
I have a 99 honda accord lx shifting issues?
I have a 1999 honda accord lx 4 cyl V-Tec engine i was having some issues with the car running rough i have to fix the TPS after i fixed that the car ran great for like 8 hrs shifted slighted rough nothing bad then at one point i got into the car started it let it warm a little bit pulled off from the curb and it wont go into second gear its like a false neutral, the code p1738 came up at one point while fixing the throttle could the problem im having be the 2nd 3rd clutch pressure switch?
Read more: I have a 99 honda accord lx shifting issues?
Singapore: Why are Volkswagen cars are a lot more expensive than Toyota and Honda?
In Europe the price is nearly similar.
Read more: Singapore: Why are Volkswagen cars are a lot more expensive than Toyota and Honda?
Engine build ideas for my 97 Honda Accord? I know 300+ horses is a bit of a longshot but?
I have all the mods that I need to support a turbo. I know the stock f22b2 block can handle up to 10psi and around 300 hp on stock internals. My F22b2 engine I have been working on was rebuilt with forged internal components for future boosting. My question is should I use my modded f22b2 head or go for a vtec and DOHC like the H22/H23?
Mods on my current F22b2 setup:
Forged pistons and steel rods
Performance valves and springs,
H23a intake manifold, 550cc injectors and aem fuel rail
All my pre-boost upgrades are for the F22b2 engine build. So if I swapped to a H series engine I would have to buy those supporting mods again to accommodate for a turbo later on. Maybe a G22 build? A modded F22B2 block with a F23 head on it? This is my daily driver and need reliability like I have with the current f22b2 that is in my accord (305k miles strong) What do you think would be the best combination for reliability and will hold up alot of boost later?
I would like to reach atleast 300 horses after adding turbo and a tune. If that can't be done with my current f22b2 build let me know what I need to do to reach my goal.
Read more: Engine build ideas for my 97 Honda Accord? I know 300+ horses is a bit of a longshot but?
Where can I find a good reference for how to change my Honda cb500 Four motorcycle oil and filter?
I have a 1973 (i think) Honda cb500 motorcycle and want to change the oil and filter but am unsure of how.
Read more: Where can I find a good reference for how to change my Honda cb500 Four motorcycle oil and filter?
Front wheel doesn't rotate freely in new bike?
Front wheel doesnt rotate freely in honda shine dx with cbs disc brake which is only 3 days old.
Is it normal for wheels with disc brakes to rotate slightly sticky or is it a faulty brake assembly? I am very confused because front wheel doesn't freely like rear wheel.
Service center is too far away from my home and the showroom guys says brake condition is normal.
Read more: Front wheel doesn't rotate freely in new bike?
What's the difference between an I4 snd a V6 engine?
What's the difference between an I4 snd a V6 engine? I'm looking at used Honda and Toyota SUV cars online, specifically Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4, 4Runner and preferably AWD, or FWD, 4WD, whatever… My last car that died, was a '95 Honda Accord which I believe had a V6 engine but could be wrong. But now when looking at these SUV cars online, a lot say I4 which I have NO CLUE about. Any help would be greatly appreciated! To give you an FYI of my driving, I do admit to driving a little over the speed limit. I do not only highway but city driving too and also hope to do driving in other types of terrain like rocky areas or snow… So details please, what is the difference between the two?
Added (1). I4 AND a V6 engine… Not snd a*
Added (2). What would you recommend given my FYI on my driving, given I'm a little bit of a speeder LOL and the types of areas I'd be driving in?
Read more: What's the difference between an I4 snd a V6 engine?
I'm getting a metal grinding sound on my right front wheel when I turn left. What might this indicate?
2001 honda accord. Brakes have been grinding a little and I may need to replace them soon. However, separately there is a horrible grinding noise coming from the right front wheel. But only when I turn hard left.
Any ideas? I just had both ball joints replaced.
Read more: I'm getting a metal grinding sound on my right front wheel when I turn left. What might this indicate?
Any ideas? I just had both ball joints replaced.
Read more: I'm getting a metal grinding sound on my right front wheel when I turn left. What might this indicate?
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Honda bros or yamaha tzr?
should I buy a honda nxr bros 125 08 or a yamaha tzr 125 deltabox 92 that has a racing axhaust and oversized piston and new racing carburettor and filter and sprockets and the motor was newly built by a racing shop
Read more: Honda bros or yamaha tzr?
New lawn mower pull cord will not pull out fully?
Today we purchased a Troy-bolt TB130 160cc Honda engine push mower with an auto joke system. When we went to pull the start pull cord all it does it give a little slack and then completely locks up. If we slowly pull it wait for it to lock give a little back and slowly pull again more come out. What are wee doing wrong?
Read more: New lawn mower pull cord will not pull out fully?
Honda Civic. B-Series Swap or Turbo D-Series?
Honda Civic. B-Series Swap or Turbo D-Series?
Read more: Honda Civic. B-Series Swap or Turbo D-Series?
Is a 01 Honda Accord with 241k KM on it a good car?
There is some rust on it but the ad says its mechanically sound and its for $2000 apparently already reduced. Will b my 2nd car (old one is a 99 Grand AM) Or should I buy a 00 Neon Sedan with 240xxx km and i know nothing else about it (will find out more info on both, just wondering which is more reliable)
Read more: Is a 01 Honda Accord with 241k KM on it a good car?
Which truck is better? Pros and Cons?
I recently had some interest in getting a sporting truck, i already own a 2007 honda civic coupe V4 1.8L, and a 97 silverado 1500 V8 5.7L. My 2 options are a 2005 Chevy 1500 SS 6.0L and a 2005 Dodge Ram SRT-10 quad cab 8.3L what are the pros and cons for these 2 trucks?
Read more: Which truck is better? Pros and Cons?
Public transit. Are all you white collared imbeciles all so blind?
Let me start off by saying I m from Vancouver BC Canada. I really hope that this question is seen by others living in the region. You see we have a problem here, public transportation. It works great for you white collared folk. The type that goes to work in their clean fabric softened suit, with their cologne, and gets to "work" to sit on their computer (unless of course it is a tablet nowadays), chat at the water cooler, do their eight hours, go home and watch TV. You see though there is a big problem. Your office wasn t just beamed their by a computer code, or a marketing presentation, or whatever non producing cog in the economy thing you people "work" with on a daily basis. It was built by the trades and you see, the trades and public transport just don t mix. How are we supposed to bring our circ-saws, recips, lumber, ratchets, sockets, wrenches, drivers, impacts etc on a ****in bus? Yet you all seem to believe that the city doesn t need cars, hell you seem to think it s the 18th century and we should hop on our God-forsaken bicycles. What is wrong with you people? Are you all so blind? Your one sided vision for the the future will only lead to a contraction in the economy! I am sure that this is one thing that both strikes us badly. How will your beautiful corner 20th story office be built if the carpenter can t reach downtown from White Rock without paying a toll? Let me guess, he should move downtown right? Well let s see, the carpenter…
Added (1). asd
Added (2). makes a fraction of what you do, working on your keyboard all day attempting to mitigate the costs associated with the construction of the tower. The aviation mechanic makes pennies on the ticket price the airline charges for your trip to Hawaii the carpenter could never afford. The auto mechanic is still trying to piece together his 1999 Honda Civic by working on your "hard earned" BMW 7 Series. This bundled together with the fact that the only affordable municipality to reside in is…
Added (3). South of the Fraser, and now we will be tolled to get our equipment to and from work? All due to that fact that it is our fault for not taking the bus? But wait, you will replace the four lane aging Patullo Bridge with a brand spanking new FOUR lane Patullo bridge? Are you ****in kidding me? But wait, this "new" bridge will be tolled! So now we can take the Alex Fraser and clog up your precious highway system to the Downtown core (because let's face it a daily commute over the upcoming…
Added (4). Massey Bridge, "new Patullo Bridge" and Portmann (At least the former and latter were a TRUE investment in the future development of the region) will be to much to absorb), and you can deal with All OF US! I mean let's be honest here, all you office junkies are making a hefty salary, are you really taking a bus? I know the mayors aren't I know my lawyer isn't I know my accountants aren't why are you so different? If you haven't noticed yet, this isn't really a question, it is more of a rant.
Added (5). to all of you! I can't believe how blind you all are. The world doesn't revolve around keyboards, power-points and laser pointer lead presentations. It revolves around production, construction and consumption, and all you people do is consume. You can consume on your bus and bike all day long, but I tell you, if you think that your Rapid Transport strategies will work than you and me both will face the wrath of the 2030 Vancouver economy but atleast I will still have my job…
Added (6). , after all when everything goes to ****, you still have to **** don't you? Except only we know how to fix your toilet, car, plane, house, tower, road, only we know how to extract the resources and move them for your consuming pleasure. We can do without marketing consultants, accountants, and whatever stupid title you give your "job". Financial districts crash and burn but the trades are always open for business, I wonder why that is. Dear White Collared ****tard…
Added (7). who lusts for a bicycle utopia, I beg of you, go **** yourself.
Read more: Public transit. Are all you white collared imbeciles all so blind?
How would you put a bobber frame on a honda sl100?
I am thinking of getting a honda sl100 and put a bobber frame on it can anyone let me know what size I should get to weld me a homemade frame 
Read more: How would you put a bobber frame on a honda sl100?
Read more: How would you put a bobber frame on a honda sl100?
I bought a new manifold for my 2002 Honda Civic 4 door LX do I need the o2 censor for it?
The new manifold is a street header without the cat, but my old manifold had the top and bottom o2 censor. Well I be fine just leaving them out?
Read more: I bought a new manifold for my 2002 Honda Civic 4 door LX do I need the o2 censor for it?
Why do Honda JDM drivers think they are badass?
Well today I was behind a white Ferrari 458 Italia. When all of a sudden one of those Honda ppl pulled up trying to show off his souped up car. It was sad because he thought his Honda was better. I am just wondering why Honda drivers think their car is the best?
Read more: Why do Honda JDM drivers think they are badass?
How to trade cars in Oklahoma?
I'm looking to trade my GMC Sierra for a Honda Civic EX. I'm just not certain what type of documentation I need besides the title…
Read more: How to trade cars in Oklahoma?
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Is 157,986 good gas mileage for a 1997 honda accord?
Is 157,986 good gas mileage for a 1997 honda accord? - 1
Added (1). correction the car has been driven 157,986 miles that what the odo says is this good or bad or in between
Read more: Is 157,986 good gas mileage for a 1997 honda accord?
Why isnt my 1989 honda vtr 250 getting a spark?
I just bought a 1989 honda vtr 250 it has a strong crank like it wants to start but won't start. The battery was bad so I had to use a bigger battery from my dad's motorcycle and it would crank stron but still nothing. We took out the spark plug and put it in the wire and held it near frame and no spark at all while cranking, could it be a bad ignition coil,rectifier, or stator or what?
Read more: Why isnt my 1989 honda vtr 250 getting a spark?
Honda Fit Gas Mileage problem?
I hope some guys on here can help. I bought a 2013 Honda fit automatic which only had 11k miles on it. The car guzzles gas like there's no tomorrow. Tried fuel injection treatment, tire pressures good. No gas tank leaks. What could be going on? Thanks
Read more: Honda Fit Gas Mileage problem?
MFS: Did I do the right thing?
I was running at the park and I saw a Mexican chick breast feeding her baby. Then I noticed the baby was half-mallate and I became furious. I told her what the hell do you think your doing breeding with mallates, she became angry and defensive back and said how dare you. I told her that her baby will become a criminal when it grows up. She slapped me and I jumped up on the tree and landed a missle drop kick.
I got scared and fled. Hopped in my Honda Civic bumping to Luis Coronel, while drinking modelos. Did I do the right thing?
Read more: MFS: Did I do the right thing?
Driving car on D3 in the highway bad for engine?
I have a 2000 Honda Accord ex. Recently I have a vacumm issue while driving in d3 but not d4( not so far ) but I have driven the car on the highway in d3 several times because one of my friends who works on cars told me that it saves gas if I had done that and i was online and read that it's better for my car if I have start with d3 then shift it to d4. Stupid and I know not to believe everything I've read online. Anyway those trips are 30-40 miles and I driven it on d3 on the highway about 8 times. About an hour long trip each time. Did I do major damage to my car and is the vacuum problem because of my driving?
Read more: Driving car on D3 in the highway bad for engine?
What measurement can I use to calibrate the valve lash on a Honda accord 96 lx?
What measurement can I use to calibrate the valve lash on a Honda accord 96 lx?
Read more: What measurement can I use to calibrate the valve lash on a Honda accord 96 lx?
What is the towing capacity of a 98 honda odyssey?
What is the towing capacity of a 98 honda odyssey?
Read more: What is the towing capacity of a 98 honda odyssey?
2012 Honda Civic slow acceleration?
Last Sunday I bought a 2012 Honda Civic LX Coupe. My first car that I'm financing all on my own and I love it, but I've noticed that it seems a little slow to accelerate. My last car was an '03 Accord with a V6 and I'm not sure if I'm just still used to driving a car that's so fast or if I should be concerned. Everything besides that runs perfectly, its just that one thing. Has anyone else experienced this or know anything about it?
Read more: 2012 Honda Civic slow acceleration?
How to fix a '93 Honda Accord sunroof cover that is stuck open?
One day I opened it and it would not close no matter what. To clarify, it is NOT the glass part, only the cover that lets way too much sun into my car. I have tried manually opening and closing the sunroof to see if the cover would retract with it. I have also tried pulling and wiggling it side to side (which it will not do). Please help, I just want it closed.
Read more: How to fix a '93 Honda Accord sunroof cover that is stuck open?
Read more: How to fix a '93 Honda Accord sunroof cover that is stuck open?
Friday, May 22, 2015
What would cause my 2001 honda accord to just die while driving?
I have changed the ignition switch and it still dies at random and I have to wait a few mins for it to chank up again. Some times when I hit the panic button on my remote and then unlock the car with the remote it will start up and run fine for a while then do it again. Please help.
Read more: What would cause my 2001 honda accord to just die while driving?
So I have a Honda Accord 92. With new battery and starter. Still won't turn on?
So when my car stopped turning on I hit the starter a couple of times like my dad told me and it started. After a while this stopped working. I changed the starter myself. And it still wouldn't start. Only made a buzzing sound. My dad told everyone it was the battery so he bought a new one and we put it in. It did the same thing. I'm 17 years old. My dad said I needed to fix it. Trying to teach me to be responsible with my things. Please help
Read more: So I have a Honda Accord 92. With new battery and starter. Still won't turn on?
I have a 1997 Honda CRV. I just replaced the thermostat like 5 days ago. Radiators been flushed as well?
All the fluids are fresh and at the proper levels. There are no visible leaks of any kind of fluids but the car still overheats usually once its been driven for about 15-20 minutes. I take the radiator cap off and the coolant is not moving through the radiator. Would this be a water pump failure or could it be something else?
Read more: I have a 1997 Honda CRV. I just replaced the thermostat like 5 days ago. Radiators been flushed as well?
Honda Jazz wont take water in the water fill cap?
I recently purchased a Honda jazz 2005 mode from a garage, top condition. I'm going on a long journey tomorrow and routinely like I would with any car I checked the water and oil levels. (cold engine). Water level was halfway between min and max so I attempted to top it up with coolant mix, however, as in poured the h20/coolant mixture into the water tank it just came straight back up as though the tank was full, although I can see it's only half full. Any ideas?
Read more: Honda Jazz wont take water in the water fill cap?
Where is the fuel cock on my honda clone 4 stroke 40cc pocketbike?
I have found everything else except for it and i need it to be in the on position for the bike to start if you can please answer where its at and if possible give some links to some pics/refernces because my manual is very hard to read
Read more: Where is the fuel cock on my honda clone 4 stroke 40cc pocketbike?
2002 Honda 400ex Running bad poping and backfiring?
Ok so I had my 400ex taken to a mechanic and he cleaned and supposedly tuned the carb. The bike is stock except for the pro circut slip on exhaust. It ran kinda ok before I took it to go get tuned but the bike was a really slow on throttle response. It would bog on first a little and it would go away. Well any ways… So he supposedly tuned it and everything. When I tried out the bike it was running weird it sounded much louder from the engine. It also poped a lot! When I was in first gear it would pop a lot! It wouldn't really respond and sounds like it wants to die. Then once I get to 2 or 3rd gear it stops popping and runs normal. I'm guessing the bike is jetted incorrectly. It only pops when I give it throttle not when I let it go. When I snap the throttle it revs fine but when I hold it pops and it sounds horrible. And it doesn't blow out any smoke at all. When I hold the throttle is pops a lot and wont stop unless I stop reving the engine. And I took my lid of the air box and it was worse. What size jets would you recommend for my bike? I also want to run no air lid. And also what pilot jet size I heard the 42 pilot jet gets rid of bogs. What size main and pilot jets should I use and what position should I put the clip on for the needle and mixture screw setting. And my elevation where I live is about 3,000 to 5,000 feet of elevation. Thanks for any help! :)
Read more: 2002 Honda 400ex Running bad poping and backfiring?
Read more: 2002 Honda 400ex Running bad poping and backfiring?
Will thieves steal my $100 rims?
I am planning to buy new rims for my 2008 Honda Fit. I bought it used and the hubcaps don't look great. I plan to invest 4x $100 roughly.
Are thieves willing to steal these rims?
Read more: Will thieves steal my $100 rims?
I washed everything off under the hood of my 90 Honda Accord LX now it won't start?
I just purchased the car and it seems as though there was a oil leak at one point because everything was caked in grim and oil from the engine to the under carriage. I washed everything off under the hood with my house hose and baking soda a rag and tooth brush for hard to reach areas. I scrubbed the engine because it was black due to oil burning on it over a long period of time. It's now shiny and looks almost new but this morning I went to start the car and nothing. My neighbor came and gave me a jump it started right up but the second the jump cable was removed it just shut right back off tried again this time leaving cables on a bit longer but same thing it turned right back off with removal of cable. What could be wrong? Also my battery light is now on
Read more: I washed everything off under the hood of my 90 Honda Accord LX now it won't start?
Which tire would be the best for my car?
I currently drive a 2011 honda civic ex. My tires need to be replaced. These are only two tires that im planning on purchasing. The tires are dunlop sp sport signature or the cooper cs5 grand touring. Out of the two options, which tire would you recommend the best for my civic?
Read more: Which tire would be the best for my car?
2002 honda crv both fans not working?
2002 honda crv both fans not working?
Added (1). Both fans arent working. I checked the fuses and relays and theyre all fine.
I also checked the fans by running a wire from it to the battery and theyre both working
Any help?
Read more: 2002 honda crv both fans not working?
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Could I have prevented a broken radiator?
My 98 honda civic started running really hot Tuesday. At first I thought it was just when the a/c was on, but yesterday it almost over-heated even with it off. Today, I drove it a few blocks to the car mechanic, stopping the engine a couple times along the way to keep it from over-heating. Today, the mechanic says it's a broken radiator and will cost over $700 to repair.s there anything I could've done to prevent this? It does have alot of miles on it. I
Read more: Could I have prevented a broken radiator?
Are sport bikes a lot slower than super sport?
I used to have a honda cbr250 but sold it to pay for college. I want to get another bike after I graduate.
I was looking at the Honda Cbr500R and the Honda 600RR. Obviously the super sport has a 100cc bigger engine, but is it a lot faster than the 500R? Even more so than you would expect with the 100cc increase due to gear ratio's etc etc?
Read more: Are sport bikes a lot slower than super sport?
How to cope with this situation?
19… Got an average job no less than 2 months ago. Living with mom and brother still however she is on the verge of bankruptcy or she is already bankrupt not sure, all I know is that she can't afford the 3 cars that's she's paying for ( 2 Honda accords and a civic, late models 2013-14) and she's gonna lose two of them in two weeks. She might get to keep one I'm not sure don't have much info but does being bankrupt mean she's going to lose everything? I mean we live in a low incoming housing authority… Lived off food stamps which will be cut off soon maybe idk how it works
But I've lived in a way where I see money is everything, happiness or worthless at the same time but I try to be humble sometimes but I hate the fact that we're not "average" like we use to be. Personal problems I know that have been conflicts so far are my mothers previous gambling pit blend which she claims to have stopped going to the casino with her out of state boyfriend, And my youngest brother whom use to take up after me but became worse And had to be put in foster care now he's doing better but his life seems more content even though it's not the life that I would prefer to live because of social matters and whatnot but I have changed myself in ways I thought I couldn't have done so. As in quitting smoking and partyin and have been 3 months clean so far I've been working out for the past 3 years and have gains that can boost my confidence through a skyscraper, I'm in Tech college now
Read more: How to cope with this situation?
What's the oldest/cheapest honda civic I can get with front heated seats and Bluetooth?
I'm looking to buy a Honda Civic and I want the best deal I can get, but I'm looking for the car to last me a long time so if like some entertainment features like Bluetooth capabilities and heated seats (b/c Canada lol). I don't really care if it has navigation systems or not but I'm looking for an automatic sedan
Read more: What's the oldest/cheapest honda civic I can get with front heated seats and Bluetooth?
I'm thinking about getting a 2010 Honda Accord?
I need to know if these cars are reliable. Also I'm in high school and planning on putting some money into it for a new exhaust, air intake and rims.etc. Any suggestions?
Read more: I'm thinking about getting a 2010 Honda Accord?
Where can I buy a 12' open aluminium boat cover and or 9.9 Honda 4 stroke motor cover?
I have been looking all over for these two items but have yet to find a set of decent covers. I can find covers for boats but not for a 12' open boat with no window shield. I am preferably looking for an outboard cover that fits over the whole motor not just the hood.
Thanks in advance!
Read more: Where can I buy a 12' open aluminium boat cover and or 9.9 Honda 4 stroke motor cover?
Choppy, hesitant acceleration in 1995 Honda Odyssey?
This problem has been going on for about a month now. Frequently, when I accelerate from a complete stop or speed up after I get going the motor does accelerate smoothly. It will be sort of a choppy acceleration. Once I reach the speed I want the car runs and sounds very smooth without any choppiness. What could be wrong? Injectors? Spark Plugs? Ignition coil or wires?
Thanks for any help!
Read more: Choppy, hesitant acceleration in 1995 Honda Odyssey?
1994 WMX Husqvarna 125cc needs a crankshaft?
I have a 1994 WMX 125 (also referred to a CR 125, WXE 124, ect, ect) its a Husqvarna Cagiva
It seems finding a crankshaft for this bike even from 1991-1994 is next to impossible but I ve read that honda and husqvarna cagiva shared many dimensions within those years - I do believe the pistons interchange - so is there any chance that the crankshafts interchange?
Read more: 1994 WMX Husqvarna 125cc needs a crankshaft?
In a car, are ignition switch problems and distributor problems related at all?
In a car, are ignition switch problems and distributor problems related at all? - 1
Added (1). Quick background info: My 1998 Honda Accord was having issues where it would stall on the highway or while idle and then take forever to turn back on. It would turn over and over and over but not start. I took it to the mechanic and he was sure it was the distributor so he replaced it and sent me on my way. Problem wasn't fixed. Within a day I was back. He replaced the ignition switch this time and when I asked how much money I would get back now that he could put my old distributor back.
Added (2). He said that he couldn't put the distributor back because the problem would still be there if he did. He's implying that the problems are connected somehow. Is this valid at all? Any mechanics have any idea? Sounds like crap to me.
Read more: In a car, are ignition switch problems and distributor problems related at all?
What are the best tyres for fuel economy for a Honda Jazz/Fit?
What are the best tyres for fuel economy for a Honda Jazz/Fit?
Read more: What are the best tyres for fuel economy for a Honda Jazz/Fit?
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Is it ok to leave items in the trunk of a car?
I drive a 1999 Honda Civic and i was wondering is it okay to leave items like washer fluid or a case of water or anyone items (other than food) in the trunk. I do not have windows where you can see the trunk but i leave it outside of my house since there is no room in the garage and usually the temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius during the summer. Will it go bad or i should be fine?
Read more: Is it ok to leave items in the trunk of a car?
How to get to the fuse box on a 1984 Honda magna?
Recently bought a 1984 Honda magna when I first got it my buddy helped me jumped it it started then died I told him put the cables back on but he put the positive and negative cables backwards on my bike so not even jumping it will work i was told it might be a blown fuse but I have no idea where it is any help would be awesome thanks guys
Read more: How to get to the fuse box on a 1984 Honda magna?
Honda prelude runs bad stalls until the check engine light comes on then it's fine what could be wrong?
Honda prelude runs bad stalls until the check engine light comes on then it's fine what could be wrong? - 1
Read more: Honda prelude runs bad stalls until the check engine light comes on then it's fine what could be wrong?
I need some plans for a 15x20 Shed. ( 15 Wide 20 long )?
I need the shed to keep 3 3 Wheelers ( 2 Honda ATC 200x's And Honda ATC 250sx And 2 Dirt bike KX 125 and a KX 80 ) I also need to have enough room for a Tool Box and needs to be tall enough for extra storage space under the roof in the form of a small loft for engines and other junk. Would Perfer Metal Roof and a Wooden Frame. Would like it to be a little bit off ground but not much.
Give me whatever you got so can bounce ideas off of it. Thanks!
Read more: I need some plans for a 15x20 Shed. ( 15 Wide 20 long )?
I'm not sure what dirt bike I whant 2 stroke cr125 or Suzuki 2 stroke 125?
Need help its bettween Honda cr 125 or Suzuki rm 125 had to be 2 stroke
Read more: I'm not sure what dirt bike I whant 2 stroke cr125 or Suzuki 2 stroke 125?
I have a 2000 Honda civic with a d16y5 engine in it all I was wondering is what can I do with it mod wise?
I have a 2000 Honda civic with a d16y5 engine in it all I was wondering is what can I do with it mod wise?
Read more: I have a 2000 Honda civic with a d16y5 engine in it all I was wondering is what can I do with it mod wise?
Honda accord 2.3 liter timing belt jump what should I do?
Honda accord 2.3 liter timing belt jump what should I do?
Read more: Honda accord 2.3 liter timing belt jump what should I do?
Read more: Honda accord 2.3 liter timing belt jump what should I do?
P2195 code on 2003 Honda accord?
P2195 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
Read more: P2195 code on 2003 Honda accord?
Read more: P2195 code on 2003 Honda accord?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
How to tell if a 1999-2000 honda civic sir grille is aftermarket or original stock oem?
im buying a stock oem grille from someone, and i cant tell if its really stock oem or not
Read more: How to tell if a 1999-2000 honda civic sir grille is aftermarket or original stock oem?
Is it ok to add hydrolic oil to the front suspension of my honda xl125l?
The technician added hydrolic oil in the front suspension of my Honda xl125l. Since then am nolonger feeling comfortable raiding. What should I do or what should he ought to have done.
Read more: Is it ok to add hydrolic oil to the front suspension of my honda xl125l?
Car showing wrong mileage than actual, is it create the problem or how we solve the problem?
I bought used old car 2001 Honda accord from small dealer. At that time on car's meter is showing 149000 mileage, after I bought same time they did inspection, everything was fine. But one year later, I renewed my car's title, and I tried to inspection from auto shop. They told me your car showing wrong mileage than actual millage, I surprised. I knew the dealer where I bought, they told me false about car. Or they may changed car's meter or etc. What I have to do, I am worry, is it create problem to car inspection or pass? If I sell the car anybody, he can create problem for me, or talk the dealer where I bought. Or how I solve this problem?
Read more: Car showing wrong mileage than actual, is it create the problem or how we solve the problem?
Is it possible to change a honda 5 speed car into a 6 speed car? If so what would you need to do?
Is it possible to change a honda 5 speed car into a 6 speed car? If so what would you need to do? - 1
Read more: Is it possible to change a honda 5 speed car into a 6 speed car? If so what would you need to do?
In Wisconsin do you need a motorcycle license to ride an automatic motorcycle?
I want to buy a Honda ctx700 but I don't want to go through the hassle of getting the license.
Read more: In Wisconsin do you need a motorcycle license to ride an automatic motorcycle?
Should I buy a 2014 Mini Cooper or a 2014 Honda Accord?
Should I buy a 2014 Mini Cooper or a 2014 Honda Accord? - 1
Added (1). I Really want a Mini Cooper, but everyone is telling me that the accord is more reliable. I am a Student in college with a full-time job. I typically only drive to work, school, and sometimes to other "far" areas in the city, but never on road trips. Since this will be my first car that i'm paying for on my own, (my current one is going to my younger sibling), I just wanted to know which car is WORTH paying for for the next several years. Please list pros/cons & experiences. TY!
Read more: Should I buy a 2014 Mini Cooper or a 2014 Honda Accord?
How to tell if a turbo charger is good or not and what difference will it make?
i want to turbo charge my 1999 honda civic ex sedan with an automatic transmission
Read more: How to tell if a turbo charger is good or not and what difference will it make?
KTM 450 EXC 2016 Street Legal?
The KTM 450 EXC 2016 is one sexy bike, no doubt. But, even though it says Enduro, I do not see turn signals or mirrors. My dad wants to get this bike over the honda crf 250l. But he wants to see if it is street legal for CA. I just want to see if this bike can be made street legal. Yay or nae?
Read more: KTM 450 EXC 2016 Street Legal?
2003 Honda Accord V6- Dash lights & other problems?
When I bought the car a week ago, Check engine, abs, exclamation triangle and brake light was on. OBD2 scanner read, catalytic converter codes A1 and B1. Tried clearing would not clear. Came home, while physical checking, saw a power steering circuit wire, leading to ABS control module clip (coming off from side wire harness) connector was disconnected. Fixed the wire. My battery wire was removed. After fixing replaced battery connector, CEL gone. Car was kept running for an hour, CEL came on again, this time with oxygen sensor codes.
Now driving the car, about 50 miles CEL hasn't come back on, still reads not ready on OBD2 scanner, and still the TCS, ABS, BRAKE and exclamation triangle on.
Any ideas?
Second- my radio is making a screeching noise- any diagnosis? It looks apparent there was a sound system which was removed, could be a potential culprit. Checked radio connectors- all seem fine.
The central lock doesn't work, and the power lock button doesn't work.
Read more: 2003 Honda Accord V6- Dash lights & other problems?
Now driving the car, about 50 miles CEL hasn't come back on, still reads not ready on OBD2 scanner, and still the TCS, ABS, BRAKE and exclamation triangle on.
Any ideas?
Second- my radio is making a screeching noise- any diagnosis? It looks apparent there was a sound system which was removed, could be a potential culprit. Checked radio connectors- all seem fine.
The central lock doesn't work, and the power lock button doesn't work.
Read more: 2003 Honda Accord V6- Dash lights & other problems?
Monday, May 18, 2015
My 97 Honda civic temperature gauge goes up and down?
I changed the thermostat and its still doing that
Read more: My 97 Honda civic temperature gauge goes up and down?
Greasy Honda Civic Windows?
I have a 99 honda civic hatch CX, it's a 5 speed with power NOTHING except brakes (it does have cold A/C, thank god). Anyway, I am getting this terrible grease on the inside of the windows when rolled up and down (worse on the driver's side), very sticky and disgusting, fast orange will take it off with some work but ruins the tint, any idea on what is causing this? Thank you in advance.
Read more: Greasy Honda Civic Windows?
Get the current CBR250R or wait for the new one?
I'm planning on getting a CBR250R but Honda hasn't confirmed the launch of the new one. My sem break is next month and I had a lot planned for it (which includes a sport tourer:P ) so is it better to wait for the new one or go for the current one?
Read more: Get the current CBR250R or wait for the new one?
Did the stock oem 1999-2000 honda civic si type r grille come with the red honda badge in the middle?
Did the stock oem 1999-2000 honda civic si type r grille come with the red honda badge in the middle?
Read more: Did the stock oem 1999-2000 honda civic si type r grille come with the red honda badge in the middle?
How to fix cruise control on a '99 Honda Accord?
I have a 1999 Honda Accord LX, 4cyl, 4 door sedan, VTEC. After repair one day the cruise control didn't work anymore. It was so long ago I don't even remember which mechanic I saw.
There's a screw though on the side of the steering wheel where you can unplug the cruise control plug. Can I just buy a new one from the scrap yard or ebay, plug it in and it will function properly again?
Or is it more complicated than a simple electrical problem? I think the fuse that controls it works fine. Would I need to replace the entire steering wheel or something else underneath the hood?
Read more: How to fix cruise control on a '99 Honda Accord?
98 Honda Accord engine problem?
I have a 98 Honda accord, 64,000 miles. Yes I now its low mileage for an old car. Anyways I have noticed my tachometer and speedometer will drop to zero or close to it while driving and the engine will start to die or shut off. And the engine light will turn on. This is all while driving BUT it this all happens with in a second and the car turns back on and drive off like nothing happen. And the engine light turns off. It happens so fast that it took a few times to noticed. It happens only a few times but this never happened before.
Read more: 98 Honda Accord engine problem?
Should I trade in my car?
I financed a 2011 Honda Accord coupe ex-l with navi last year and I still owe about $20,000 on it with about 4 years left to pay it off. I love the car and all of its features, but my mistake was that I rushed into it and now I want the same car but manual transmission.
The dealer sent me a letter about a trade in offer (which I'm well aware of that it's a selling tactic) but I still became curious about the offer so I can see if it makes sense for me to do it in order to get the car I really want which is a manual transmission.
After getting the car praised, the dealer is offering me about 14k for the car. That means I'd be owing about 6k on the loan still. Would it make sense for me to finance a new 2015 Honda Accord ex-l coupe manual transmission car that goes for about 31k?
Also, would my credit score take a big hit?
Please advise,
Read more: Should I trade in my car?
Can Nissan compete with Toyota as a whole?
Let's say that Nissan bought Honda or at least 50 percent of Honda. Do you think that Nissan as the second biggest Japanese car brand would be able to top sales if you were mix it in with Honda's reliability and Nissan style in cars?
Read more: Can Nissan compete with Toyota as a whole?
Should I buy a late 90's/early 2000's Honda Civic, CR-V, or Integra?
Should I buy a late 90's/early 2000's Honda Civic, CR-V, or Integra?
Added (1). I'm young and I want a manual. I can get either of them from my mechanic. I probably won't be hauling a lot of cargo most of the time, but possibly friends.
Read more: Should I buy a late 90's/early 2000's Honda Civic, CR-V, or Integra?
1995 Honda accord front license plate bracket?
I have to install a front license plate bracket on my girlfriends 95 accord due to a fix it ticket she got recently for not having a front plate. My question is how? And what tools will I need. It doesn't have any pre drilled holes for a bracket. So I just want to make I'm doing this right and that the plate will be secure and won't fall off. Like I said, there are no holes present for a bracket and I doubt I could get behind the bumper to put a nut on any bolts.
Read more: 1995 Honda accord front license plate bracket?
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Car problem my engine bobs?
I have a 2001 honda civic and my engine bobs when it's on park I'm not sure if it's I mixed 87 gas & 91 gas but I want to know what's the sources that cause the engine to bog. Thank you please help don't want to take it to the shop
Read more: Car problem my engine bobs?
How much will it cost in labor to install new bumper cover?
I hit something and it made the left side of my bumper cover fall, and then the following day the other side fell. We popped it back into place temporarily but then when driving home the whole thing finally broke off. I have a 2003 Honda Civic EX so a bumper on EBay isn't expensive I just need to know an estimated labor cost to install it? I live in Houston. Also does anyone know any good collision shops in HTX that won't charge too crazy?
Read more: How much will it cost in labor to install new bumper cover?
If I buy a used 2008 Chevy Impala, Am I buying a piece of crap?
My first car Ive been recommended is a used impala or honda. I hate all the hondas Ive looked at but the Impala looks well taken care of. How are they over all? I know the older models had many problems, but will the 2008 break down a lot or cause problems?
Read more: If I buy a used 2008 Chevy Impala, Am I buying a piece of crap?
Can you drive the Honda grom with a moped license in New Jersey?
Can you drive the Honda grom with a moped license in New Jersey?
Read more: Can you drive the Honda grom with a moped license in New Jersey?
I have an a2-1 srs code on my 2007 Honda civic 4 door lx with srs light stays on. How to fix it?
I have an a2-1 srs code on my 2007 Honda civic 4 door lx with srs light stays on. How to fix it?
Read more: I have an a2-1 srs code on my 2007 Honda civic 4 door lx with srs light stays on. How to fix it?
What is the CC limit for not needing a motorcycle licence in Michigan?
I have a 70 cc Honda Mini Trail, and i was wondering if i needed a motorcycle licence for it
Read more: What is the CC limit for not needing a motorcycle licence in Michigan?
What is good about each car brand? Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and volkswagen?
I am buying a car soon and it will be a 2006 model. What is Toyota good for? Does it have the best safety? What about nissan? Honda? Volkswagen? What are the good and bad things about each brand?
Read more: What is good about each car brand? Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and volkswagen?
Why did a blue flasing light start flashing in my 2001 honda civic?
blue lite flashing on honda civic
Read more: Why did a blue flasing light start flashing in my 2001 honda civic?
Who makes the better Sedan? Honda accord or Toyota Camery?
Who makes the better Sedan? Honda accord or Toyota Camery? - 1
Read more: Who makes the better Sedan? Honda accord or Toyota Camery?
I have a 2015 Honda Civic LX and my key is stuck. How can I get it out?
I have a 2015 Honda Civic LX and my key is stuck. How can I get it out?
Added (1). It's stuck in the ignition and won't come out.
Read more: I have a 2015 Honda Civic LX and my key is stuck. How can I get it out?
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Which of these midsize sedans is best as a first car?
These are all 2003 models:
Honda Accord
Nissan Altima
Subaru Legacy
Toyota Camry
Volkswagen Passat
I hear the Accord is a very reliable car but I heard that the 2003 models were prone to transmission failures, so they should be avoided. Also, I hear Volkswagens cost a lot to maintain and repair. So, which one would you buy?
Read more: Which of these midsize sedans is best as a first car?
How does a sunroof in Honda Accord VI work?
Hi, first of all, sorry for any English mistakes that may appear on this question.
So, i was wondering if a sunroof in European version of Honda Accord VI (1998-2002) slips completely in, or just opens slightly, like in attached photo?
I'm talking about sedan, 2.0i ES
Read more: How does a sunroof in Honda Accord VI work?
So, i was wondering if a sunroof in European version of Honda Accord VI (1998-2002) slips completely in, or just opens slightly, like in attached photo?
I'm talking about sedan, 2.0i ES
Read more: How does a sunroof in Honda Accord VI work?
How much to sell used 2000 Honda Civic Si for?
I have a used Honda Civic Si that I am trying to sell. The engine is locked up so it needs a new one but otherwise is in good condition. Its a 5-speed manual and has 197,000 miles on it. New sound system, rear spoiler, and leather seats. What is a fair price to ask for it?
Read more: How much to sell used 2000 Honda Civic Si for?
When I mow on mulch, I get tons of grass clippings trailing behind. Why?
When I mow on mulch, I get tons of grass clippings trailing behind. Why? - 1
Added (1). I have a good Honda, self propelled mower, set to mulch. When I'm cutting I always end up with a think line of grass clippings in the lines of my tires. I then have to rake, which I shouldn't have to do.
Is there something wrong with my mower, or my technique? I've tried going slower, raising the height and nothing seems to work.
Read more: When I mow on mulch, I get tons of grass clippings trailing behind. Why?
I need head lights od honda civic model 2007, 2009?
i need head lights od honda civic model 2007, 2009
Read more: I need head lights od honda civic model 2007, 2009?
Which car is better for gas, horsepower, room, etc, Prius or Honda CR-Z?
Which car is better for gas, horsepower, room, etc, Prius or Honda CR-Z? - 1
Read more: Which car is better for gas, horsepower, room, etc, Prius or Honda CR-Z?
How to get the radio code for 2002 honda civic?
How to get the radio code for 2002 honda civic?
Read more: How to get the radio code for 2002 honda civic?
I want the email address of honda bike in kolkata?
I want the email address of honda bike in kolkata?
Read more: I want the email address of honda bike in kolkata?
Is my head gasket blown really blown?
Okay so the last Wednesday, I was driving and I noticed my temperature gauge go all the way to "H." So I pulled over and it stopped. I drove again and it didn't happen, but I took it to one mechanic and he didn't find anything wrong with my car to cause it to over heat. It was still full of water, coolant, etc. He didn't find why leaks or anything. I JUST got a new radiator, cap, thermostat, etc. Just last November(2014). So it's been over a week and the temperature hasn't gone up again. I'm about to go on a trip from Austin to Dallas and I got it checked by a different mechanic and he said what caused it was a blown head gasket. I don't see how the other mechanic wouldn't see that? I feel like I'm getting played because he's asking for $2500. Not doing that. Do you think my car is safe for this 224 mile drive? I don't want any problems on the road. I don't see any smoke or anything. I'm getting a new car so I just need it to get me there. Thank you! I have a 2004 Honda civic with 241k miles.(it's alot but I'm getting a new car soon!)
Read more: Is my head gasket blown really blown?
Friday, May 15, 2015
Side Mirror Glass Repair?
I hit my 2008 Honda CR-V today. One part of the damage is that the driver side mirror lost some glass. The glass will need to be replaced. How much does it usually cost to replace the just the glass? Thank you.
Read more: Side Mirror Glass Repair?
High Positive Pressure Observed when Opening Gas Cap?
Good Day,
I drive a 2008 Honda City 1.3L I-DSi. Recently I have observed when I open the gas cap, there is an excessive pressure present, and fumes of vapor is released out of the gas cap. I have read from forums that it's supposed to be a negative pressure sucking air in instead of a positive pressure.
Should I have my car seen by a mechanic or is it normal?
Read more: High Positive Pressure Observed when Opening Gas Cap?
Infinity g37x or v6 honda accord win in race?
Friends got a Honda and swears he can beat an infinity g37x but I just don't see it
Read more: Infinity g37x or v6 honda accord win in race?
Which of these cars is the best as a first car?
Acura TL
Audi A4
Honda Accord
Infiniti G
Lexus ES
Mercedes-Benz C-Class
Nissan Altima
Nissan Maxima
Subaru Legacy
Toyota Avalon
Toyota Camry
Which one is the best? If the model years matter, they are 2001-2003.
Read more: Which of these cars is the best as a first car?
Are the Honda CBR500R and CB500F good beginner bikes?
I weigh below 120lbs and most people tell me to start out on the Honda 300. But I'm afraid I'll grow out of it within three to six months. Maybe less than three. I've heard the Honda 500 still rides easy for beginners. It can also get up to highway speeds, 60-75mph without revving up to the red line. I feel if I get a 250cc or 300cc, I'll ruin the engine by traveling at high speeds. I live in a neighborhood just off a highway. What do you think? I think I could own the Honda 500 for up to a year, maybe 9 or 10 months and then trade it in for the Honda CBR600RR or the Honda Interceptor. If I start out on a bike that's powerful but still very manageable and controllable for a beginner, I could progress to a high cc bike very fast. In the end I will definitely want the Honda CBR1000RR and a Harley cruiser. P.S. I took a look at Suzuki, Yamaha and Kawasaki bikes, I liked Honda the most for every bike they had. From the 250cc's to the 1000 cc's. I like Honda motorcycles.
Read more: Are the Honda CBR500R and CB500F good beginner bikes?
I have a 1997 Honda CRV all wheel drive. And it keeps overheating?
I have checked all of the fluids and they are full. There are no leaks from the radiator or hoses, the antifreeze is full and the car keeps overheating. I haven't replaced the thermostat yet but is there something else that I am NOT checking that could cause it?
Read more: I have a 1997 Honda CRV all wheel drive. And it keeps overheating?
Should a timing belt, tensioner and drive belt replacement for a Honda Accord cost 1286?
Should a timing belt, tensioner and drive belt replacement for a Honda Accord cost 1286?
Read more: Should a timing belt, tensioner and drive belt replacement for a Honda Accord cost 1286?
Is US $1,500 fair for Honda Civic 2000 with over 240,000 mileage?
Is US $1,500 fair for Honda Civic 2000 with over 240,000 mileage? - 1
Read more: Is US $1,500 fair for Honda Civic 2000 with over 240,000 mileage?
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Is it my fuel pump or main relay?
My car sometimes dies out while driving and won t start but after I let it set for awhile it ll start. It also does it sometimes when I make a quick stop to a store. It s not every time I drive it. When this happens, the check engine light comes on and the fuel pump doesn t kick on and the main relay doesn t click. I ve been having this problem for almost a year and the mechanics can t seem to figure it out.
Does it sound like the fuel pump or main relay?
Will the main relay stop working if the pump is bad?
It s a 1998 Honda Civic LX
Read more: Is it my fuel pump or main relay?
Is there anyway I can prevent rock chips?
Probably a dumb question.
I recently purchased a 2012 Honda Accord, I've had it for about a month and every time I wash it, there is a new scratch or rock chip on the hood and it's really annoying.
Just wondering if there is anything I can do?
And what's my best bet for touch up paint to cover up the small rock chips? They drive me crazy. My 1999 integra doesn't even have any of these scratches or rock chips.
Thanks in advance.
Read more: Is there anyway I can prevent rock chips?
What is the current value of a Honda cb750 f2n 1992 model?
What's the average value of the above bike? Full mot, 44k miles, reasonably good on a cosmetic level.
Read more: What is the current value of a Honda cb750 f2n 1992 model?
Handbrake problem on Honda Jazz?
The handbrake on a 2005 Honda Jazz is acting strange.
Whenever I am at biting point with the handbrake fully in place, the car will start to move forward regardless of the action of the handbrake.
Also when the car is on an incline of any kind the handbrake is very weak and will not hold the car in order for me to get to the bite and make progress. At times this can be very scary especially when there is a lot of traffic behind.
I don't know why this is happening or what it could be but the car has about 90,000 miles on the clock.
Any ideas?
Read more: Handbrake problem on Honda Jazz?
Can i fit tweeters from a 1999 honda civic coupe to a 1999 honda civic sedan?
Can i fit tweeters from a 1999 honda civic coupe to a 1999 honda civic sedan?
Added (1). oem tweeters
Read more: Can i fit tweeters from a 1999 honda civic coupe to a 1999 honda civic sedan?
Too many Kilometers on a 2004 Honda Civic?
I'm looking at one listed for $3500, but it has 221000 Kilometers on it(Approx 137000 Miles.
Worthy purchase for a first car, or no?
Added (1). Comes inspected, no rust, looks like it's in excellent condition from the pictures I've seen.
Added (2).
Read more: Too many Kilometers on a 2004 Honda Civic?
Why does my car jerk to the right when I hit a bump on the right side?
Recently changed my rotors on a 93 honda accord which requires removing the entire steering knuckle. Replaced the bearings as well and changed the outer tie rods for the second time in less than a year because they wouldn't screw back on. It has NOT been aligned again since. I don't suspect alignment because it doesn't pull when driving on smooth roads. It only jerks to the right when I hit a bump or pot hole with the right front tire. Stabilizer links in good shape. All suspension less than a year old except the inner tie rods. I suspected faulty outer tie rods but I dont experience much play when I jack it up and try to turn the tire manually. The car is not lowered or raised. It has gotten worse and I'm afraid to drive fast or let my wife drive at all. I'm taking it to my father in-law's work for him to check it out Monday. Not sure if I should even wait that long. Any ideas?
Read more: Why does my car jerk to the right when I hit a bump on the right side?
How to restore power to my motorcycle?
I have an '85 Honda rebel and it doesn't power on when I turn the key - no light or anything. The battery seems fine (reading 12.4) and the fuses all have continuity. I am pretty clueless when it comes to.working on motorcycles, especially when it comes to electrical work. Any suggestions?
Read more: How to restore power to my motorcycle?
Read more: How to restore power to my motorcycle?
Cost for custom built exhaust Honda NSC50R motor bike?
Hi, I want someone to build me a custom built exhaust for my moped and was wondering how much it would cost. It is a Honda NSC50R 4 stroke moped. Also, do you know how much the speed will increase with it? Thank you
Read more: Cost for custom built exhaust Honda NSC50R motor bike?
Read more: Cost for custom built exhaust Honda NSC50R motor bike?
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
2005 Honda Civic running hot after replacing the radiator, heater core, and thermostat?
Things I've noticed.
It running hot is directly tied to me turning the heater and AC on. Usually turning the heater on would cool the engine down, but it makes the temperature spike.
I replaced the heater core because it was leaking and I smelled antifreeze when the AC was on.
The radiator is brand new.
I've straight wired both fans to the battery.
Please help me.
Read more: 2005 Honda Civic running hot after replacing the radiator, heater core, and thermostat?
Have a 09 Lifan 200gy dual sport but what Honda model is it based off?
Looking to get some different parts but its very difficult to do so cause not many sell Lifan parts and especially the ones that I need. Hoping to find out what Honda model and year its based off and seeing if I can get the parts needed.
Read more: Have a 09 Lifan 200gy dual sport but what Honda model is it based off?
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